Cyber Risk Fundamentals
Diversity within teams is essential, and neurodiversity within teams can be powerful – cyber threats are becoming more and more advanced and pervasive, and so the teams we build to defend and outthink cyber criminals need to have different mindsets.
info_outline How to Fast-Track Your Cybersecurity Journey with a No-Nonsense Gap AssessmentCyber Risk Fundamentals
Organisations need to identify where their greatest cybersecurity risks lie, and how to close the gaps in a quick and cost-effective way. In this podcast, Nick Frost, Co-Founder and Director at CRMG and Martin Tully, Principal Consultant at CRMG share their experience working with organisations to conduct gap assessments and diagnostics of their cybersecurity programme, to make targeted changes fast.
info_outline Data Ownership - a critical step in cybersecurityCyber Risk Fundamentals
In this podcast, Nick Frost, Co-Founder & Director at CRMG and Simon Lacey, Principal Consultant at CRMG, discuss why organisations that define data owners will be in a stronger position with their information security than those that don’t. Nick and Simon also share examples of how to identify and assign data owners, and how to get buy-in from the people who own data, and essentially the risk.
info_outline Remote Working and the New Cybersecurity Threat LandscapeCyber Risk Fundamentals
In this podcast with CyBourn, a managed detection and response provider, we share the alarming trends and attack patterns witnessed since the shift to remote working, and what we anticipate to see as we move into the new norm.
info_outline Why Cybersecurity Policy is Still KingCyber Risk Fundamentals
Developing an effective cybersecurity policy is a fundamental stepping stone when creating a comprehensive cybersecurity plan. In this podcast you will learn:
info_outline Changing Senior Management's Perception of Cybersecurity for the BetterCyber Risk Fundamentals
In the third episode of the ‘Cyber Risk Fundamentals’ series, Nick Frost is joined by Todd Wade and Andrew Wilson to explore what is now the biggest challenge for CISOs. Together they discuss:
info_outline How to Manage Third Party Risk When you Have Thousands of SuppliersCyber Risk Fundamentals
In this podcast, CRMG’s Nick Frost, Todd Wade and Andrew Wilson discuss the key risks associated with third party suppliers, how to manage the process of on-boarding suppliers. and how to filter through suppliers to assess those most critical to your business. Our team also discuss the importance of managing the relationships with third party suppliers and the need for an exit strategy in the event of a split.
info_outline A Pragmatic Approach to Defining your Threat ProfileCyber Risk Fundamentals
In this CRMG podcast, seasoned professionals in cyber risk and information risk share their insights and experiences threat profiling, the importance of defining your threat profile, and the threat actors that can influence your profile.
info_outlineThe pace and scale at which we create and share data is greater than ever before. With such an abundance of information, data ownership is a real challenge for organisations, with many finding it too difficult to determine the data they own, and who is responsible for what.
Once organisations assign data owners who understand what they are accountable for, how to manage risk to their data, and buy-in to the responsibility of being an owner, they can truly be an asset to the business - and a critical step in cybersecurity.
In this podcast, Nick Frost, Co-Founder & Director at CRMG and Simon Lacey, Principal Consultant at CRMG, discuss why organisations that define data owners will be in a stronger position with their information security than those that don’t. Nick and Simon also share examples of how to identify and assign data owners, and how to get buy-in from the people who own data, and essentially the risk.