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838 My Strength Is My Story with Rebekah Gregory, Taking My Life Back

Create Your Now Archive 3 with Kristianne Wargo

Release Date: 03/01/2018

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More Episodes

Rebekah Gregory shares her overcomer story in her new book, Taking My Life Back: My Story of Faith, Determination, and Surviving the Boston Marathon BombingHer story will keep you at the edge of your seat and re-engage you in living every moment!

Rebekah Gregory: An extraordinary woman, a wife, and a mother of two who life was forever changed on April 15, 2013 at the Boston Marathon. This act of terrorism played out on U.S. soil may have claimed her leg, but it did not conquer her spirit. Rebekah is an overcomer. She now impacts people with her powerful message of faith and hope as a motivational speaker all across the country.

Be prepared to be blessed, because a dose of inspiration is around the corner.

"The hardest, toughest chapters leads us to the most beautiful ones of all." ~ Rebekah Gregory

BOOK: Taking My Life Back

Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including the Boston Marathon bombing, abuse, PTSD, faith, and happy continuations with Rebekah Gregory. You'll be inspired and wanting to go run your race of life.

  • The Book: Taking My Life Back
  • Book Tour
  • 1st Birthday Party
  • Miracle Baby
  • Boston Marathon
  • Chocolate Covered Pretzels
  • Finish Line
  • The Blast. The Bomb.
  • The First Miracle
  • Survivor's guilt
  • A million what ifs
  • OPD [Obedient Preacher's Daughter]
  • Abuse
  • Mom's Courage & Bravery
  • Divorce
  • Felecia
  • "Robot Mom"
  • Life of an amputee
  • 65 surgeries
  • Technology
  • The story behind it
  • "Amputee Club"
  • Phantom Pain
  • Limb Salvage
  • TABs
  • Perspective
  • FBI
  • Anger
  • Sidewalk Prophets
  • Be Still
  • Responsibility
  • Dangle Time
  • While doing nothing
  • Victory
  • PTSD
  • Rebekah's Angels
  • Therapy
  • The Fairytale Wedding
  • Recipe for Life
  • God's Blessings
  • True Love
  • My Worst
  • Adoption
  • Trust

BOOK: Taking My Life Back

WEBSITE: RebekahMGregory.com


"Instead of just surviving my life, I'm living every moment." ~ Rebekah Gregory


Quotes and statements within the interview:

"All this stuff really happened to me."

"I feel like I'm in a great chapter of my life. I'm so blessed."

"You're going through something and it's a hard part of your life, but that's what it is...a chapter."

"When you're watching a marathon, it's almost like you're running it too."

"I remember everything!"

"I remember my bones laying next to me on the sidewalk."

"It was a true war scene. It really was."

"It's all about what I do moving forward from here."

"I had to distinguish the difference between what God's love really was and what this man was preaching to me."

"I saw her [Mom] endure conditions that were so much harsher than anyone ever would deserve."

"Being a Christian now is my mom."

"I do realize God's plans are so much greater than anything we can fathom."

"My life has blown up. What do I do now?"

"3.2 miles meant the number of months that I not only learned how to run again, but how to walk."

"For what I give, I get back tenfold."

"I have a lot of phantom pain."

"I said it was like a bad boyfriend. I needed to get it out of my life!"

"I don't consider myself disabled."

"I count my blessings and I don't count my problems."

"Why is this continuing to unfold like this?"

"If I need to be still, give me peace for the moment."

"I dreaded going to that hour."

"Back then, 5 minutes felt like I hit the lottery!"

"But I was working toward the ultimate goal of taking my life back and deciding that this is not going to define who I am."

"I'm so proud to be his [Noah's] mom!"

"I had PTSD long before Boston ever happened because of my abusive childhood."

"It wasn't a dream. In fact, it was the complete opposite."

"I'm gonna have stuff cats because I'm allergic to the real ones."

"If you said then that I would be here today, I would never believe it."

"Trust that He has a bigger plan."

"Every struggle can turn you away from God or bring you closer."

"The most amount of beauty is coming from the toughest amount of pain."

"God is in control."

"Count our blessings, not our problems."

"We're grateful for the crumbs."

"For I know the plans I have for you." ~ Jeremiah 29:11


What has your story gifted you?

  • A purpose I could not even fathom having.
  • Draw closer to Christ.

"I'm living in the moment."

Resources mentioned in the episode:

"One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

Ready to see if coaching and a mentorship is for you? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Invest in YOU! You are worth the time!!!


ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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Contact me at [email protected]

Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, and She Owns It.







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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer



Cover Art by Jenny Hamson