A Motley Crew of Canines: Meet the Non-Sporting Group
Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
Release Date: 07/17/2024
Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, Bud Boccone separates fact from fiction as he answers questions about the Titanic, allergy season, studbooks, and all kinds of other dog-related trivia. However many thousands of years we spend getting to know dogs, it seems there is always something new to learn. From their origins to survival stories, dogs lead fascinating lives. For humans, observing, collecting, and contemplating canine histories moves us closer to understanding ourselves. Bonafide Bits: There is no dog breed (or mix of dog breeds) that is truly hypoallergenic. Only three dogs survived the sinking...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this podcast episode, we explore the greatest sniffing machines in the world of dogdom: the tireless, gentle, and beloved Bloodhounds. The Bloodhound’s exceptional scenting ability has been a cornerstone of modern crime fighting and search and rescue efforts for generations. There is no equal to this dog’s olfactory talent for picking up a scent and following its trail. Bloodhounds are tenacious scent-tracking powerhouses that require only food, companionship, and plenty of walks (so they can check their pee-mail, as they say). Bonafide Bits: Bloodhounds are estimated to have...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explain how the Non-Sporting group came to be, and why the breeds that comprise the group don’t have much more than their shared group designation in common! The twenty-one different breeds currently recognized in this group range in size and stature, and some of them are downright, well, sporty. But what they do share often comes down to their original purpose and how the modern world has moved on, while these breeds stayed constant and ever-loyal like any good dog. Bonafide Bits: Dalmatians are the only dogs bred specifically to accompany carriages. Fearless...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore beloved canine breeds whose modern names may have gotten a little bit lost in translation over time. Just as humans have migrated all over the earth, so have their loyal, hardworking companions. War, wealth, and trade have all distributed dogs over diverse geographic areas (or in some cases, jobs) that may or may not match up with their monikers. Only true dog enthusiasts could win trivia night at the local tavern if the topic were the origins of dog breed names (you can thank us later). Bonafide Bits: Great Danes are originally from Germany....
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore dogs with divine connections and how, for thousands of years, many disparate cultures, in different places and different eras, all chose to infuse canines into their spiritual lives and folklore. Wherever there have been humans, there have been dogs. Not just in the places we occupy, but in our traditions, folklore, and faith stories. Dogs, who want nothing more than to live with us, share our food, protect us, and help us hunt sometimes seem like they’re too good to not be a bit of a miracle. Bonafide Bits: In Ojibwe folklore, a giant’s dog bested a...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore how the prosperous post-war era shaped the role of dogs in America, and how those dogs have shaped us since. Dogs have always been a part of the American story, but during the post-war boom, the new idealized self-portrait of the rising middle class included the family dog. Some breeds saved from extinction by American breeders rallied to become cultural icons, TV heroes, and Best in Show winners, while a comic rendering of the most popular breed of the time fascinated the nation by imagining the war through a dog’s eyes. Join us as we take a walk through...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore the breeds that have made the difference between life and death in some of the planet’s harshest conditions, the spitz-type dog breeds of the north. Northern breeds provide one of this planet’s great survival stories. For tens of thousands of years, these dog breeds outlasted the worst cold, snow, and ice our planet can impose. And, with their human partners, they’ve survived disease and deterioration. It was tangible needs that brought humans and spitz dogs together, but it’s the intangibles that have bound us since. Join us as we get all mushy (see what we...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore the stories behind some of the expressions we use in everyday conversation that were inspired by our relationship with dogs. Dogs have been companions to humans across all cultures and on every corner of the globe. So, it is no surprise that language is rich with dog-related idioms, metaphors, and rhetorical devices. Join us as we sniff out the intriguing history of canine expressions with dogged determination. Bonafide Bits: In 1896, the first “double dog dare” was laid down in the book, The Child and Childhood, by Alexander Francis Chamberlain. In...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we introduce you to the wicked smart, Swiss Army Knife of breeds, the beloved Poodle. Over the centuries, Poodles were bred as hunting companions but their versatility and intelligence led them to starring roles such as fashion plates, status symbols, comedians, rescue heroes, and crimefighters. Though often underestimated, underrated, and misunderstood, Poodles make excellent guide dogs, service dogs, and therapy dogs. Join us as we plunge into the history of these excellent swimmers and treasured family members. Bonafide Bits: In the 19th century, the French fell in...
info_outlineDown and Back: AKC Dog Podcast
In this episode, we explore the indispensable Sighthounds. The sleek, swift, and beloved desert hunters and guardians of antiquity. The story of Sighthounds is the story of the oldest known domesticated dogs. Many of the breeds cherished today pre-date recorded history. Their loyalty, speed, and ability to spot and catch prey over long distances in the cruelest of conditions made them essential assets to pharaohs, kings, and nomads alike. Sighthounds were so revered that statues, murals, and golden relics were created in their honor. As a final testament to their merit, Sighthounds have been...
info_outlineIn this episode, we explain how the Non-Sporting group came to be, and why the breeds that comprise the group don’t have much more than their shared group designation in common!
