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Electrifying transportation in Wisconsin

State of Change

Release Date: 05/05/2021

Who Are the Science Moms? show art Who Are the Science Moms?

State of Change

How do you get people to start paying attention to the urgency of climate change? Just like the name says, Science Moms is a growing non-partisan group of scientists and mothers who are spreading the word about our climate and joining forces to demand change from our leaders. Amy talks with UW Madison professor Dr. Tracey Holloway, who is a member of Science Moms. Host: Amy Barrilleaux Guest: Tracey Holloway, Professor of Environmental Studies & Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, Madison; Science Mom Background Reading:  : Take advantage of sweeping...

Three Cheers for Climate Beer! show art Three Cheers for Climate Beer!

State of Change

What if there was a grain that didn’t have to be replanted every year? One with deep roots that stay in the soil, trap carbon, prevent erosion, filter water. Kernza – the world’s first perennial grain crop – could be a game changer when it comes to sustainable food production and using our land to help fight climate change. But the big question: does is make a good beer? In this episode, Amy heads to Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee to find out. Kernza® is the trademark name for the grain of an intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) being developed at The Land Institute in...

No Mow May: Does it work? show art No Mow May: Does it work?

State of Change

No Mow May is here, but does it really make a difference in the battle to save our bees and butterflies? Amy walks through a typical Wisconsin yard with pollinator expert Elizabeth Braatz. Host: Amy Barrilleaux Guest: Elizabeth Braatz, Bumble Bee Brigade Coordinator and Terrestrial Insect Ecologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Background Reading: 

Truth About Natural Gas show art Truth About Natural Gas

State of Change

When you think about the future of energy, do you picture you gas-fired power plants? In this episode, Amy looks at why power companies are racing to build new gas plants and what it means for the future of energy bills, our health and our climate. We Energies, the largest power company in Wisconsin, recently announced plans to transition two major power plants from coal to natural gas, build two more new gas-fired facilities, and build another new facility to hold liquefied gas. If you think it sounds like a major shift toward more fossil fuel development, you're right. We Energies’...

Last Line of Defense: Battle over Wisconsin Gas Plant intensifies show art Last Line of Defense: Battle over Wisconsin Gas Plant intensifies

State of Change

Wisconsin's Public Service Commission approved a large methane gas plant four years ago. The site: a bluff overlooking the Nemadji River near the Minnesota border in Superior. At ​the ​time, ​Superior's ​city ​council ​unanimously ​supported ​the ​project. ​But ​it ​didn't ​take ​long ​for ​opinions ​to ​change.  In this episode, Amy talks with ​Superior City ​Councilor ​Jenny ​Van ​Sickle who ​at ​first ​supported ​the ​plant ​and ​is ​now ​helping ​lead ​the ​charge ​to ​stop ​it. ​Find ​out...

A Toast to 1939 show art A Toast to 1939

State of Change

1939. It's the year researchers at the University of Wisconsin developed a hearty red corn that could tolerate Wisconsin winters and feed the state’s dairy cows. Before long, farms all over the state were sending trainloads of their ruby red corn to feed livestock across the country. But it didn’t last. The 1970s ushered in genetically modified corn with enormous yields and out went Wisconsin’s home grown red variety. Until now... In this episode, Amy heads to the home of J. Henry & Sons Bourbon in Dane County where Wisconsin’s old red feed corn is getting a  brand new life...

Health Harms of 'Forever Chemicals' show art Health Harms of 'Forever Chemicals'

State of Change

It's no exaggeration to say PFAS 'forever chemicals' are everywhere. Some states have found PFAS tainting milk supplies and contaminating crops. What are the consequences of population-wide exposure to these toxic chemicals? Amy talks with Clean Wisconsin Science Program Director Dr. Paul Mathewson about the latest research. Host: Amy Barrilleaux Guest : Dr. Paul Mathewson, Science Program Director, Clean Wisconsin Background reading: Learn more about the latest PFAS health research in s to the Natural Resources Board on the impact of proposed groundwater standards Like ‘State of...

Uncovering Air Pollution show art Uncovering Air Pollution

State of Change

How do you know if the air you breathe is safe? It often depends on where you live--not just what town or city, but what neighborhood, what street. In this episode, Amy talks with Langston Verdin, founder of MKE Fresh Air Collective, a community-led air quality monitoring project in Milwaukee. Hear what he’s been finding out about the air we breathe and what it could mean for our health.  One of the most dangerous kinds of pollution in terms of health outcomes is in the air. Fine particulate matter airpPollution is made up of tiny airborne particles that are 30 times smaller than the...

Wisconsin's Vanishing Bee show art Wisconsin's Vanishing Bee

State of Change

Endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee nest discovered in Milwaukee County Before the 1990s, they were everywhere in Wisconsin and beyond. Native Rusty Patched Bumblebees nested and foraged across 28 states and parts of Canada. Then the population hit a sudden, rapid decline. By 2017, the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee had become so scarce it was the first bee listed as a federally endangered species. In this episode, a walk deep into the Wisconsin woods for the rarest of discoveries: a nest of Rusty Patched Bumblebee queens. Amy looks at what it's going to take to bring our bees back and meet the...

Suppressing Solar? Alliant Energy, MG&E target home solar in rate plans show art Suppressing Solar? Alliant Energy, MG&E target home solar in rate plans

State of Change

It feels like momentum is growing behind rooftop solar in Wisconsin. Federal tax incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act, Focus on Energy rebates, and falling prices could finally push us out of the bottom half of states when it comes to home solar. Except some utilities in Wisconsin appear to be pushing back.   In this episode, a look plans from MG&E and Alliant Energy that could slow adoption of rooftop solar in Wisconsin. FInd out what you can do to protect solar in your community. Net metering. It doesn’t sound that exciting, but it’s actually one of the biggest incentives...

More Episodes

Through electrifying our cars, trucks, buses and other modes of transportation, we can cut carbon emissions and curb climate change in Wisconsin. While carbon emissions from electricity have gone down, carbon emissions from transportation have increased over the last decade and is now the leading contributor of carbon emissions in the United States.

In this episode, we drive around with Clean Wisconsin's Jon Drewsen, an EV owner himself, to talk about the pros and cons of driving an electric vehicle and why it is crucial the state legislature invest in the transition to clean transportation in Wisconsin. We later talk with Kathy Kuntz from Dane County's Office of Energy and Climate Change about the county's accomplishment of having the most EVs on the road in the state and what needs to happen in Wisconsin to help increase the demand of electric vehicles. We also speak with Ned Noel, a senior planner with the City of Eau Claire, to learn about the importance of investing in EV infrastructure now so municipalities and the state can be ready for the future.

Background Reading:

  • Learn about the work Clean Wisconsin is doing to help advocate for investments in clean transportation and support statewide electric vehicle infrastructure here.
  • Read more from Clean Wisconsin's Scott Blankman on why electric vehicles must be the future of travel in Wisconsin.
  • Read the City of Eau Claire's Electric Vehicle Roadmap.

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