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Katherine Klimitas My Story show art Katherine Klimitas My Story


Katherine Klimitas          Katherine was truly a great interview. There are some spots during the recording what was caused by technical issues, and I am unable to fix them, however the conversation was great. She was open and willing to answer all questions. Including those that were not on her list. She has a business, and is an artist, as well. I suggest you listen even with the tech issues. Her website is        You can reach me at or please consider buying me a cup or two of coffee at . Dale Hutchinson

Healing the Border show art Healing the Border


  JJ Carrell Healing the Border           This is the third appearance of JJ, as usual he was full knowledge of the border situation. We discussed both borders and what was happening now on them. We had a wide range of topics covered including corruption in the halls of power. Plus, what President Trump was doing and going to do now that he is back in power and could make the world stand up and take notice that American was back and he would not take no as an answer. He announced that his new book (Treason) had been published and was available...

LOVE show art LOVE


What can I say about Leslie that I have not said in the other two shows! She so well-tuned into herself. She shares part of her story. Mainly she is pure energy of LOVE, she truly loves the world and sharing how it happened with her and what you can do to help yourself get there. She well educated however she does not talk about much she is a retired Reverend and RN; in fact, she does not use her education to teach what she is saying. She uses her energy of LOVE, to show what it is to truly LOVE not for others but yourself. One thing I will share here is Plam on the heart, just do it. You will...

Politics show art Politics


Blake was an incredibly engaging guest. He did most of the talking, and I gladly let him, as his insights were spot-on. We discussed various topics, including the government, politics, Congress, the President, both parties, and how they were creating issues. Term limits were also a key topic. Blake identified himself as a conservative but emphasized his ability to have meaningful conversations with liberals. He was very open about his personal experiences. We both agreed that Congress is the biggest problem, as it holds the most power in the government, which is true—they have the authority...

Victim Vs Survivor show art Victim Vs Survivor


∞            Sasha Paterson is a Substance Abuse Counselor in Canada, with other credentials She is an abuse survivor as am I, so we talked about the abuse we had to survive and the path we took. Sasha is a strongly opposed to the Government of both the USA and Canada. We talked about her life, and she disclosed her abuse. Discussed what the Governments are doing wrong on both sides of the border. She has a great deal of knowledge in her conversation with me. Her book found on Amazon is named Victims of Virtues. It is well worth the...

Math for the 21st Century show art Math for the 21st Century


                  Math for the 21st Century          You like math, then this podcast is for you, hate math, then this podcast is for you. Craig is a math whiz; he knows more about how to teach math than the teachers in the classroom do. He developed a method of teaching math that works for anyone. His book tells it all and you can get a free PDF copy at his website, plus a whole lot more. I have never seen such a busy site with freebies and pay for items all dealing with...

Evolve Senior Living show art Evolve Senior Living


      Justin Dickenson        A great guest, he was very open and willing to answer questions, even the hard ones. He was relaxed and at ease despite this being his first podcast. He talked all about his own involvement in the Senior living space. He started right out of college. He was able to talk about the history of the industry of senior living, he and his partner have five senior living facilities. In the interest of being open I live in the Denver facility. We discussed the future of the industry and what needs to be done in coming years. He...

Septemics?? show art Septemics??


    Jim Marshall Jim created a new philosophical method to help humans with as he says any problem. He calls himself an Engineer of the Human Psyche. The method is called “Septemics” which is dealing with or of Seven. There are 35 blocks with Seven levels on each one. Any given problem can be solved using Septemics, according to Jim. He gives several examples and talks about the decades he worked on it. His web site is , where you can find a link to a free slideshow of how it works. His book is available at any book seller. In all formats, Hard, soft cover, eBooks. If you liked...

Language of Love Linguist show art Language of Love Linguist


                         Language of Love Linguist         Paul Zolman Paul is very open and talkative. He talks about his family from his grandparents to his own family. He says he inherited from his family anger issues and wanted to change that in his family. He researched love and the language of love. He talks about creating a game from the 5 languages of love. He has one Die with the 5 icons of the language of representing the 5 languages and a 6th for “Surprise” me. He was able to make the changes...

The Question Man show art The Question Man


            Matthew Lesko: The Question Man   Matthew is different from most of my guests. He talked and talked, it was hard to get a question in, so there are not a lot of Q&A’s in this show. What there is a lot of information straight from the “Question Man” as he was called when he was on TV every 15 minutes it seemed liked anyway. Matthew has several places where you can find anything you want from free food to free money. His main site is . A few of the others where you can get help. , ,  . Matthew says he just likes to help others to the...

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