The Devil's Dinner Hour
Join me tonight as we all scream for ice cream alongside the king of poisonous penny licks and the queen of fancy ices. We'll dive right into the heart of the dairy trade, and learn about the flavors, syrups and "special toppings" that made the Victorians brain freeze with delight. The Devil's Dinner Hour is written, edited, produced, and hosted by Evelyn James Music: David Fesilyan, David Renda & Sergei Chetvertnykh Works Cited “Anthony S. Wohl. Endangered Lives: Public Health in Victorian Britain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1983. Pp. 440....
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
Join me tonight as we tread the boards of the Victorian stage and learn what it was like for actors, directors, and writers as they navigated a world that didn't yet appreciate their gifts. We will experience a revolution that was started with song and dance, watch as theatre fires consume the streets of London, learn about Victorian special effects, lighting, and set design, and meet some interesting characters along the way! The Devil's Dinner Hour is written, edited, produced, and hosted by Evelyn James Music: David Fesilyan, David Renda & Sergei Chetvertnykh ...
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
Explore a world of stunning spectacle: The Victorian Circus. Let's take a stroll through the dusty sands of the circus ring, and learn what daily life was like for both performer and proprietor. In this episode, we will walk alongside misfits of every kind, color, creed, and identity who used their creativity and ingenuity to create a place, not only of danger, wonder, and excitement… but of belonging. Some stories to look forward to in this episode: Pablo Fanque: the first recorded black circus owner, Madame Ella Zoyara: a little lady with a big secret, Macomo: an African Sailor who...
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
Burning, Boiling and Beheadings, Oh my! The evolution of the Victorian capital punishment system will surely knock your socks off. So, call a carriage and break out your best cigars, as we navigate the eerily quiet, early morning streets of London to attend a public execution. The Devil's Dinner Hour is a one-woman show, written, performed and produced by Evelyn James. © Music By: Fesliyan Studios Like the podcast? Please show your support by visiting my Patreon at Works Cited: Ackroyd, Peter. London : The Biography. London, Vintage, 2009. Berry, James. "My...
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
Prepare yourself for a night of gruesome amputations, crazy drug parties, and mental breakdowns. So, sharpen those knives and put on your best blood-soaked apron as we dissect the Victorian Surgical Revolution.
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
The Christmas tradition of sharing ghost stories was beloved by many in Victorian, England. So, put on your warmest clothing as we explore a Victorian mid-winter, when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Where ghosts roam and Scrooge groans a very un-merry, Humbug!
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
Roll up your sleeves, and let’s carve into the Victorian’s fascination and love for tattoos- that crossed both class and gender divides, empowering men and women alike to live their best lives and turn their bodies into living, breathing works of art. This episode has got liars, tigers and fairs, oh my!
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
Tonight's episode will be about the noble art of bodysnatching... with some murder and mayhem thrown in for good measure. There will be tales of graveyard hi-jinks, friendships to die for, and close curtain calls with death. So, please grab your nearest shovel so we can dig into the dark dealings of death and how much doctors were willing to pay in the name of science and discovery.
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
A night full of tricks and treats! I’ll be carving my way into all the juicy bits that make up a Victorian Halloween. If you’re ready for a night of fiery fruity fun, then look no further. There’s a bowl of flaming raisins with your name on it. Looking for love? Who needs Tinder, when you’ve got the Magic Mirror Game. Nothing like the ghostly apparition of a future flame to set your heart ablaze. If you haven’t guessed already, this will be a fun one.
info_outlineThe Devil's Dinner Hour
Death, Daguerrotypes and Posing Stands, Oh My! Tonights episode is all about the wonderfully disturbing world of postmortem photography. So grab a spoon to lift up those eyelids as we explore death in all of its copper-coated glory and expose some myths in the process. The Victorian word of the day is sure to leave you feeling a bit buzzed.
info_outlineThe Christmas tradition of sharing ghost stories was beloved by many in Victorian England. So, put on your warmest clothing as we explore a Victorian mid-winter, when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Where ghosts roam and Scrooge groans a very un-merry, Humbug!
Music By: David Fesilyan
tag: Victorian History
Wilde, Oscar "The Soul of a Man Under Socialism" 1891
Picard, Liza. “Education in Victorian Britain.” The British Library. The British Library, 2014. Web. 15 Nov 2016.
Lloyd, Amy J.: “Education, Literacy and the Reading Public.” British Library Newspapers.Detroit: Gale, 2007
London Weather J.H. Brazell HMSO (Meteorological Office) 1968