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Finding a Narcissist’s Kryptonite

Divorce University Online

Release Date: 06/18/2024

My Ex Is the Problem show art My Ex Is the Problem

Divorce University Online

My Ex Is the Problem – Episode 309 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. I get it, I have an ex too and yes, many times our ex causes all kinds of drama and problems that effect the kids. But, if you go into Court trying to convince your Judge that your ex is the problem, things probably will not go well for you. Often, after about five minutes of talking with someone, I can tell why they aren’t succeeding in Court. It’s not the information you’re sharing that is the issue, it’s the way you are sharing it. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your...

Legal Custody Disagreements show art Legal Custody Disagreements

Divorce University Online

Legal Custody Disagreements – Episode 308 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. When you are dealing with a narcissistic co-parent, legal custody issues are often difficult to navigate. If you are unable to reach agreement then filing in Court becomes the necessary step to resolve issues. But, that obviously gets very expensive and very stressful. So what are your alternatives? To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at /vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!

It Takes A Village show art It Takes A Village

Divorce University Online

It Takes A Village – Episode 307 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. We’ve all heard this expression especially when it comes to the physical labor of raising children. But your village is just as important to the emotional support of both you and your children. So, who should be part of your village? And how can you ensure that you are leveraging your village for maximal positive benefit for your children? To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at /vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!

What Is Your Priority? show art What Is Your Priority?

Divorce University Online

What Is Your Priority? – Episode 306 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Is your priority your ex or your kids? Now, I think any parent would say, the kids of course. But we often, unintentionally, communicate to the court and other experts that our ex is the priority. This happens through the behaviors we exhibit and the language we use not only with our ex, but when we speak to the court and other experts. In this episode, I’ll give you tips to help ensure that you are community that your priority is your children! To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in...

It's the Little Things show art It's the Little Things

Divorce University Online

It's the Little Things – Episode 305 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. When you are dealing with a high-conflict co-parent, it’s often the little things that become the most frustrating. I’ve seen many clients who come out of Court and realize many of the details of their situation did not get addressed. And even when they do get addressed, a narcissistic co-parent won’t follow the orders anyway. So, you’re left with all the small daily aggravations that drive you insane. So, what do you do? To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody...

When Your Child Refuses To Go show art When Your Child Refuses To Go

Divorce University Online

When Your Child Refuses to Go – Episode 304 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Children refusing to transition to the other parent can become a very problematic issue in child custody. We tend to see this more frequently in the teenage years but I have seen it happen even with young children. Sometimes, it can be so severe that a child will self-harm if forced to go. However, the Court expects the parent, not the child, to be in charge. So, you must learn to strike a delicate balance of supporting the other parent while also ensuring your child’s safety. To learn more about how I...

How to Feel Certain in Child Custody show art How to Feel Certain in Child Custody

Divorce University Online

How to Feel Certain in Child Custody – Episode 303 of the Divorce University Online Podcast.  We tend to feel certain about things that are familiar. But the entire child custody process is full of unfamiliar things. And, to boot, if you’re coming out of a narcissistic relationship, you’ve probably been stripped of the ability to trust yourself, which only adds to your uncertainty. In this episode, I’ll explore how you can create more certainty for yourself and your children in this process. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter,...

The Enormity of the Tedium show art The Enormity of the Tedium

Divorce University Online

The Enormity of the Tedium – Episode 302 of the Divorce University Online Podcast.  How do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time. I’m sure you’ve heard that joke before but it’s no joke when you are dealing with the overwhelm that comes from the family court process. In this episode, I’ll help you understand some of the tedious aspects of court and give you my key to learning to manage the enormity of the tedium. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at /vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!

Determining What Is Important in Child Custody show art Determining What Is Important in Child Custody

Divorce University Online

Determining What Is Important in Child Custody – Episode 301 of the Divorce University Online Podcast.  One of the biggest struggles I see for parents is understanding what is and isn’t important to the Court in your child custody case. What seems logical to us is not always what is important to the Court. Parents often focus on whether they are a better parent than the other person, or the other parent’s history, or how the other parent has behaved toward them. We are essentially looking at the situation through a moral lens, but the Court looks at your case through a legal lens....

The Narcissist is the Key show art The Narcissist is the Key

Divorce University Online

The Narcissist is the Key – Episode 300 of the Divorce University Online Podcast.  I know, you’re thinking the key to what? We often think of all the negatives that come from having been in a narcissistic relationship: the trauma, the frustration, the ongoing parenting conflict, and the list goes on. But like any trial in life, there are also positive things in your life that the narcissist is the key to. In this episode, I’ll help you do a reframe so you can reap some of the rewards of having survived this toxic relationship. To learn more about how I can support you in achieving...

More Episodes

Finding a Narcissist’s Kryptonite – Episode 295 of the Divorce University Online Podcast. Dealing with a narcissist is all about regaining the emotional power. There are ways that you can do this, even if it feels impossible. In this episode, I’ll give you my top three tips to accomplish this and one of them you will be able to start immediately! To learn more about how I can support you in achieving success in your custody matter, please schedule a free strategy session at www.divorceuniversityonline.com/vip-coaching. Thanks for listening!