Shows about politics as it relates to what happened in the past all the way to prehistory. If it happened in the past it will happen again. If nothing changes and we leave the Liberal Progressives in charge of our GREAT country.
Katherine Klimitas My Story
Katherine Klimitas My Story
Katherine Klimitas Katherine was truly a great interview. There are some spots during the recording what was caused by technical issues, and I am unable to fix them, however the conversation was great. She was open and willing to answer all questions. Including those that were not on her list. She has a business, and is an artist, as well. I suggest you listen even with the tech issues. Her website is You can reach me at or please consider buying me a cup or two of coffee at . Dale Hutchinson
Healing the Border
Healing the Border
JJ Carrell Healing the Border This is the third appearance of JJ, as usual he was full knowledge of the border situation. We discussed both borders and what was happening now on them. We had a wide range of topics covered including corruption in the halls of power. Plus, what President Trump was doing and going to do now that he is back in power and could make the world stand up and take notice that American was back and he would not take no as an answer. He announced that his new book (Treason) had been published and was available on Amazon and several other places. I am getting a copy of it soon. I have a copy of his first book, “Invaded” it revealed what was really happening in the southern border and the corruption of the government and its agencies. You can find JJ here, You can reach me at or . Please consider buying me a couple of cups of coffee here Thanks for watching the show. Dale Hutchinson
What can I say about Leslie that I have not said in the other two shows! She so well-tuned into herself. She shares part of her story. Mainly she is pure energy of LOVE, she truly loves the world and sharing how it happened with her and what you can do to help yourself get there. She well educated however she does not talk about much she is a retired Reverend and RN; in fact, she does not use her education to teach what she is saying. She uses her energy of LOVE, to show what it is to truly LOVE not for others but yourself. One thing I will share here is Plam on the heart, just do it. You will notice a flow of energy from above and open your heart to Love abounding around you. Her Email is To leave a comment go to . to write to me use this address: . also buy me a cup of coffee here: Dale Hutchinson
Blake was an incredibly engaging guest. He did most of the talking, and I gladly let him, as his insights were spot-on. We discussed various topics, including the government, politics, Congress, the President, both parties, and how they were creating issues. Term limits were also a key topic. Blake identified himself as a conservative but emphasized his ability to have meaningful conversations with liberals. He was very open about his personal experiences. We both agreed that Congress is the biggest problem, as it holds the most power in the government, which is true—they have the authority to remove anyone in government through impeachment. We also talked about the Department of Education and debated whether it should be closed, agreeing that local school boards hold the real power in schools. You can check out Blake's website at For a list of all my shows, click here. You can reach me via email at [email protected]. Please take a moment to leave a comment at and, if you feel like it, buy me a cup of coffee here.
Victim Vs Survivor
Victim Vs Survivor
∞ Sasha Paterson is a Substance Abuse Counselor in Canada, with other credentials She is an abuse survivor as am I, so we talked about the abuse we had to survive and the path we took. Sasha is a strongly opposed to the Government of both the USA and Canada. We talked about her life, and she disclosed her abuse. Discussed what the Governments are doing wrong on both sides of the border. She has a great deal of knowledge in her conversation with me. Her book found on Amazon is named Victims of Virtues. It is well worth the money. Sasha will be back once she finishes hers second book around December 2025. You can find me here; Please leave a comment here. Dale Hutchinson
Math for the 21st Century
Math for the 21st Century
Math for the 21st Century You like math, then this podcast is for you, hate math, then this podcast is for you. Craig is a math whiz; he knows more about how to teach math than the teachers in the classroom do. He developed a method of teaching math that works for anyone. His book tells it all and you can get a free PDF copy at his website, plus a whole lot more. I have never seen such a busy site with freebies and pay for items all dealing with math. His company is Triad Math, and the group that he supports is called Triad Math Tribe. As Craig says. …” is to show you how to give your child an "Optimal 21st Century Math Education." He’s book “Public Schools are Destroying the USA”. It is one of the free PDF books you can get. Craig has his email address and phone number listed on his website . You can reach me at and all my shows are listed here .
