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208. What If You Could Open Any Door?

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Release Date: 05/14/2024

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The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Do you constantly judge your body? What if, rather than choosing from conflict with your body, you talked to your body and chose in communion with it? In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas encourages us to be more in communion with our bodies. When Simone started with Access Consciousness 23 years ago, she was really interested in the questions and the information and the processing and not so into Bars and body work. At the time, her body was annoying to her. She thought she could move so much faster if it wasn't for her body. It's taken her a long time to chip away at...

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The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Is there something you’ve been talking about wanting to do but not actually doing it? This episode of Choice, Change and Action, is an excerpt from a zoom Simone recently facilitated for everyone on her telegram thread where she guides you through some key topics to open new doors in your life. You need to choose your life from your choice; not from necessity and not for anything or anybody else, including other people’s definitions and points of view of you.  What is it you would like to ask for? What door would you like to open? Keys to success What Is It You Would Like To Ask For?...

208. What If You Could Open Any Door? show art 208. What If You Could Open Any Door?

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

How many projects and conversations are you not choosing, and not opening that door, based on what you’ve decided the outcome is going to look like? How many doors are you not opening because you have no idea what it is going to look like?  In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas discusses key concepts in opening doors to possibilities.  Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. There is no wrong choice, there is no right choice. When you choose from the place of what is lighter in your world, everything is about what will create greater. What if...

207. Leading Yourself First show art 207. Leading Yourself First

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

We go through life thinking control is going to gain something for us, but in truth, it's the opposite. What question can you be that allows a different possibility to show up? In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas speaks with Carolyn Sinclair about the qualities of a true leader. Most people think leadership is about control; controlling people, controlling situations, and so on. What if true leadership was about being in the question, listening to the whispers, making choices, allowance and empowerment?  And what if it’s about leading yourself first? If you are...

206. Are You Being True To You? show art 206. Are You Being True To You?

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Are you choosing what is true for you or are you choosing what is true for others? This episode of Choice, Change and Action, is an excerpt of a zoom that was held for Access Consciousness Facilitators in the Americas. Join Simone Milasas as she goes through some examples of how choosing for you not only creates greater, but allows other people to choose for themselves too. Choice is not about making the right choice, or getting permission to choose, or only choosing when something else occurs first, like having enough money. As long as you are trying to control your choices, you will have a...

205. Let’s Choose With The Earth show art 205. Let’s Choose With The Earth

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Does your body crave nutrient rich food grown in soil with soul?  We've got to stop being consumers and start being producers. We need to create a different reality to what we are living, because we are poisoning ourselves. A lot of people will take from Mother Earth, and we just need to start giving back to her. If you give back to her more, she is going to look after us. In honour of Earth Day, Choice, Change and Action is presenting people throughout April who play with the Earth. In this episode Simone Milasas talks with her gardeners, Wil and Diogo, about Syntropics, Food Forests,...

204. Are You Being Curious With the Earth? show art 204. Are You Being Curious With the Earth?

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Do you envy people who live in a beautiful natural setting with fresh air, no other humans nearby, growing your own food and being totally off the grid? It’s not luck. It’s a choice. You can actually start to cultivate this anywhere, just by being curious with the Earth and starting; even with just one pot where you grow your own food. In honour of Earth Day, Choice, Change and Action is presenting people throughout April who play with the Earth. In this episode Simone Milasas talks with Shaun & Sam Sargent who live on an isolated property in Australia, growing the majority of their...

203. Did You Ever Desire to Create a Forest? show art 203. Did You Ever Desire to Create a Forest?

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Have you ever desired to create something that will last beyond your lifetime?   In honour of Earth Day, Choice, Change and Action is presenting people throughout April who play with the Earth. In this episode Simone Milasas talks with Sul Wynne-Jones who is currently regenerating a local rainforest; something where the effects probably won’t be seen for a few hundreds years, and he loves it! For so many people, when they go into a forest, there is a different energy available in their body; you get that sense of relaxation and that energetic contribution. The forest is something...

202. What Is The Earth Showing You? show art 202. What Is The Earth Showing You?

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

What if you allowed yourself to be with Earth in a different way? What could you receive from the Earth?  In honour of Earth Day, throughout April, Simone Milasas will be interviewing a range of people who play with the Earth. In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone talks with Monica Gillam about plants, nature and the beauty of the Earth and what it can show us. The Earth is very willing to be kind to you and not judge you. It’s inviting us energetically and physically into being alive. Are you actually living or are you just getting by and trying to do the right thing...

201. It’s Not Bad to Ask For More! show art 201. It’s Not Bad to Ask For More!

The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Do you have debt that you are ignoring; hoping and praying it will go away all by itself? You are not alone. In fact, Simone used to do that too. In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, the tables are turned and Katarina Wallentin is interviewing Simone Milasas about debt and what it took for Simone to come out of $187,000 debt.  Anything you are willing to look at can change. The only prerequisite in creating your life is the willingness to look at everything. That avoidance that we do with certain things is one of the biggest hurdles in our way. When you be you, the world desires...

More Episodes

How many projects and conversations are you not choosing, and not opening that door, based on what you’ve decided the outcome is going to look like? How many doors are you not opening because you have no idea what it is going to look like? 

In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas discusses key concepts in opening doors to possibilities.

 Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. There is no wrong choice, there is no right choice. When you choose from the place of what is lighter in your world, everything is about what will create greater. What if you never, ever judged your choice again? 

 It's not about trying to find people to align and agree with you. You have to be okay with what you are choosing. It's about being greater every single day, being better every single day. Be proud of your choices. 

 Daily Questions

  • "Will this create something greater?" 
  • "Will this add to my life?" 
  • “What is lighter in my world?”
  • “What hurdles can I jump over today?”
  • “What doors can I open today?"
  • “What would it take for me  to outcreate myself today?" 

 Useful Links:

 Follow Simone Milasas

 Play with Simone Milasas

 As Mentioned In This Episode