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Go See a Star War

The American Mind

Release Date: 05/09/2024

Sinking Parties… and Piers show art Sinking Parties… and Piers

The American Mind

The Libertarian Party has rejected RFK in favor of a no-name candidate, Chase Oliver—but he’s a far cry from Libertarians of old. Meanwhile, the US military-built aid pier on Gaza’s coast was hit by harsh seas and will become an artificial reef if not repaired soon, shining a light on the degradation of the military’s infrastructure capabilities. Finally, old recognizes old as the Biden admin trots out Robert De Niro for its latest display of irrelevant celebrities. The editors analyze the headlines before reminding you to read the damn site.   Recommended reading:

A Dangerous Empire to Lose show art A Dangerous Empire to Lose

The American Mind

Scarlet Johansson is "shocked" and "angered" that even though she declined to voice ChatGPT 4.0, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman seems to have plugged an imitation of her voice into the software. And you thought Her was fiction. Meanwhile, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been confirmed dead after his Vietnam-era helicopter crashed, plunging Iran—already in a precarious political position—into an even more uncertain future. What is the U.S.'s position in all this, and how can we play the bad hand we find ourselves holding? Finally, who could forget that Donald Trump is on trial in New York?...

Borg Scouts show art Borg Scouts

The American Mind

The Boy Scouts abandoned manly virtue for DEI and participation medals long ago. This killed enrollment numbers, but the Scouts are doubling down, rebranding to “Scouting America” and advertising their willingness to accept boys and girls (and presumably enbies) just as they are. Meanwhile, Biden’s particular brand of senile venom was on full display when he crossed himself in the name of abortion. In more heartening news, The Guardian's attempt to dox formerly anonymous X poster “Lomez” seems to have backfired spectacularly. The editors read between the lines, before reminding you...

Go See a Star War show art Go See a Star War

The American Mind

Filled with apparent panic at Biden's low standing among "the youth," the Administration pulled out all the stops this week with a press conference featuring...Mark Hamill? Was that the best they could do? Maybe, as student riots and protests continue to emphasize Biden's rowdy kids problem--not that the Right is quite sure how to respond to campus antisemitism, either. Elsewhere in academia, the rolling replicability crisis continues apace, indicating once again that data worship is a mistake. The editors survey the landscape of new age Star-Wars-ism, free speech unease, and COVID-style...

Baptism by Gatorade show art Baptism by Gatorade

The American Mind

As the global intifada marshals its ranks across American campuses, bemused observers are wondering what exactly the protestors want, and whether they'll show up at the DNC this year. Meanwhile, a group called Catholic Answers created and then promptly "defrocked" an "Al Priest" who took a hard line on matters of sexuality but proved remarkably lax in the baptism department. Given that Al language models and image creation tools are being trained on troves of unvetted data from the internet--some of it including child pornography--we might not want to ordain them as our priests. The editors...

Non-Player Radio show art Non-Player Radio

The American Mind

A double-header in Congress this week as Mike Johnson's House passes a foreign aid package with help from Democrats, and the Senate confirms that China's ByteDance will have to sell TikTok to an American company or face exile from the app store. Meanwhile, NPR's new CEO is not only a sinister AWFL censorship enjoyer but a color revolutionary to boot. Is the Right heading off the West's demise at the past, or only just waking up to realize it's already happened? Plus: Trump faces trial for trying to influence an election he was...running in. Would a conviction really be all that bad for him...

The Unprotected Class ft. Jeremy Carl show art The Unprotected Class ft. Jeremy Carl

The American Mind

Jeremy Carl, Claremont Senior Fellow and author of The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart, joins the editors to discuss the book and the evidence it provides that white people have become objects of state-sanctioned hatred in America. Meanwhile, the movie Civil War is out, and there's not much more to it than the viral trailer. But there's some hilarious posturing on behalf of journalists, which is always good for a laugh. Plus: are mopey dorm-room-style protestors at Google harbingers of the Left's future? The editors zero in on the real issues before reminding...

Trump’s Path of Totality show art Trump’s Path of Totality

The American Mind

The numbers are in, and they aren’t good. Recent inflation exceeded expectations, and even that doesn’t fully capture the pain felt by everyday Americans. Meanwhile, much of the US bore witness to the primal wonder of the cosmos during Monday’s total eclipse. As “The Science” becomes increasingly shamanistic, the world becomes more and more enchanted—but what you make of it depends on where you stand. The difference in lived and reported experiences seems to be manifesting in voters as the election season spools up and cracks deepen in the Democrat Party over the question of...

Scams' Day of Visibility show art Scams' Day of Visibility

The American Mind

Liturgical calendar printer go brrrrrr as the Trans Day of Visibility falls this year on Easter Sunday--and Biden's Twitter handlers clearly had no trouble deciding which should win out. Meanwhile Amazon has abandoned its "Just Walk Out" program, which identified as an AI marvel but was actually just a bunch of guys in India watching you shop. And Soros DAs have come up with a new answer to the housing shortage: just let wandering sex offenders squat in homes owned by law-abiding citizens. When the real thing disappoints, it seems our answer is just to spin up simulations--of sex, of...

Poor Man’s Rich Man show art Poor Man’s Rich Man

The American Mind

Turns out that which doesn't bankrupt Donald Trump makes him richer. Somehow. Truth Social has been valued at $8 billion, over $4 billion of which accrues to Trump's net worth--all while his astronomical bond is being reduced in New York. Meanwhile, as Hamas enjoyers try to overrun the Left, the Right is locked in its own disputes about how to handle antisemitism. Everyone's looking for the one big bad guy or grand narrative that can explain the whole complicated world. But are they looking in the wrong places? The editors analyze the thought processes underlying the news before reminding you...

More Episodes

Filled with apparent panic at Biden's low standing among "the youth," the Administration pulled out all the stops this week with a press conference featuring...Mark Hamill? Was that the best they could do? Maybe, as student riots and protests continue to emphasize Biden's rowdy kids problem--not that the Right is quite sure how to respond to campus antisemitism, either. Elsewhere in academia, the rolling replicability crisis continues apace, indicating once again that data worship is a mistake. The editors survey the landscape of new age Star-Wars-ism, free speech unease, and COVID-style crises of authority.