Working-Class Dog Heroes & Upper-Class Canine Companions
Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
Release Date: 08/21/2020
Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, Bud Boccone separates fact from fiction as he answers questions about the Titanic, allergy season, studbooks, and all kinds of other dog-related trivia. However many thousands of years we spend getting to know dogs, it seems there is always something new to learn. From their origins to survival stories, dogs lead fascinating lives. For humans, observing, collecting, and contemplating canine histories moves us closer to understanding ourselves. Bonafide Bits: There is no dog breed (or mix of dog breeds) that is truly hypoallergenic. Only three dogs survived the sinking...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this podcast episode, we explore the greatest sniffing machines in the world of dogdom: the tireless, gentle, and beloved Bloodhounds. The Bloodhound’s exceptional scenting ability has been a cornerstone of modern crime fighting and search and rescue efforts for generations. There is no equal to this dog’s olfactory talent for picking up a scent and following its trail. Bloodhounds are tenacious scent-tracking powerhouses that require only food, companionship, and plenty of walks (so they can check their pee-mail, as they say). Bonafide Bits: Bloodhounds are estimated to have...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explain how the Non-Sporting group came to be, and why the breeds that comprise the group don’t have much more than their shared group designation in common! The twenty-one different breeds currently recognized in this group range in size and stature, and some of them are downright, well, sporty. But what they do share often comes down to their original purpose and how the modern world has moved on, while these breeds stayed constant and ever-loyal like any good dog. Bonafide Bits: Dalmatians are the only dogs bred specifically to accompany carriages. Fearless...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore beloved canine breeds whose modern names may have gotten a little bit lost in translation over time. Just as humans have migrated all over the earth, so have their loyal, hardworking companions. War, wealth, and trade have all distributed dogs over diverse geographic areas (or in some cases, jobs) that may or may not match up with their monikers. Only true dog enthusiasts could win trivia night at the local tavern if the topic were the origins of dog breed names (you can thank us later). Bonafide Bits: Great Danes are originally from Germany....
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore dogs with divine connections and how, for thousands of years, many disparate cultures, in different places and different eras, all chose to infuse canines into their spiritual lives and folklore. Wherever there have been humans, there have been dogs. Not just in the places we occupy, but in our traditions, folklore, and faith stories. Dogs, who want nothing more than to live with us, share our food, protect us, and help us hunt sometimes seem like they’re too good to not be a bit of a miracle. Bonafide Bits: In Ojibwe folklore, a giant’s dog bested a...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore how the prosperous post-war era shaped the role of dogs in America, and how those dogs have shaped us since. Dogs have always been a part of the American story, but during the post-war boom, the new idealized self-portrait of the rising middle class included the family dog. Some breeds saved from extinction by American breeders rallied to become cultural icons, TV heroes, and Best in Show winners, while a comic rendering of the most popular breed of the time fascinated the nation by imagining the war through a dog’s eyes. Join us as we take a walk through...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore the breeds that have made the difference between life and death in some of the planet’s harshest conditions, the spitz-type dog breeds of the north. Northern breeds provide one of this planet’s great survival stories. For tens of thousands of years, these dog breeds outlasted the worst cold, snow, and ice our planet can impose. And, with their human partners, they’ve survived disease and deterioration. It was tangible needs that brought humans and spitz dogs together, but it’s the intangibles that have bound us since. Join us as we get all mushy (see what we...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore the stories behind some of the expressions we use in everyday conversation that were inspired by our relationship with dogs. Dogs have been companions to humans across all cultures and on every corner of the globe. So, it is no surprise that language is rich with dog-related idioms, metaphors, and rhetorical devices. Join us as we sniff out the intriguing history of canine expressions with dogged determination. Bonafide Bits: In 1896, the first “double dog dare” was laid down in the book, The Child and Childhood, by Alexander Francis Chamberlain. In...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we introduce you to the wicked smart, Swiss Army Knife of breeds, the beloved Poodle. Over the centuries, Poodles were bred as hunting companions but their versatility and intelligence led them to starring roles such as fashion plates, status symbols, comedians, rescue heroes, and crimefighters. Though often underestimated, underrated, and misunderstood, Poodles make excellent guide dogs, service dogs, and therapy dogs. Join us as we plunge into the history of these excellent swimmers and treasured family members. Bonafide Bits: In the 19th century, the French fell in...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore the indispensable Sighthounds. The sleek, swift, and beloved desert hunters and guardians of antiquity. The story of Sighthounds is the story of the oldest known domesticated dogs. Many of the breeds cherished today pre-date recorded history. Their loyalty, speed, and ability to spot and catch prey over long distances in the cruelest of conditions made them essential assets to pharaohs, kings, and nomads alike. Sighthounds were so revered that statues, murals, and golden relics were created in their honor. As a final testament to their merit, Sighthounds have been...
info_outlineIn this podcast episode, we uncover the backstories of how magnificent working-class dogs and their pampered brethren helped shape the story of humans.
