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040 Resources for a Happier, More Confident Life

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

Release Date: 06/02/2022

061 Choosing to Flourish: Life Lessons as I Turn 50! show art 061 Choosing to Flourish: Life Lessons as I Turn 50!

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

Today’s episode is a celebratory one. As well as catching you up on my news, I have a big birthday this week and want to share some of my favourite life lessons as I hit the big 50! I also have a really big announcement about the podcast so make sure you listen to the end. Join my mailing list here to stay in touch and here about the new podcast Join my facebook group – Pathways to Possibilities for more inspiration, advice, tips, offers and community to lead your flourishing life.

060 Confidence Roundup - Books and Advice to Inspire Confidence and Joyful Living show art 060 Confidence Roundup - Books and Advice to Inspire Confidence and Joyful Living

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

We’re celebrating reaching 60 episodes with a round up of useful resources and advice to help inspire confidence and joyful living. Helping us to believe in ourselves and live with intention so that we make the most of the opportunities that life presents us with. In this episode I share: two books that I’ve found really helpful over the last couple of months, a podcast I really enjoy and think you’ll find thought provoking too and some of my top tips for staying confident, intentional and enjoying life. Books: by Anna Mathur by Laura Jane Williams Podcast: – Dr Liz O’Riordan...

059 Menopause and Confidence show art 059 Menopause and Confidence

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

In this episode I’m opening up a conversation around menopause and confidence. It’s a topic that I’ve been speaking about a lot in my personal life and work but we haven’t touched on here. I asked myself why? Why have I not talked about something that has coloured my daily life for the last 18 months and is still causing me daily difficulties?  It’s complicated is the short answer. Unless you’ve had your head in the sand over the last couple of years you will have heard the wider conversation that is finally taking place about menopause. And if finally dawned on me – or...

058 Navigating the Confidence Rollercoaster: Strategies for Success in Your New Job show art 058 Navigating the Confidence Rollercoaster: Strategies for Success in Your New Job

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

This episode explores the very common experience of having a huge confidence wobble when we start a new role. It’s one of those things that is really common but when it’s happening to us we feel like we’re the only one going through it and if we’re not careful we’re undermining and second guessing ourselves at every step. In this episode we’ll explore why this happens and what we can do to get us through this new starter stage feeling so it’s as painless as possible and you don’t end up feeling like an imposter. I share ten practical tips for getting through this confidence...

057 Introverted Brilliance - Harnessing Your Introvert Superpowers show art 057 Introverted Brilliance - Harnessing Your Introvert Superpowers

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

This episode, I delve into the topic of introversion, which is often misunderstood. Being an introvert myself, I can relate to the confusion surrounding this trait, and I've noticed that many of my clients also identify as introverts. Unfortunately, society tends to view introversion negatively and often implies that extroversion is the only path to success and happiness. In this episode, I would like to dispel some of these misconceptions and showcase the superpowers that introverts possess. This episode we'll cover: What introversion truly means and doesn't mean Ways to support yourself and...

056 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Strategies and Stories show art 056 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Strategies and Stories

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

Today’s topic is something that comes up regularly in my work with women and is a very real cause of lack of self-confidence and self-belief – imposter syndrome. In this episode we explore: What imposter syndrome is The different ways it manifests and affects us Five ways we can deal with it effectively My lovely client whose story I share booked herself a Confidence Jump-start because of her imposter syndrome. My calendar is open for these mini but powerful coaching packages. We have a 90-minute session where we deep dive into what is going on for you and you finish with your unique...

055 Are You Surrounding Yourself with the Right People? show art 055 Are You Surrounding Yourself with the Right People?

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

This episode we’re considering whether or not we’re surrounding ourselves with the right people to support us in having the happy and fulfilling life we desire. In this episode we’ll consider Why it matters so much What we mean by the right people How to deal with the wrong people and What we can do to make sure that we surround ourselves with the right people Womanifest  It’s no boring conference or exhibition – it’s a full-on FESTIVAL! – it’s all about women having fun, learning how to put themselves first, get what they want, surround themselves with other fantastic...

054 Are You Celebrating Other Women or Tearing Them Down? show art 054 Are You Celebrating Other Women or Tearing Them Down?

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

This episode goes live the day after International Women’s Day and as a coach specialising in helping women with their confidence I wanted to focus particularly on women this episode. The theme for this year’s celebration of International Women’s day is embracing equality by, amongst other things, celebrating women forging change, by elevating the visibility of women creatives and by building workplaces where women thrive.  This episode we’re going to explore some of the issues around how we treat each other, especially in the world of work and look at ways that we can make...

053 How's Your Self-Worth? show art 053 How's Your Self-Worth?

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

Over the last fifty plus episodes we’ve covered lots of topics to help us lead happier, more confident lives so it surprised me when I realised that we have never talked about today’s topic – self-worth. We’ve covered topics related to it but never looked at it on its own so that’s what we’re going to do today. Why? Because in my work with a counsellor after I finished cancer treatment it became apparent that I had a real issue with my self-worth. Embarrassing to admit as a confidence coach but also unsurprising giving what I’d just lived through. It’s also something that comes...

052 The Importance of Fun to a Happy and Healthy Life show art 052 The Importance of Fun to a Happy and Healthy Life

Unlock Your Confidence with Clare Walsh

This episode we are focusing on the importance of fun to a happy and healthy life. I was recently asked to consider how I could bring more fun into my life and realised that I was slightly stumped by the question. I struggled to identify how and when I allow myself to have fun. And as usual that got me thinking and noticing, and here we are with an episode devoted to the importance of having fun.  In this episode we are going to explore: what fun is; why it’s so important – what it does for us; the three elements essential for fun; and how we can have more fun. Previous episode...

More Episodes

I want to share 4 books that have enriched my life and made me think about what it takes to be happy and content. Since there are lots of little gems on my blog to help you to grow confidence, clarity and courage in very concrete ways, I'll also point you to some of my own writing.

My Blogs:

- It’s the little transformations that make a massive difference “It’s not all about massive transformations, little transformations make a massive difference!”

One of my clients said this and it really got me thinking. My client hit the nail on the head. It is those little transformations – the changes in your thinking, behaviour and understanding of yourself - that added together make a massive difference to life.https://clarewalshcoaching.com/new-blog/its-the-little-transformations-that-make-a-massive-difference

- Worrying about what other people think. There are lots of things that hold us back from doing what we really want to do but the one that comes up so often in coaching sessions is worrying about what other people think. 


- September - Lets’s take action – it doesn’t matter what time of year it is – in the words of one reader “it’s like a free coaching session”! https://clarewalshcoaching.com/new-blog/september-lets-take-action

- Why do we procrastinate? Lots of people think that procrastination is a form of laziness but in fact when we keep putting off the thing we want or need to do it’s rarely because we’re lazy.https://clarewalshcoaching.com/new-blog/why-do-we-procrastinate


- The Comfort Book by Matt Haig https://amzn.to/3OwGBEl 

- How to Heal a Broken Heart: From Rock Bottom to Reinvention by Rosie Green https://amzn.to/3MwKyXX 

- The Joy of Simple Things by Hannah Jane Parkinson https://amzn.to/3MuXNrQ 

- The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy https://amzn.to/3rN0Xzo 

Thank you if you've listened to every episode of the 40 we've done so far. If you have book recommendations or ideas for future episode topics, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected].