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Practical Recording Of My Past Life Regression With Katische Haberfield

Co-Parenting With The Universe®

Release Date: 02/09/2023

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Co-Parenting With The Universe®

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Co-Parenting With The Universe®

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Co-Parenting With The Universe®

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More Episodes

This episode is an extract of the recording from my past lives regression with Katische Haberfield

Even though the content was edited for the sake of time, I kept what was really relevant to parenting and having a voice. My desire is to demonstrate that:

  • hypnosis is safe. No one has the power to make you do something that isn’t aligned with your values and you do have control

  • Past lives can be really helpful to understand the patterns lived in our present life

  • Healing can take place though changing past commitments that don’t serve us any longer.

Time line:

09:03-Ascending to connect with my spiritual guides 

12:20- My first spirit guide makes himself know

14:10- My second spirit guide makes herself known

15:58- Going into the scene of the first past life

20:33- Very emotional part about losing my kids. You may want to skip if it is too much for you

23:26- The life lesson from that life

28:49- Healing is simple

31:02- Stepping into life number 2

34:18- Leaving this life and going to the lesson learned

37:30- Going towards closing the session

Listen to Katische’s Infinite Life podcast https://katische.com/the-infinite-life-podcast

Connect with her https://katische.com/

On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katische/

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katischedionnehaberfield

Connect with Murielle Fellous - Co Parenting with the Universe and book a session

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