For thousands of years, different dog breeds have been specifically trained and kept based on the needs of the households they occupied. To protect their food supply and livelihoods, peasants and farmers required dogs to maintain flocks, guard the house, and kill rodents while lofty upper-class citizens kept sizable kennels of hunting, toy, and companion dogs to show their stature in society. Many aristocrats even included their beloved pets in their commissioned portraiture and art collections. Let’s take a gander at the former predators who could drive geese to market and those who could poshly pose for a painting.
Bonafide Bits:
- The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, or Swissie, is a descendant of the war dogs used by Julius Caesar’s armies and can pull thousands of pounds.
- Just the scent of urine from the Great Pyrenees is enough to keep predators away.
- Mary Queen of Scots thought Maltese Terriers were heads above the rest.
- Queen Victoria owned up to 35 Pomeranians at once.
- Pembroke Welsh Corgis are bred to herd cattle and drive geese to market.
- Chaser, a Border Collie memorized more than 1,000 different toy names.
Border Collie
- A remarkably bright workaholic, the Border Collie is an amazing dog—maybe a bit too amazing for owners without the time, energy, or means to keep it occupied. These energetic dogs will settle down for cuddle time when the workday is done. Discover more about Border Collies at AKC’s Border Collie Breed Biography.
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is a large, immensely strong worker famous for a dense coat of striking black, red, and white markings. Dependable and faithful Swissies earned their feed as herders, drafters, and all-around pasture dogs. Discover more about Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs at AKC’s Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Breed Biography.
Great Pyrenees
- The Great Pyrenees is a large, thickly coated, and immensely powerful working dog bred to deter sheep-stealing wolves and other predators on snowy mountaintops. Pyrs today are mellow companions and vigilant guardians of home and family. Discover more about Great Pyrenees at AKC’s Great Pyrenees Breed Biography.
Pyrenean Shepherd
- Enthusiastic, mischievous, and whip-smart, the Pyrenean Shepherd is an indefatigable herder descended from ancient sheepdogs of the Pyrenees mountains. Tough and sinewy Pyr Sheps come in “rough-faced” and “smooth-faced” coat varieties. Discover more about Pyrenean Shepherds at AKC’s Pyrenean Shepherd Breed Biography.
Shih Tzu
- That face! Those big dark eyes looking up at you with that sweet expression! It’s no surprise that Shih Tzu owners have been so delighted with this little “Lion Dog” for a thousand years. Where Shih Tzus go, giggles and mischief follow. Discover more about Shih Tzus at AKC’s Shih Tzu Breed Biography.
- The tiny Maltese, “Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta,” has been sitting in the lap of luxury since the Bible was a work in progress. Famous for their show-stopping, floor-length coat, Maltese are playful, charming, and adaptable toy companions. Discover more about Malteses at AKC’s Maltese Breed Biography.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel wears his connection to British history in his breed’s name. Cavaliers are the best of two worlds, combining the gentle attentiveness of a toy breed with the verve and athleticism of a sporting spaniel. Discover more about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels at AKC’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breed Biography.
Italian Greyhound
- A true Greyhound in miniature, the elegant Italian Greyhound is an alert, playful, and highly affectionate toy companion. IGs make decorative couch dogs, but at heart, they are flash-and-dash coursing hounds with an instinct for pursuit. Discover more about Italian Greyhounds at AKC’s Italian Greyhound Breed Biography.
- The tiny Pomeranian, long a favorite of royals and commoners alike, has been called the ideal companion. The glorious coat, smiling, foxy face, and vivacious personality have helped make the Pom one of the world's most popular toy breeds. Discover more about Pomeranians at AKC’s Pomeranian Breed Biography.
- The Briard packs so much loyalty, love, and spirit into its ample frame that it's often described as a "heart wrapped in fur." The dashing good looks of these muscular Frenchmen radiate a distinct aura of Gallic romance and elegance. Discover more about Briards at AKC’s Briard Breed Biography.
