Dispelling Myths about Smoking, Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders and Recovery - February 2019
Dawn Farm Addiction and Recovery Education Series
Release Date: 03/24/2019
Dawn Farm Addiction and Recovery Education Series
“Addiction and Families“ was presented on September 24, 2019; by Dr. Lynn Kleiman Malinoff, Ed.D. Alcohol/other drug addiction is often described as a “family condition.” This program will describe ways in which each family member is affected by addiction in the family, roles and behaviors that family members often acquire when living with addiction, and options for family members to obtain help to cope with addiction in the family. This program is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series, a FREE, annual education series developed to provide accurate, helpful, hopeful, practical, current...
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“Does Addiction Treatment Work?” was presented on September 17, 2019, by Dr Carl Christensen, MD, PhD, D-FASAM. Recent publications claim to define research-supported definitive truths about the root causes of addiction and efficacy of treatment modalities; however, conclusions are conflicting and have been subject to divergent interpretations. Feel confused? Dr. Christensen will review the recent criticisms of treatment for addiction including Twelve Step, residential, and medication assisted therapy, the scientific studies that do and do not support their use and other controversial...
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“Spirituality in Recovery: The Many Paths to Spiritual Fitness“ was presented on June 25, 2019; by Jerry Fouchey, BS, MA, SpA, CADC; Dawn Farm Personal Medicine Therapist and Didactic Group Facilitator. Spirituality can play an important role in recovery initiation and maintenance. Research has demonstrated that self-identification as a “spiritual” person correlates positively with successful abstinence regardless of whether the person self-identifies as a “religious” person. Twelve Step recovery programs challenge participants through the Eleventh Step to “seek through prayer...
info_outlineDawn Farm Addiction and Recovery Education Series
“” was presented on June 18, 2019; by Molly Welch Marahar, MPP; WHI Opioid Project Coordinator, Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation; and Carrie Rheingans, MSW, MPH; WHI Project Manager, Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation, and a panel including Marci Scalera, ACSW, LMSW, CAADC, Director of Clinical & SUD Services, Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan; Matt Hill, Program Manager, Washtenaw Recovery Advocacy Project, Home of New Vision; and Dr. John Hopper, MD, Addiction Medicine Specialist, St. Joseph Mercy Medical Group. Opioid...
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“Intervention to Durable Recovery: The Power of Family” was presented on April 16, 2019, by Debra Jay (with the first section of the audio presented by Jeff Jay in a previous presentation on November 21, 2017.) Addiction is often described as a “family condition” – but families have often been left out of the recovery equation. Involved, supportive families play a critical role in the recovery process, from initiation through long-term recovery, and families provide an important reservoir of influence and support towards making lasting sobriety a reality. Through extensive work in...
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“” was presented on April 30, 2019, by Gregory Boyle; founder of Homeboy Industries and best-selling author. Gregory Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, California, the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program in the world. A Jesuit priest, from 1986 to 1992 Father Boyle served as pastor of Dolores Mission Church, then the poorest Catholic parish in Los Angeles that also had the highest concentration of gang activity in the city. Father Boyle witnessed the devastating impact of gang violence on his community during the so-called...
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“People Like Me: Mutual Aid and Recovery from Substance Use Disorders” was presented on April 23, 2019; Todd Diana, Dawn Farm staff, and a five-member panel. Since the 1700’s people have banded together to help each other recover from substance use disorders. Today, people seeking peer support for recovery from substance use disorders, as well as family members and friends of people with substance use disorders, have an expansive menu of mutual aid groups they can participate in. Research demonstrates that active involvement in mutual aid recovery groups significantly improves a...
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was presented on March 26, 2019; by Jerry Fouchey, BS, MA, SpA, CADC; Dawn Farm Personal Medicine Therapist and Didactic Group Facilitator; and Barb Smith, author of “Brent’s World.” Unresolved grief and loss frequently accompany people throughout the process of moving from the culture of addiction to the culture of recovery. Families of people with addiction experience grief and loss as well. This program will explain various theories of grief and grief recovery, describe losses that people with substance use disorders and their families experience throughout the addiction and recovery...
info_outlineDawn Farm Addiction and Recovery Education Series
“?” was presented on March 19, 2019; by Carl Christensen, MD, PhD, D-FASAM. Recent publications claim to define research-supported definitive truths about the root causes of addiction and efficacy of treatment modalities; however, conclusions are conflicting and have been subject to divergent interpretations. Feel confused? Dr. Christensen will review the recent criticisms of treatment for addiction including Twelve Step, residential, and medication assisted therapy, the scientific studies that do and do not support their use and other controversial issues. The presentation will include a...
info_outlineDawn Farm Addiction and Recovery Education Series
“Dispelling Myths about Smoking, Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders and Recovery” was presented on February 19, 2019; by Rosemary Bak Lowery, MS, CHES®, CNP, ACSM-CPT; Certified Health Education Specialist. Adults with mental illness, including substance use disorder (SUD,) are at risk of dying 25 years earlier than the general population. The major contributor to this premature mortality is smoking-related disease. While cigarette smoking has trended downward in recent years, it is still highly prevalent in adults with mental health and/or substance use disorder (MH/SUD). Why is this...
info_outline“Dispelling Myths about Smoking, Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders and Recovery” was presented on February 19, 2019; by Rosemary Bak Lowery, MS, CHES®, CNP, ACSM-CPT; Certified Health Education Specialist. Adults with mental illness, including substance use disorder (SUD,) are at risk of dying 25 years earlier than the general population. The major contributor to this premature mortality is smoking-related disease. While cigarette smoking has trended downward in recent years, it is still highly prevalent in adults with mental health and/or substance use disorder (MH/SUD). Why is this so? Recent research has suggested that the biggest issue lies with the many common myths and misperceptions about the relationship between smoking, MH/SUD and recovery. This program will shed light on popularly-cited “facts” about smoking, reinforced by both consumers and care professionals alike. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the extent of this public health problem and understand how they can be a part of the solution. People struggling to quit, or afraid to try because of a fear of adverse consequences, may gain hope as they learn about the true relationship between smoking and MH/SUD. The fact of the matter is: People with MH/SUD can quit smoking, and when they do, they experience improved mental health and greater success in SUD recovery.
This program is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series, a FREE, annual education series developed to provide accurate, helpful, hopeful, practical, current information about substance use disorders, recovery, family and related issues. The Education Series is organized by Dawn Farm, a non-profit community of programs providing a continuum of substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services. For information, please see http://www.dawnfarm.org/programs/education-series.
Rosemary Bak Lowery, MS, CHES®, CNP, ACSM-CPT; Certified Health Education Specialist.
Rosemary (a.k.a. "Rose," or "Rosie") is a Certified Health Education Specialist who completed her Master of Science degree in Community Health Education at Eastern Michigan University. She has been working in the Health, Fitness, and Wellness industry for the past decade, with much of her experience being in program development, one-on-one coaching, and group instruction. She has worked in wellness promotion at the YMCA, EMU, and University of Michigan. "Past lives" in the professional realm have included corporate communications and satellite broadcasting, as well as directing and performing with a local dance troupe. Along with her passion for health promotion, she brings in-depth personal experience and academic knowledge of mental health issues, substance use disorder and recovery. In 2015, she was proud to publish her first academic article in The Health Education Monograph, “Using Technology to Help Individuals with Co-Occurring Disorders: A Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intervention Informed by the Transtheoretical Model,” wherein she proposed a novel mode to address drug addiction and symptoms of mental illness in a personalized, confidential manner. She lives peacefully (and sometimes hilariously) in Wayne County with her husband, her beloved kitty-cat, and her phenomenal baby boy.