Evolve Senior Living
Evolve Senior Living
Justin Dickenson A great guest, he was very open and willing to answer questions, even the hard ones. He was relaxed and at ease despite this being his first podcast. He talked all about his own involvement in the Senior living space. He started right out of college. He was able to talk about the history of the industry of senior living, he and his partner have five senior living facilities. In the interest of being open I live in the Denver facility. We discussed the future of the industry and what needs to be done in coming years. He talked about his company Evolve Seniors, along with his business partner Andrew (who I might interview next week). How they see where they want to see the company grow over the next ten years. You can reach Justin at this website, . Please leave me a note with your comments at and consider buying me cup of coffee at . You can reach me at Dale Hutchinson
Jim Marshall Jim created a new philosophical method to help humans with as he says any problem. He calls himself an Engineer of the Human Psyche. The method is called “Septemics” which is dealing with or of Seven. There are 35 blocks with Seven levels on each one. Any given problem can be solved using Septemics, according to Jim. He gives several examples and talks about the decades he worked on it. His web site is , where you can find a link to a free slideshow of how it works. His book is available at any book seller. In all formats, Hard, soft cover, eBooks. If you liked what you saw please let me know, at . And please consider buying me a “cup” of coffee at . Help keep me publishing he shows. Dale Hutchinson [email protected]
Language of Love Linguist
Language of Love Linguist
Language of Love Linguist Paul Zolman Paul is very open and talkative. He talks about his family from his grandparents to his own family. He says he inherited from his family anger issues and wanted to change that in his family. He researched love and the language of love. He talks about creating a game from the 5 languages of love. He has one Die with the 5 icons of the language of representing the 5 languages and a 6th for “Surprise” me. He was able to make the changes in his life and the life of his children. I won’t divulge the 5 languages here; however, I will say believe it will work if you apply it to your life now. You can reach Paul, at his web site, . If you like what you saw please leave me a comment at , and consider buying me a coffee, at, . Dale Hutchinson [email protected]
The Question Man
The Question Man
Matthew Lesko: The Question Man Matthew is different from most of my guests. He talked and talked, it was hard to get a question in, so there are not a lot of Q&A’s in this show. What there is a lot of information straight from the “Question Man” as he was called when he was on TV every 15 minutes it seemed liked anyway. Matthew has several places where you can find anything you want from free food to free money. His main site is . A few of the others where you can get help. , , . Matthew says he just likes to help others to the best of his ability. When I did get a question in edgewise. He was able to answer clearly and make it easy to get what he was talking about. Matthew is a great guest and knows what he talks about. Finding help others need is his life calling he has been at it for 50 years, I remember “The Question Man” on TV years ago, When TV stopped working, he changed to the internet. Dale Hutchinson. [email protected]
Two Podcasters Over COFFEE
Two Podcasters Over COFFEE
Two Podcasters Over COFFEE Chris LaFreniere Chris is a wonderful guest; he knows what to expect. He is a podcaster also the name of his show is “Coffee on the Couch”. We talked for an hour, and he was open about his beliefs and wasted no words talking what he saw going on in the world and especially in the USA. Talked politics, race relations, episodes of both our shows. We discussed the border and education among other topics. It was an easy show to do. I have asking him to come back once is book is published in about a year, maybe sooner after the election. Thank you for watching the show, I hope you enjoyed it. You can reach Chris on Substack. You can find a list of all may shows here. . Or leave a comment at . Please consider buying me a coffee here. . Dale Hutchinson [email protected]
Richard Friesen Conversation with Money
Richard Friesen Conversation with Money
Isabel Sam: Tribes & Villages
Isabel Sam: Tribes & Villages
Tribes & Villages Isabel is a great guest; she knows her topics and can explain them so even I could understand what she wanted to say to you. She talked about “tribes, villages. We discussed Homeschooling, the corruption at the government level, including school commissioners, and in effect all elected officials from the city to the federal governments. We talked over how to get back to civil lives, learn to have effective communication. Ways to rebuild our families to become a healthy village. I seem to remember Hillary Clinton saying at some point during some campaign stop “It takes a village to raise a child”. Isable is giving very practical suggestions on how to do just that. Isabel suggested that we read the book “Hunter Gatherer Parent” Isabel is a first generation American from a family of Bolivian. This what was done with her family when they were still in Bolivia, and she sees as a major part if the decline in America, is lost of a firm foundation in a “Tribe” raising the children. And after listing to her I must agree. Thank you for listening to the show, I pray that you enjoyed it. You can reach a list of my prior show here. . You can find a place to leave a comment at . Please consider buying me a coffee and help support me and keep this ALIVE. You Can buy me a coffee here. Thanks again have a most pleasant day, be blessed.
