Getting Back in the Saddle: Overcoming Mental Blocks & Old Identities
Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians
Release Date: 02/11/2025
Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians
Join the Returning to Riding Waitlist:- Imagine if there was something you could actively ‘do’ every moment you’re in the saddle that would almost guarantee that you’re in the ‘right place at the right time’. There is. It involves abiding by the 'Click Your Fingers Rule' regarding your position. And look, I get it: talking about your position is not fun or exciting. But it is 100% one of the BEST ways to improve your skills as a rider. When you are in the right place at the right time to effectively and clearly communicate with your horse, it stands to reason that the...
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Join the Returning to Riding Waitlist:- You hop into the saddle, ready for a great ride. But before you know it, you’ve spent most of the session adjusting your hands, correcting your position, and just ‘fixing’ yourself. All while your horse just plods along! Sound familiar? Don't worry, you're not alone... Ask yourself this: Where is the majority of your attention or focus when you ride? Think back to the very last schooling session with your horse with you in the saddle. Maybe you had a lesson, or perhaps it was just you and your horse working together alone. Who did you focus...
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So you desperately want to get back in the saddle on the regular again. And you definitely feel excited. But you're also feeling more than a little overwhelmed! The big looming question is "What do I do on that first ride?!" Stop panicking because today, I will guide you through exactly what to do on that first ride... Step by step with your horse. Remember, whether it's been months or years, your body and mind need time to adjust. For your first few rides back, I want you to focus on increasing your awareness, rather than questioning if you're 'doing it right. Awareness over...
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80+ Ideas for 15 Minutes or Less with Your Horse Groundwork & Energy Live Webinar 3 Days to Successful Lunging Nostalgia is a funny thing. It often causes us to look back at or reminisce about past experiences with rose-tinted glasses. And your horse riding journey is no different. Especially when you’re thinking about getting back in the saddle after a significant breakaway. When you remember all of the adventures you’ve already had when it comes to horses and riding, it can sometimes leave you questioning if there’s any way it could ever hope to be like that...
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50+ Ideas to do With Your Horse in 15 Minutes or Less Riders stop riding for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, it's a conscious choice; an injury, a change in circumstances, or a loss of confidence for example. Other times, life simply gets in the way. But whatever the reason, it doesn’t have to define your riding journey going forward. You're maybe like many other riders, the reason that you've stopped was just a season of life—a temporary chapter, not the whole story. And yet, it’s easy to take that reason and make it mean something about who you are. You, intentionally or not,...
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50+ Ideas for when You've 15 Minutes or Less with Your Horse Have you been allowing your goal of 'doing things right' to suck the joy and fun out of horse riding for you? Maybe you've been wanting to get back into riding after a long break, but you stop yourself because things are not 100% perfect. There's a time and a place for perfection. Every single moment that you're interacting with your horse is NOT that time! Today, I want to encourage you to let go of perfection. Release the pressure you're putting on yourself and your horse for everything to be amazing. And just be present and...
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50+ Ideas for 15 Minutes or Less with Your Horse - Download for Free As riders, we can often have a very negative association with tension. Yet, without it, neither you nor your horse would remain upright! Take away the tension and both of you will go limp and become a 'dead weight' immediately. So, instead of seeing tension as the enemy - it's key to begin reshaping your understanding and your 'practice' of tension. You must begin managing your tension. Tension is absolutely 100% essential for both you and your horse. It's the presence of too much or excessive tension that causes the...
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Get the 50+ Inspiring Ideas to do with your horse when you find yourself with a small gap of time Are you guilty of only looking for longer gaps of time to work with your horse? I mean, what could you possibly do in 15 minutes or less to move things forward, right?! If this has been your thinking up to now, you're not alone. I was guilty of this... To be honest, I think we have all been there. However, once I began to reframe what those smaller chunks of time could be, everything changed! What would happen if you began seeing the value in finding small gaps of time to connect with your...
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Get the FREE audio guide to help you and your horse successfully lunge in 3 days or less If lunging is just not working for you and your horse, there is a whole element that you are missing out on when it comes to your training and your work together. In , I spoke about 5 ways that you, the person lunging, might be struggling. In this post, I want to explore this from your horse's perspective. Riding is a team sport, lunging is the same. If your horse does not understand the concept, the questions, or the expectations around lunging, he will struggle... And you will most likely as well!...
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Hands up if, at some point in your riding journey, you've been guilty of thinking that lunging was a simple matter of your horse going in circles. Don't feel bad, I've been there too. Most riders have, and so many still are! Lunging is so much more than just running in circles. It is an amazing way to connect with your horse and compliment or continue with your training when riding. Like most worthwhile things, it takes time, practice, and improving your skills to get the most from lunging. It's not something that just magically 'happens'. Between getting tangled in the lines to missed...
info_outline50+ Ideas to do With Your Horse in 15 Minutes or Less HERE
Riders stop riding for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, it's a conscious choice; an injury, a change in circumstances, or a loss of confidence for example. Other times, life simply gets in the way. But whatever the reason, it doesn’t have to define your riding journey going forward.
You're maybe like many other riders, the reason that you've stopped was just a season of life—a temporary chapter, not the whole story. And yet, it’s easy to take that reason and make it mean something about who you are. You, intentionally or not, weave it into your entire identity, convincing yourself that you're no longer a “real rider.”
But here’s the truth: “The reason you stopped riding is just that—a reason, not a definition. It's a chapter that's now ending - not the whole story!
Getting back in the saddle can feel uncomfortable, even when you want it more than anything. And I'm not just talking about physical discomfort. Often the mental challenges are even more real. This can be because your mind has grown used to its old story. The one where riding is no longer a part of your life. But that story isn’t set in stone. You can rewrite it—starting today...
Read More & Listen to Episode HERE
The Energy Connection Webinar
If you want to go deeper with this for you and your horse, register for my upcoming free live training on how you can use your presence and energy to move both you and your horse from tension to trust.
This is a great, practical training you can use to help you get back in the saddle after a break. I will give you 3 specific exercises you can use the next time you're with your horse to connect with him or her on a deeper level.
You can find all of the details about The Energy Connection Webinar HERE at
50+ Ideas for 15 Minutes or Less
- Make the most of those small but plentiful chunks of time when you're with your horse or around the yard with this handy, free list of ideas that will inspire you.
Online Training to Help Your Riding
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