- The Beauceron is imposing and powerful, but also remarkably smart, spirited, and a versatile herder—imagine a Border Collie’s brain in a 100-pound body. They are especially beloved by women as a dashing but sensitive companion and protector. Discover more about Beaucerons at AKC’s Beauceron Breed Biography.
Bouvier des Flandres
- They don’t build ’em like this anymore. Burly and barrel-chested, the tousle-coated dog of Flandres is from a time and place where a dog had to work like … well, a dog. These smart and steady all-purpose workers make excellent watchdogs. Discover more about Bouvier des Flandres’ at AKC’s Bouvier des Flandres Breed Biography.
Berger Picard
- The Berger Picard is a lanky herding dog of strong bone and sturdy build. Picards spent centuries as take-charge independent problem-solvers, so early socialization and positive training are necessary to cope with their stubborn streak. Discover more about Berger Picards at AKC’s Berger Picard Breed Biography.
Belgian Malinois
- The smart, confident, and versatile Belgian Malinois is a world-class worker who forges an unbreakable bond with his human partner. To deny a Mal activity and the pleasure of your company is to deprive him of his very reasons for being. Discover more about Belgian Malinois’ at AKC’s Belgian Malinois Breed Biography.
Belgian Sheepdog
- The Belgian Sheepdog is a highly trainable herder whose versatility and intelligence is the stuff of canine legend. This is a breed built for hard work and plenty of it. These sensitive souls crave human companionship and abhor neglect. Discover more about Belgian Sheepdogs at AKC’s Belgian Sheepdog Breed Biography.
Belgian Tervuren
- The elegant, agile Belgian Tervuren is a bright and self-assured herding dog of medium size, known to be affectionate and possessive with loved ones. Lots of hard work and challenging play is heaven for this tireless, do-it-all dog. Discover more about Belgian Tervurens at AKC’s Belgian Tervuren Breed Biography.
Belgian Laekenois
- Strong, agile, and full of life, the Belgian Laekenois (pronounced "Lak-in-wah") is one of four native dogs of Belgium. Although similar in body and temperament to the Malinois, Shepherd, and Tervuren, the Laekenois differs in coat color, texture, and length, as well as region of origin. Discover more about Belgian Laekenois’ at AKC’s Belgian Laekenois Breed Biography.
- Among the most impressively beautiful of all dogs, the aristocratic Borzoi is cherished for his calm, agreeable temperament. In full stride, he is a princely package of strength, grace, and glamour flying by at 35 to 40 miles per hour. Discover more about Borzois at AKC’s Borzoi Breed Biography.
English Foxhound
- The English Foxhound is a substantial galloping hound of great stamina. His long legs are straight as a gatepost, and just as sturdy. The back is perfectly level. And the chest is very deep, “girthing” as much as 31 inches on a hound measuring 24 inches at the shoulder, ensuring plenty of lung power for a grueling day’s hunt. Discover more about English Foxhounds at AKC’s English Foxhound Breed Biography.
Wire Fox Terrier
- The Wire Fox Terrier breed standard says they should be “on the tip-toe of expectation at the slightest provocation.” Once a mainstay of traditional British fox hunts, today’s Wire is a handsome and amusing companion and master show dog. Discover more about Wire Fox Terriers at AKC’s Wire Fox Terrier Breed Biography.
- The Samoyed is a substantial but graceful dog standing anywhere from 19 to a bit over 23 inches at the shoulder. Powerful, tireless, with a thick all-white coat impervious to cold—Sammies are perfectly beautiful but highly functional. Even their most delightful feature, a perpetual smile, has a practical function: The upturned corners of the mouth keep Sammies from drooling, preventing icicles from forming on the face. Discover more about Samoyeds at AKC’s Samoyed Breed Biography.
Labrador Retriever
- The sweet-faced, lovable Labrador Retriever is America’s most popular dog breed. Labs are friendly, outgoing, and high-spirited companions who have more than enough affection to go around for a family looking for a medium-to-large dog. Discover more about Labrador Retrievers at AKC’s Labrador Retriever Breed Biography.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Among the most agreeable of all small house dogs, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a strong, athletic, and lively little herder who is affectionate and companionable without being needy. They are one of the world's most popular herding breeds. Discover more about Pembroke Welsh Corgis at AKC’s Pembroke Welsh Corgi Breed Biography.
For more information about a specific breed visit the breed’s parent club or
- Did you know Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Siberian Huskies are cousins?
- Many of today’s most intelligent, strongest, and most responsive dogs descend from breeds taught to help peasants, hunters, and the poor working class.
- Roman iconography tells us toy dog breeds were a sign of stature.