David Beckmeyer
David Beckmeyer
Outrage Overload I have been blessed with booking great guests, and David is no exception. He was open and willing to answer all questions with an honesty that I found to be refreshing. Even the ones that came to my mind listened to what he said. David is a podcaster hosting his show called “Outrage Overload”. I will be appearing on his show at some point. We had a wide-ranging conversation, everything from politics to religion. We agreed on most points about corruption not just in government, but it is pervasive throughout our country. We talked about solutions to some of the problems in our country as well as the world. Setting down to a conversation that is free of anger, hate, a real talk about what is causing the divide. He does see some hope in the world however it is slim. His book “A conversation with Money” is a must read and can be found among other places, Amazon, Barnes and Noble. Thanks for watching the show. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did to bring it to you. You can reach David at . you can find a list of my shows at . There is a place to leave a comment here, , thanks again for watching it. Dale Hutchinson
Do what you want: Don’t harm Others
Do what you want: Don’t harm Others
Do what you want: Don’t harm Others Anne Riley, a truly a wonderful guest, she was bubbly and up to the show, this was her first appearance on a podcast and did a great job. She came prepared ready to tackle whatever was going to happen. Anne’s main theme is “First Do NO Harm”, that is shown several times throughout the hour. She answered all my questions, even the ones she did not write. Anne is the author of three published books (found on Amazon: DINA: Nature's Case For Democracy, Aerie, and Elusive). And a fourth to be published on November 19th, 2024. Look for it. The name is “The Human Idea”. She is a strong believer in our form of Government and thinks we could do better if we set down and had a “CONVERSATION” as humans around the world. Really talk to each other! Her website is: . She has a short survey that is well worth your time taking. I did and thought it was well thought out. You can find the show here: , or . As well as several other Podcast Apps, including Amazon, Audible, You Tube, Spotify, and iTunes. Thank you for listening to the show, there is a lot more to hear. Please help support me, buy me a coffee: Dale Hutchinson
Rodger Friedman: Erasing America
Rodger Friedman: Erasing America
Rodger Friedman: Erasing America “Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country” Is the book. The author is Rodger Friedman. As he says “I am Republican Conservative, Anti RINO”. I had a wonderful conversation with Rodger dealing with the major problems facing our Great Country today. Since I am a Constitutional Conservative, we tended to agree. He answered all my questions with ease of knowing his topic. Rodger pulled no punches and called them as he saw them. He talked about taxes, illegal aliens, minimum wages, healthcare, the budget, as well as several other issues breaking up the country. The southern border and I told him about my show “Heartbreak on the Border”. Parts one and two. He has a weekly newsletter that is free you can sign up for on his website . Which stands for Equal Opportunity Critic. The suggested that we all read the book by Douglas MacKinnon, “56”, the story of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. Enjoy the show and leave a review at my website . This is the easiest place to go to watch this show, and others. THANKS FOR WATCHING
Kirk Beck--1st Amendment
Kirk Beck--1st Amendment
Kirk Beck--1st Amendment His name is Kirk, his website is . A copy of the first paragraph and last paragraph of the affidavit is free to download. I am going to get one myself and use it on a county official in my area. It will most likely take some time to complete. However, once it is over officially, I will invite Kirk Beck back for a second show and talk about how it went for me and his method of using the US Constitution to “redress grievances against the government”. At a local level. Among the questions Kirk answered are. “What is positive law”. “What do you mean by conflict in interest in positive law”, “what successes have you had with the Power of the Paper”. He talked about winning several times using an affidavit or the “Power of the Paper”. It is not hard to do just takes time and a willingness to take on power You can view the show on several podcast sites, including or the easy way.
Jeremy McMullen Nation at a Crossroad
Jeremy McMullen Nation at a Crossroad
Jeremy McMullen Nation at a Crossroad Jeremy has a great view of Gettysburg and the cause for the battle, I will let you hear what he says. He says the God played a large part in the battle, as well as Fredericksburg, that the North lost and he believes that set up Gettysburg, as way to bring the war to a close. We talk about how that affects us today and is a leading cause of the division in our country. He states we are still fighting the Civil War on a different level not a shooting war (YET). Jeremy is very open and willing to talk, he has what I consider to be a valid view of the War. His book, “Nation at a Crossroad. Gettysburg for Yesterday and Today”. Is available at Barns and Noble, Amazon among others. You can see the show at Or , along with several other podcast apps.
