Digital Mancave Podcast
This is the 6 year anniversary episode of the Digital Mancave Podcast (DMC), and also the FINAL episode of the podcst! After 6 great years of success, we are ending the podcast on a high note. I want to thank everyone who added their time and talent throughout this labor of love that was home to many geeks like myself. Thank you all for your support, for listening, and for interacting with all of us involved with the Digital Mancave Podcast, our Facebook page, our blog, our You Tube channel, and all other ways you have shown your love for this podcast. ...
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
Ed and Cheyrl celebrate the wonderful life and body of work that is Robin Williams. Through all of his movies, comedy specials, and TV performances we discuss how his talent touched and enriched the world. Truly one of the greatest improvisational comedians of all time. Join us as we treasure the exceptional talent of Robin Williams.
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
In this episode we review the worst movie of 2014, which is so terrible that it is unintentionally funny. That movie is "Into The Storm".
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
Ed and Cheryl (SavageTechman and PalacePrincess) discuss the following movies...
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
Ed, Cheryl, Jerry, and Amy discuss the following...
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
Ed and Cheryl review the following....
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
Ed and Cheryl discuss Resurrection, Big Bang Theory, Game Of Thrones, and Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
SavageTechman aka Ed and PalacePrincess aka Cheryl discuss our views about Captain America The Winter Soldier, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the season premiere of Game Of Thrones.
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
SavageTechman aka Ed is joined by Beau and Beall of Flash TV Talk Podcast for a special episode covering the upcoming CW show "The Flash", and all things Flash related!
info_outlineDigital Mancave Podcast
SavageTechman aka Ed and PalacePrincess aka Cheryl review The Lego Movie and Noah! Ed tells a waitress "nite nite", Wookie girl growls, RISK, and lot of laughs.
info_outlineThis is the 6 year anniversary episode of the Digital Mancave Podcast (DMC), and also the FINAL episode of the podcst! After 6 great years of success, we are ending the podcast on a high note. I want to thank everyone who added their time and talent throughout this labor of love that was home to many geeks like myself. Thank you all for your support, for listening, and for interacting with all of us involved with the Digital Mancave Podcast, our Facebook page, our blog, our You Tube channel, and all other ways you have shown your love for this podcast.
These past 6 years have meant the world to me, and I have learned so much from you, the audience, and my co-hosts.
So what is next? Well, you can visit the NEW podcast that I have created called "Geek Homeworld". Please check us out at ! We have a blog at , and we are on Facebook as "Geek Homeworld". We will be on iTunes as "Geek Homeworld" (as a podcast). We are on Twitter as @geekhomeworld . We have a You Tube page and we are on Google Plus as, you guessed it, "Geek Homeworld". We have a NEW email at [email protected] , plus we will be having a Mixlr chat, and we will utilize Skype for interaction with the audience. Geek Homeworld will be 30 minute episodes, very focused and to the point, with interaction from the audience. Live episodes with chat via Mixlr, more use of You Tube and other formats. We will discuss geek themes while focusing on TV and movies. We will talk sci-fi and superheroes, and action and adventure. So check us out at GEEK HOMEWORLD!
See you at Geek Homeworld!!!!
SavageTechman (still on twitter as @SavageTechman),