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[LIGHT WORK] Ep 4: Beliefs, Movies & Man Crushes

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

Release Date: 04/29/2018

New podcast! All love. Here’s a preview…  show art New podcast! All love. Here’s a preview…

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

Thank you for the listens and encouragement for LIGHT WORK. You fueled me to keep making more—and so I did! NEW podcast. “With Love, Danielle.” For you. The first episode is live now. Listen in, resonate, and please subscribe here: daniellelaporte.com/withlove.

Two special announcements(!) for LIGHT WORK listeners… show art Two special announcements(!) for LIGHT WORK listeners…

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

I’ve got a new conversation for you. It’s the first time I've publicly spoken about the "living death" I experienced in the Fall of 2018, and one of the most psychologically intimate conversations I've recorded. For your heart. Where to listen and details inside the ep. Please have a listen: https://apple.co/2WPrwCG

[LIGHT WORK] Ep 6: Hopefully Devoted show art [LIGHT WORK] Ep 6: Hopefully Devoted

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

Friends, this is the last episode of this podcast series. And, of course, it’s devoted to one of my favourites: Devotion. We’re shining light on our prayers, our beliefs, our teachers… and whether they’re ACTUALLY getting us closer to what we really want—liberation. This is the real work of LIGHT WORK.

[LIGHT WORK] Ep 5: How to be a revolutionary for just love show art [LIGHT WORK] Ep 5: How to be a revolutionary for just love

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

This is about our personal activism. Talking about how we can get justice, without incurring too much karma. About how to fight corruption without the anger burning us out. About the importance of being inclusive—to even the bad guys. I’m talking about how to be a revolutionary for just love.

[LIGHT WORK] Ep 4: Beliefs, Movies & Man Crushes  show art [LIGHT WORK] Ep 4: Beliefs, Movies & Man Crushes

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

If God is in the details, then the Soul is in a good Q&A. And that’s the substance this episode. Your questions make it so easy for me to rant and offer some (hopefully) useful how-to’s and tricks of the trade. The “trade” being discernment + devotion. It’s deep, it’s lite, I hope it’s all right.

[LIGHT WORK] Ep 3: The service of joy, especially in these times show art [LIGHT WORK] Ep 3: The service of joy, especially in these times

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

I've talked to rabbis, priests, monks, and people I consider to be high esoteric practitioners. I’ve figured out a few things about joy: where it comes from; how to follow it; and how to live in joy without feeling like you’re betraying your (or anyone else’s pain). Tune in.

[LIGHT WORK] Ep 2: The upside of suffering… sort of show art [LIGHT WORK] Ep 2: The upside of suffering… sort of

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

I deep dive into the unfathomable, beautiful lessons we may learn from pain… without falling for the New Age speak that would have us gloss over real suffering. Also in this EP: how to keep moving your life forward, when the day-to-day takes everything out of you.

[LIGHT WORK] Ep 1: Friends, Lovers, and Therapy show art [LIGHT WORK] Ep 1: Friends, Lovers, and Therapy

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

We're connection starved, we know this. Let me give you a peek into my own friendship circle. In this ep, I use my own crew as how-to examples for creating radical support in your life. Also in here: tears of gratitude for my woman tribe, sexy monks, vagina talk, poetry, and general real-realness. Tune in.

Announcing LIGHT WORK : Self-Realization, Straight Up show art Announcing LIGHT WORK : Self-Realization, Straight Up

LIGHT WORK : A podcast with Desire Map author, Danielle LaPorte

The LIGHT WORK series will unfold over six episodes. These are girlfriend-style sermons on serving the world while staying sane, cosmic connectedness over tech addiction, self compassion and more fulfilling friendships. Poetry. Hilarity. Peeks into the personal. The podcast—and my upcoming LIGHTER year-long “Soul support” program—is intimate with plenty of esoteric talk.

More Episodes
If God is in the details, then the Soul is in a good Q&A. And that’s the substance of Podcast #4: Beliefs, Movies & Man Crushes.
Your questions make it so easy for me to rant and offer some (hopefully) useful how-to’s and tricks of the trade. The “trade” being discernment and devotion. It’s deep, it’s lite, I hope it’s all right:
  • Have I ever Feng Shui’ed my house? The short answer: yes. The cliffhanger: no, not anymore.
  • What brings back my energy when I’m in my darkest hour? (I take my own medicine.)
  • Who are my celebrity crushes? Favourite movies? Favourite tea? In between swooning, I manage to break down some romance wisdom.
  • Why don’t I talk about my parents? I do now.
  • What's my take on the narcissistic vs. empath dynamic? Oh darling…
  • When did I know I “arrived”? (Still getting there.)