Jack Kammer: Male Friendly Media
Jack Kammer: Male Friendly Media
Jack Kammer Today I am talking with Jack Kammer. He is very vocal about his topic what I call reverse “Sexism”. Jack calls himself “The Counter Feminist”. He has written several books with the newest one due out on December 24,2024. It is not yet named to my knowledge. “I have been involved in the connection between male gender issues and serious, troubling social problems for four decades”. His website address is You can reach the site to view the show at
Right--Left, which one? right or wrong?
Right--Left, which one? right or wrong?
Right--Left, which one? right or wrong? Right--Left, which one? right or wrong? And who knows which? Micheal Anderson is right on target with his descriptions of both sides of the aisle. His book is full of the reasons for the divisions and the fighting between the parties. Micheal talks about American Tribalism at length. Explanes in detail the effects of tribalism on our culture and the negatives effects of it. He knows history as well as I do and brings it to the front of the page. He understands that America is NOT a democracy, but a Republic, and the changes over the centuries and the changes to come. We agree that the is a good chance that there will be a Civil War unless things change and fast. You can reach Micheal at his website. I can be reached at Dale Hutchinson
CRT with Dr. George Mauer
CRT with Dr. George Mauer
CRT Dr. George Mauer is a fantastic man. He knows more about CRT and the major and minor problems with it and what it means to Race Relations in today’s environment. He knows the warning signs and ways to combat it. Dr Mauer is an expert and CRT and DIT. He is well educated and willing to share what he knows. I am not going to say much as he says it much better than I can. He talks about the dangers of CRT in schools. He shows us how to defeat it in all settings from K-12. He and I agree that it must be dealt a death blow and soon. Colleges are not exempt from CRT. It is my view is starts with the Professor’s. This is your chance to get it out of your school. Just Listen to Dr. Mauer’s words and follow through with them. When asked what inspired the author to write this book, Dr. Maurer said, “Dishonest educators lying to parents about Critical Race Theory in schools.” Dale Hutchinson [email protected]
Interviews with Veterans
Interviews with Veterans
Interviews with Veterans ∞ A unique podcast as it was live streamed, and the Veterans were all in an Independent Living Facility. I recorded 3 Veterans and one widow of a career Veteran. The sad news is shortly following the show, one of the Veterans passed away in his sleep. Dan was a wonderful person and is missed by his friends here. Their stories are different as each had different experiences. From a career Air Force, Navy, Army. All served in the military during a war, Korea and Vet Nam. All are interesting to listen to. Please listen to their stories. Dale HUtchinson [email protected]
Ken Good: Legal and Bail Bonds
Ken Good: Legal and Bail Bonds
Ken Good: Legal and Bail Bonds Ken is an expert on Bail Bonds in Eastern Texas, for the past 30+ years he has been an attorney. Several years ago, he went to a court hearing on bail Bonds and discovered that the judge was very wrong and was giving out bad information. He talks about how the American Bail system was started, and you will be surprised and when and how we came up with our old system. Ken tells us what a Bail Bond is in truth and why it used to help crime. He is very well versed in Bail Bonds in other states as well. He talked about crime increasing and that there is an 80% Failure to Appear on the areas where they are practicing no Bail in several different ways. Ken tells us what is happening now to the system of Bail and what reforms are planned and how they will work to bring down the high FTA rates. Ken W. Good graduated from Hardin Simmons University in 1982 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He received a Master of Education Degree in 1986 from Tarleton State University, a part of the Texas A&M System. In 1989, he received his law degree from Texas Tech School of Law, where he was a member of the Texas Tech Law Review. Mr. Good has argued cases before the Supreme Court of Texas and the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, along with numerous courts of appeals, including the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
Michaell M Arts & Creative
Michaell M Arts & Creative
Michaell M Arts & Creative Michaell is a very creative man. He knows art and what they really mean. He talks about socity. And the need to upgreat itn around the world. In his own words. "My main goal in life is to find more of myself. this is what I apply in every part of my life. My Artistic explorations help me unveil more of who I am. I found creating rt is the effective tool to achieve self-awareness for all Humans. I live my life to be the best me that I can be, in every life situation. For this my first interest is to discover how I, humans versus our man-made systems work," .... That about sums up what is a wonderful conversation with Michaell it took an hour to learn as much as I could. Dale Hutchinson
Phillip Blackett talks about everything and has the knowledge
Phillip Blackett talks about everything and has the knowledge
