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#36: The Power of Unlearning with Dr. Eric Bean

Coaching Through Stories

Release Date: 01/18/2023

#50: Ask an Executive Coach with Dr. Eric Bean and Siana Sylvester show art #50: Ask an Executive Coach with Dr. Eric Bean and Siana Sylvester

Coaching Through Stories

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Coaching Through Stories

We tend to look at change from a linear rather than an exponential perspective. This point of view often leads to the feeling of anxiety and being overwhelmed by the change around us. This episode features Ross Thornley, the CEO and co-founder of AQai, a community of adaptability coaches aiming to transform how people and organizations adapt to change. Moreover, Ross is an author and keynote speaker on adaptability and the future of work. In this insightful episode, Ross helps us comprehend how fast change is happening and emphasizes the concept of viewing change exponentially. He also delves...

#48: The high-achievers search for self-compassion with Dr. Shannon Baird show art #48: The high-achievers search for self-compassion with Dr. Shannon Baird

Coaching Through Stories

In this episode, discover how high-achievers explore self-compassion with Dr. Shannon Baird. The conversation explores finding balance between ambition and self-care, offering practical tips for cultivating a compassionate mindset amid ambitious pursuits.  Dr. Baird emphasizes acknowledging personal limits while striving for success, providing valuable lessons for those seeking the perfect blend of achievement and self-compassion.  Dr. Baird earned her Ph. D. at the University of Iowa in Sport Psychology after earning a masters and bachelors in Kinesiology. Dr. Baird has over 20...

#47: Tragic Optimism Two Things Can Be True At Once with Dr. Eric Bean show art #47: Tragic Optimism Two Things Can Be True At Once with Dr. Eric Bean

Coaching Through Stories

In this Coaching Through Stories episode, Dr. Eric Bean delves into a profound exploration of Tragic Optimism, challenging the idea that life's tragedies and optimism are mutually exclusive. Through thoughtful reflection, he reveals the ability to simultaneously acknowledge and embrace both elements. Dr. Bean shares insights on navigating the delicate equilibrium between despair and hope in our experiences. Additionally, he explores concepts such as cognitive defusion, tragic optimism, and the pursuit of self-improvement.  Join us for this insightful conversation as we navigate the...

#46: Getting out of Suckville - with Dr. Bhrett McCabe show art #46: Getting out of Suckville - with Dr. Bhrett McCabe

Coaching Through Stories

As humans, it is our nature to dwell on our deficiencies. We focus on what we are missing and our shortfalls rather than appreciate the positive reality we are in. This behavior is what leads us to the sign that says Welcome to Sucksville. Today, we are with Dr. Brehtt McCabe, the Sports and Performance Psychologist for the University of Alabama Athletic Department and a trusted resource for amateur, collegiate, and professional golfers. Drawing on his experience as a champion athlete and his clinical training as a psychologist, he guides competitors in overcoming persistent challenges and...

#45: Treasure Hunting High Performance with Dr. Jonathan Fader show art #45: Treasure Hunting High Performance with Dr. Jonathan Fader

Coaching Through Stories

How do you deal when someone approaches you with a problem? Do you tend to jump straight into a solution? In this eye-opening episode, we are with licensed clinical and high-performance psychologist Dr. Jonathan Fader, and we delve into the importance of understanding the person to address their situation. Dr. Fader is the co-founder and director of Union Square Practice and SportStrata, a company dedicated to offering sports and performance coaching services across different fields. He is also a keynote speaker, media personality, and author of Life As Sport, a book on the psychology of peak...

#44: Wholeness At Work with Erin Rocchio show art #44: Wholeness At Work with Erin Rocchio

Coaching Through Stories

How should we value achievement? Is it worth prioritizing to the extent that we compromise our wholeness? This insightful episode features one of Evolution’s senior partners, Erin Rocchio, as we find the path to sustainable high performance while living with meaning and fulfillment. Aside from being a coach, Erin is also the author of Wholeness at Work: Free Yourself From Burnout for Good. She has worked with C-level executives and top companies, helping them cultivate teams that perform at a consistently high level.    In this episode, Erin shares her experience of being an...

#43: Break Free from Approval Addiction: The People-Pleaser's Journey with Dr. Eric Bean show art #43: Break Free from Approval Addiction: The People-Pleaser's Journey with Dr. Eric Bean

Coaching Through Stories

Are you someone who is concerned about how others perceive you? Do you often prioritize others' needs over yours? Do you feel bad whenever you experience conflicts? In this solo episode, Dr. Eric delves into the behavior called people-pleasing. He discusses the signs of said behavior and how it can be unhealthy and counter-productive. If you are a people-pleaser, these might sound familiar to you. He also highlights the false beliefs that push individuals into people-pleasing behaviors. Moreover, he advises on how to mitigate this behavior and emphasizes the importance of gaining a clear...

#42: Olympians perform with fear, so can you with Dr. Peter Haberl show art #42: Olympians perform with fear, so can you with Dr. Peter Haberl

Coaching Through Stories

In today’s episode, let us take a look at sports psychology from a different perspective and how we can integrate this into our daily lives. Today’s guest is Peter Haberl, a licensed psychologist working with elite athletes as a sports psychologist and a mental performance consultant. He was employed by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee since 1998, giving him a wealth of experience in sports psychology. He continues to work with U.S. National Teams and athletes, focusing on mindfulness and ACT-based interventions.  In this insightful episode, Peter shares how his...

#41: Rising together: Learn how to break habits that are keeping you stuck with Sally Helgesen show art #41: Rising together: Learn how to break habits that are keeping you stuck with Sally Helgesen

Coaching Through Stories

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Throughout our lives, we're bound to learn and propagate the wrong ideas and beliefs—some even end up harmful to ourselves and others. While humans are an adaptable species, changing our mindset is difficult. How can you fill a cup that’s already full? We have to unlearn.  

Unlearning is a powerful and often overlooked concept in personal and professional growth. It is the process of intentionally letting go of knowledge, beliefs, or behaviors that are harmful or obsolete to make room for new perspectives and development.  

The ability to unlearn is crucial in a world that constantly changes, allowing individuals and organizations to adapt, innovate, grow, and stay relevant. However, unlearning is not easy—it can be challenging to let go of our established, preconceived ideas and step out of our comfort zone.  

By actively engaging in the process of unlearning, we can help open ourselves to new knowledge and growth. Let’s discuss! 

Key Points: 

  1. The importance of unlearning. 
  2. The three types of unlearning: routine unlearning or fading, wiping, and deep unlearning 
  3. The process of unlearning: building awareness, and making space for new ideas 

Episode Highlights 

  • [00:00] Introduction to the episode 
  • [01:13] The story of the Zen master and the cup of tea 
  • [02:46] Unlearning: how to empty your cup 
  • [04:14] The first type of unlearning: routine unlearning or fading 
  • [05:06] The second type of unlearning: wiping 
  • [06:29] The third type of unlearning: deep unlearning 
  • [07:50] The first step in unlearning: building awareness of personal biases 
  • [10:18] The second step in unlearning: making space for new ideas 
  • [11:41] Conclusion 
