Cultivation podcast
3 IMPORTANT Takeaways Change is scary to our brains, so they sabotage it by defaulting to fear. Change is also craved by our brains to learn and grow. Change requires taking control of your mind instead of letting your mind control you. This final episode of Season 7 of the Cultivation Podcast wraps up our season of change by giving you the important topic of navigating change in our minds. There’s a lot happening upstairs as we go through change. Change begins inside of us with visualizing it before it manifests externally. Our brains HATE the unknown and...
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3 IMPORTANT Takeaways Change is messy, so be mindful of that before and after the change. Change is a process that requires an open heart and mind. Change requires courage that is contagious to others. The Cultivation Podcast is exploring a season of change with the return of a special guest, my great friend David Specht. His own season of change has gone hand in hand with my own. David was born and raised in Louisiana and after moving away to serve in the U.S. Air Force, he had lived in roughly the same place for 30 years. Within nine months, David and his family felt...
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3 IMPORTANT Takeaways Change mirrors the seven stages of grief. Change is only sudden to the person not making it. Change has a lot of hope but also a lot of sadness. The Cultivation Podcast season 7 is all about exploring change and this episode is dedicated to the process of change. Change isn’t sudden. If you’re thinking of making a change, you’ve been going through the process — you’ve probably struggled with it, fantasized about it, or practiced it. And, you have probably realized that change mirrors the seven stages of grief. As you step into...
info_outlineCultivation podcast
3 IMPORTANT Takeaways Change causes a ripple effect. Change causes doubt that requires a review of your reason for changing. Change is surprising and the results aren’t always clear. The Cultivation Podcast’s season of change continues with my special guest, Ryan Thogmartin. Ryan is not only my friend, but he is also an expert in navigating change. Ryan’s season of change has lasted three years. He moved from Ohio to Utah to Arizona in 2.5 years with a wife who had lived in the same place her entire life and two daughters in tow who only knew the same house and...
info_outlineCultivation podcast
3 IMPORTANT Takeaways Change can be lonely, but you can use that time to work on yourself. Change can prove a lot about you to yourself. Change brings anxiety at first but a lot of freedom afterwards. We’re continuing Season 7 of the Cultivation Podcast, the season of change, and are joined by a special guest…My daughter! Kylie Hammel joins us to talk about her own change. Kylie will discuss the isolation of COVID, no community, and no comfort of going back to her old community, and how that forced her to embrace that time alone and work on herself, set goals and...
info_outlineCultivation podcast
3 IMPORTANT Takeaways Change is emotional. Change is a process. Change comes with surprises. Today we continue Season 7 of the Cultivation Podcast, talking about my own story with the hopes that you can relate. I took a hiatus because my family and I navigated some major changes in our lives — we made the massive decision about one year ago to change careers after a decade in the ministry and move from California to Arizona, while my oldest daughter entered college and my youngest entered high school. I had to go through that process to embrace that...
info_outlineCultivation podcast
3 IMPORTANT Takeaways Change is universal. We can’t deny or eliminate change. We can guide and steer change. I’m back! Welcome to Season 7 of the Cultivation Podcast, which is all about the journey of change in your life. Change is a universal human experience. That got drive home to me when I spent hours upon hours talking with my grandmother about all the changes she had seen in her life. While your lifetime may not see the switch from gas lamp street lights to electrical lighting or switchboard telephones to automated digital calls, there has...
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We’re closing out season 6 of the Cultivation Podcast with a very special guest...My wife, Jami Hammel! She joins me for the second time on the podcast for an unscripted discussion as we wrap up the theme of self-care. We talk about what self-care looks like, overcoming parental guilt, navigating the seasons of life, the need for a date night, supporting each other’s hobbies, and sharing success. See some of our discussion below and be sure to listen so you hear the full, in-depth discussion: Tom: What is self care to you? Jami: Self-care is a lot of different...
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Season 6 of the Cultivation Podcast continues its journey discussing the necessity and value of self-care. This week’s episode is about the value of taking care of ourselves to we can stay active. We have to build in healthy motion in our lives to improve ourselves physically. I don’t mean getting a Hollywood superhero physique, but one of the worst things we can do to ourselves is to stay stagnant. I don’t love the gym, but I love having the energy, strength and endurance to show up in my loved ones’ lives and be the best version of myself. So, what are some...
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This week’s Cultivation Podcast continues the journey of self-care by exploring how you can take care of yourself professionally so you can perform your job at the highest level possible. You can’t improve as an employee if you’re worn out, burnt out, or bored. Showing up as the best employee possible is not just about serving your company, it’s about being your best self to leave an impact on other people. Here are some ways to take care of yourself in the workplace so you can achieve your potential: Engage with Supervisor — Meet with your supervisor to...
info_outlineSeason 6 of the Cultivation Podcast is dedicated to self-care. This episode dives into the sticky subject of emotions. Keeping emotions pent up is a terrible idea because it means they will explode. So, you need to process what we’re dealing with in order to avoid a hurricane of emotions.
Emotional care is about allowing yourself to experience your full range of emotions, embrace that, and process it maturely.
My household uses the phrase “Stop, challenge and choose”. I do that to identify why I am experiencing that emotion.
Below are some ways you can promote emotional care in your life:
- Experience — None of us are immune to emotions, so the key is to conquer those emotions by experiencing them. But that doesn’t mean letting them control you. Part of that includes having a group you can vent to in a healthy, honest, and clear way.
- Identify Emotions — Assign an emotion to a task, adventure, or workload. If you aren’t intentional, you’re allowing yourself to be controlled by your emotions. For example: Avoid building stress at work by celebrating successes.
- Have an Outlet — Find something you can enjoy, use music to put you in a positive headspace, or find a quiet place to pause and gain control over your emotions.
- Have an Accountability Partner — You need someone who will call you on your junk. When you’re blinded by your emotions, it’s important to have that person who will check you. Or when you hit a high stress point, communicate that to select people and give them the ability to call you on it.
- Let It Go — If you’re dealing with bitterness or anger towards someone, it will cause your emotions to rule you. Part of emotional self care is to let some things go so that your emotions toward a person/situation/past experience won’t hold you captive to your emotions.