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Lessons Learned: Family Farm Transitions

AFBF Convention

Release Date: 03/12/2021

Farm State of Mind - Responding to the Challenges of Rural Mental Health show art Farm State of Mind - Responding to the Challenges of Rural Mental Health

AFBF Convention

Rural stress can be especially harmful due to the risk of isolation and a go-it-alone attitude among farmers and ranchers. Raising awareness of the issues and funding for rural health care services and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health will encourage farm and ranch families to seek help and help each other. This discussion will feature different perspectives on the issue of rural mental health and information about Farm Bureau’s efforts to respond to this key moment in agriculture.

Balancing Farm, Family, and Farm Bureau show art Balancing Farm, Family, and Farm Bureau

AFBF Convention

In 2021, there is constant information coming at us from phones, computers, and even smartwatches. The attention required can feel overwhelming, especially as we volunteer our time to causes we care about, all while trying to maintain balance in our lives. Join PAL Class 10 members Matthew McClanahan, Sarah Ison, and James Henderson as they discuss three different ways volunteers choose to contribute to the organization while balancing their career, farm, and family farm.

Women’s Communications Boot Camp Basics show art Women’s Communications Boot Camp Basics

AFBF Convention

Are you a woman longing to beef up your ag communication skills? Join past Women’s Boot Camp Graduates and American Farm Bureau Federation staff to learn more about the program and their experience going through it. This elite training program is offered by the staff at American Farm Bureau and the Women’s Leadership Committee.

Keeping it Real: Highlight Agriculture Advocacy show art Keeping it Real: Highlight Agriculture Advocacy

AFBF Convention

Hear two successful stories on engaging and advocating for agriculture through unique media opportunities. Will Sutton, competitor on NBC’s Titan Games, and Melissa Burns, cast member on CBS’s Tough as Nails, discuss how they were able to represent the agricultural community through their experiences with reality TV.

Lessons Learned: Family Farm Transitions show art Lessons Learned: Family Farm Transitions

AFBF Convention

A discussion with a panel of farmers diving in, right in the middle and on the other side of the trenches of generational family transitions. This panel will bring a unique perspective of lessons learned at each stage of transitioning your operation.

What’s Next? Focusing on Your Evolution as a Farm Bureau Member show art What’s Next? Focusing on Your Evolution as a Farm Bureau Member

AFBF Convention

These folks have been there, done that, got the t shirt and while they are still serving Farm Bureau, they are happy to share lessons learned from experiences in the field at all levels of the organization. Join the multigenerational panelists as they discuss concrete next steps to help you along you Farm Bureau leadership journey.

Effective Storytelling show art Effective Storytelling

AFBF Convention

How do we ensure that the stories we tell will last? In this podcast, PAL Class 10 members David Hafner, Derek Orth, and Kyle Wilson who are experienced storytellers in agriculture from across the country will highlight elements that make a story worth listening to.

Sitting Down with Syngenta’s Head of Enogen Marketing, Duane Martin show art Sitting Down with Syngenta’s Head of Enogen Marketing, Duane Martin

AFBF Convention

Young Farmer & Rancher Committee member, Seth Earl of Michigan sits down with Duane Martin, Syngenta’s Head of Enogen Marketing during this 10-minute podcast episode. Seth and Duane discuss Syngenta’s Enogen corn technology, research and sustainability benefits, how Syngenta has pivoted their business to continue meeting producers needs with the tools and technology they need, when they need it and the longstanding commitment to American agriculture.

The Importance of Ag Literacy for Today’s Kids show art The Importance of Ag Literacy for Today’s Kids

AFBF Convention

American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA) Board Member, Kalena Bruce, and AFBFA Executive Director, Daniel Meloy, discuss the importance of teaching kids about agriculture, how the Foundation is working to give kids a better understanding of where their food comes from, and how listeners of the podcast can help.

The Importance of Relationships in Advocacy show art The Importance of Relationships in Advocacy

AFBF Convention

Mike Sistak, AFBF Director, Grassroots Program Development, and Tiffany Lechtenberg, Nebraska Farm Bureau member and AFBF YF&R Committee member, discuss the benefits to agriculture advocacy of developing relationships with elected officials and staff and examine effective methods for doing so, especially in light of COVID-19.

More Episodes

A discussion with a panel of farmers diving in, right in the middle and on the other side of the trenches of generational family transitions. This panel will bring a unique perspective of lessons learned at each stage of transitioning your operation.