Phillip Blackett What a fantastic guest, he knows a lot and is willing to talk about it. From how to disagree and not be disagreeable to AI. Christians, Liberal to Conservative. To how can Republicans attract more African Americans to the party. Words of Faith helped him through several major problems, listen and hear about them. Fatherlessness being the biggest crisis in the land. I plan on inviting Phillip back in about 6 months. He is just a great person and has a lot more to say. Plus, I want to hear more about some of the points he made here. You can find us at several podcast sites and apps, as well as here . There is a link back here to listen to all my shows. Dale Hutchinson
His Holy Church interview with Brother Gregory
His Holy Church interview with Brother Gregory
His Holy Church interview with Brother Gregory In his own words the mission he is on. I have nothing better to do than talk about the Kingdom of God. Most Modern Churches distort the Gospel of the Kingdom in a way that makes it almost unrecognizable. The Gospel of the Kingdom is simple, and I like to break it down in ways anyone can follow and understand. There is a contrast between the Kingdom of God and the governments of the world that is critically important for everyone to hear. I don't hear anyone else voicing this message, so it is my mission to get the word out. Are you interested in helping? It was the last sentence that caught my attention. As a Christian it is part of of the commandment from Jesus to help spread the word. There are a thousand ways to spread the Word of God, to others and bring to their salvation. Here we combine the Word and world governments. Which in Brother Gregory world all are attempting to end religion. I agree with him, all the dictators in history the second thing they did after taking away everyone’s guns was to take away God and bring in their own faiths. Brother Gregory's idea is to found churches of about a 100 or so and let them spread the Word. A large church such as a Christians, Muslims, Jews, are easy targets and can be destroyed by the government. A great example was WW II and the Catholic Church, study the history and see how easy it was for Hitler to take over the church and become the head of "The Church" in the Third Reich. however, a 1000 churches with a small gatherings is not as easy to take over and would take an enormous amount of man-power to do the job as soon as one goes down, 100 others show up. Making it very hard to get rid of them all.
Julia Strukely Interview
Julia Strukely Interview
Julia Strukely Julia is a lifelong Catholic and teacher though I prefer to say she is an educator. She has an intriguing story to tell. She has several questions on her Bio, which when asked she tells good deal more than just the answer the question, she lets the viewer see a part of her. She is very open about her faith and being a Catholic all her life, she attended Catholic schools from K through College. You can tell when you listen to her, she is very much dedicated to her profession. Julia is a podcaster as well. You can find her in most places where there are podcasts. I will add the address at the end. Her shows show her ability as an educator very well. is where you can find her.
Interview with Darrell McClain
Interview with Darrell McClain
Interview with Darrell McClain Darrell was a great interview; he was entertaining and knowledgeable. We discussed a wide range of topic too many to list, from politics to what is "Tribalism" He was open and willing to talk about what he sees as a problem in the country. He shared his views on the Federal Government, including the size that over the past 200 years + we have allowed it to grow so large and out of control. He would, as I do see the dissolvement of several of the departments of the Feds. We talked about his role as an Ordained Minister and believe in God. You can find us here as well as Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon/Audible among others the complete list of all Podcasts is here.
Evan Jaqua Interview
Evan Jaqua Interview
Evan Jaqua Interview Evan is a very interesting guest. He wants to eliminate reelections, one term and that is it, he wants to add a few years to the House members, and the president. That is just one of his ideas. He has founded new "party" called Solutions Party. As it implies Evan is looking for solutions to the problems facing the Country. From Reelections to the world wide "WAR" on corruption and lots in between To hear all my shows go here. Evan's site is
Gene Moran 2nd interview
Gene Moran 2nd interview
Gene Moran 2nd Interview This is my second interview with Gene. He is a former Naval Commander, with 20+years experence and worked in the Pentagon. He knows and understands about what is going on with the government, and the Military/Industrial complex, plus the reasons of the election problems. Gene has years of experence working with classified papers and tells about the different levels of clasification process and reasons for the differnces. Gene understands and interprets the Washington, DC environment for (primarily) defense companies. His best selling books reveal some of the many forms of influence readily available to all, but about which most have no idea exist. A retired Captain of US Navy ships and proud corporate refugee, Gene finds professional fulfillment guiding and advising senior executives to success in Washington, DC. You can watch the show here: . Please leave a comment here: