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When Child Custody Feels Overwhelming

Divorce University Online

Release Date: 05/14/2024

What You Say vs What You Do show art What You Say vs What You Do

Divorce University Online

What You Say vs What You Do – Episode 294 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Are you consistent? Consistency creates credibility with the Court. Often, we recognize inconsistency in our ex, the Courts, or other professionals but it’s easy to miss your own inconsistent behavior. When the Court feels that your words match your actions, you have a better chance of getting a successful outcome. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at /vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!

The Power of Doing Nothing show art The Power of Doing Nothing

Divorce University Online

The Power of Doing Nothing – Episode 293 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Have you ever heard the analogy of how turning the nose on an airplane, even as little as one degree, before takeoff can land the plan in a completely different destination hundreds of miles away? Well, the same is true in your child custody case. The decisions you make, or avoid making, in the beginning of your case are often the decisions that have the greatest outcome in your case. And if you’re already off course, the sooner you course correct, the closer you’ll be to your destination. To learn more...

Early Decisions Are the Most Impactful show art Early Decisions Are the Most Impactful

Divorce University Online

Early Decisions Are the Most Impactful – Episode 292 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Have you ever heard the analogy of how turning the nose on an airplane, even as little as one degree, before takeoff can land the plan in a completely different destination hundreds of miles away? Well, the same is true in your child custody case. The decisions you make, or avoid making, in the beginning of your case are often the decisions that have the greatest outcome in your case. And if you’re already off course, the sooner you course correct, the closer you’ll be to your destination. To...

Your Life is a Story show art Your Life is a Story

Divorce University Online

Your Life is a Story – Episode 291 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. We don’t realize on a daily basis that we are writing the words, paragraphs, pages, and chapters of our life story. The struggles and trials become so consuming that we lose sight of the big picture. What lessons are you learning that will strengthen you or create a positive model for your children or build the life of your dreams? We have no idea when the story will end so we have to take personal responsibility for leaving the legacy we desire. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in...

When Child Custody Feels Overwhelming show art When Child Custody Feels Overwhelming

Divorce University Online

When Child Custody Feels Overwhelming – Episode 290 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. The issues in child custody are not great in number, but great in detail. Many small decisions are needed to resolve the overall problems. It’s like being pecked to death by chickens! So, what do you need to focus on and how do you best manage all the tedious details. In this episode, I’ll help you create a strategy to wade through the details with confidence and ease. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session...

Creating Child Custody Magnets show art Creating Child Custody Magnets

Divorce University Online

Creating Child Custody Magnets – Episode 289 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. One of the challenges separating parents face is creating two worlds for their children. Many times, parents feel it’s best to leave the children in the family home and not force them to transition between homes. And if you have teenagers, they can be very resistant to transitions due to their own selfish motives. So, if you’re the parent that leaves the family home, how can you “magnetize” your world to draw the children in so they want to spend more time with you? To learn more about how I can...

It Won’t Always Be This Way show art It Won’t Always Be This Way

Divorce University Online

It Won’t Always Be This Way – Episode 288 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. We tend to feel like our day-to-day life is static and that whatever we are going through will last forever. However, life is contact change. So, if you’re in a rough season or trial, the good news is that it won’t last forever and if you’re in a good season, the lesson is to cherish it because it won’t last forever either. We are approaching the one-year anniversary of losing Thomas and in this episode, I’ll share some memories of Thomas and his hard-earned life wisdom. To learn more about how I...

Exchanging the Children  show art Exchanging the Children

Divorce University Online

Exchanging the Children – Episode 287 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Even though exchanges of children generally happen one to three times per week depending on your parenting schedule, we rarely seem to talk about how to have them go smoothly. These exchanges are obviously stressful for divorcing or separating parents but they can be exponentially stressful for the children. In this episode, I’ll give you strategies to help ensure a smoother transition, less stress for you and less stress for your children. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your...

The Nature of the Narcissist show art The Nature of the Narcissist

Divorce University Online

The Nature of the Narcissist – Episode 286 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Understanding the nature of the narcissist is one of the keys to managing them effectively. Narcissists do not see the world the same way a non-narcissist sees the world. Our values and morals don’t typically match the values and morals of the narcissist. To win the game, you must understand the rules. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at /vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!

3 Tips for Testifying in Your Child Custody Case show art 3 Tips for Testifying in Your Child Custody Case

Divorce University Online

3 Tips for Testifying in Your Child Custody Case – Episode 285 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Giving testimony on the witness stand is one of the most stressful parts of a divorce or child custody case. But there are strategies you can use to help you stay calm and make a good impression on the Court. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at /vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!

More Episodes

When Child Custody Feels Overwhelming – Episode 290 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. The issues in child custody are not great in number, but great in detail. Many small decisions are needed to resolve the overall problems. It’s like being pecked to death by chickens! So, what do you need to focus on and how do you best manage all the tedious details. In this episode, I’ll help you create a strategy to wade through the details with confidence and ease. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at www.divorceuniversityonline.com/vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!