The twenty-one different breeds currently recognized in this group range in size and stature, and some of them are downright, well, sporty. But what they do share often comes down to their original purpose and how the modern world has moved on, while these breeds stayed constant and ever-loyal like any good dog.
Bonafide Bits:
- Dalmatians are the only dogs bred specifically to accompany carriages.
- Fearless Bulldogs were bred with tenacious terriers to create cunning rat killers.
- A Boston Terrier is the official mascot of Boston University.
- In a triumphant recovery story, Chinese Shar-Peis were once listed as the world’s rarest dog breed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
- The impossibly cute Bichon Frise were once prized circus performers.
Featured Breeds:
- The dignified Dalmatian, dogdom’s citizen of the world, is famed for his spotted coat and unique job description. During their long history, these “coach dogs” have accompanied the horse-drawn rigs of nobles, gypsies, and firefighters. Discover more about Dalmatians at AKC’s Dalmatian Breed Biography.
- You can’t mistake a Bulldog for any other breed. The loose skin of the head, furrowed brow, pushed-in nose, small ears, undershot jaw with hanging chops on either side, and the distinctive rolling gait all practically scream “I’m a Bulldog!” The coat, seen in a variety of colors and patterns, is short, smooth, and glossy. Bulldogs can weigh up to 50 pounds, but that won’t stop them from curling up in your lap or at least trying to. Bulldogs enjoy brisk walks and need regular moderate exercise, along with a careful diet, to stay trim. Discover more about Bulldogs at AKC’s Bulldog Breed Biography.
Boston Terrier
- The Boston Terrier is a lively little companion recognized by his tight tuxedo jacket, sporty but compact body, and the friendly glow in his big, round eyes. His impeccable manners have earned him the nickname “The American Gentleman.” Discover more about Boston Terriers at AKC’s Boston Terrier Breed Biography.
French Bulldog
- The one-of-a-kind French Bulldog, with his large bat ears and even disposition, is one of the world’s most popular small-dog breeds, especially among city dwellers. The Frenchie is playful, alert, adaptable, and completely irresistible. Discover more about French Bulldogs at AKC’s French Bulldog Breed Biography.
Chinese Shar-Pei
- This fascinating but challenging breed of ancient pedigree is steadfastly loyal to family but standoffish with strangers. The Chinese Shar-Pei has physical characteristics that make him a one-of-a-kind companion and guardian dog. Discover more about Chinese Shar-Peis at AKC’s Chinese Shar-Pei Breed Biography.
- Forget those old stereotypes of Poodles as sissy dogs. Poodles are eager, athletic, and wickedly smart “real dogs” of remarkable versatility. The Standard, with his greater size and strength, is the best all-around athlete of the family, but all Poodles can be trained with great success. Discover more about Poodles at AKC’s Poodle (Standard) Breed Biography.
American Eskimo Dog
- The American Eskimo Dog combines striking good looks with a quick and clever mind in a total brains-and-beauty package. Neither shy nor aggressive, Eskies are always alert and friendly, though a bit conservative when making new friends. Distinctive traits include a dense, sparkling white coat with a lion-like ruff around the chest and shoulders; a smiling face, with black nose, lips, and eye-rims that convey a keen, intelligent expression; and a plumed tail carried over the back. They move with a bold and agile gait. Eskies are social animals and can develop problem behaviors when neglected or undertrained. Among the most trainable of breeds, the clever, kid-friendly Eskie practically invented the phrase “eager to please.” Discover more about American Eskimo Dogs at AKC’s American Eskimo Dog Breed Biography.
Bichon Frise
- The small but sturdy and resilient Bichon Frise stands among the world's great “personality dogs.” The breed’s glory is a white hypoallergenic coat, plush and velvety to the touch, featuring rounded head hair that sets off the large, dark eyes and black leathers of the nose and lips. Alert and curious, Bichons make nice little watchdogs but they are lovers, not fighters, and operate under the assumption that there are no strangers, just friends they haven’t met yet. Bichons train nicely and enjoy performing for their loved ones. Discover more about Bichon Frises at AKC’s Bichon Frise Breed Biography.
For more information about a specific breed visit the breed’s parent club or AKC.org.
- The AKC non-sporting group is defined not by what it is, but by what it is not.
- Want to know how Boston Terriers became the official dog of Massachusetts?
- The Chinese Shar-Pei was brought back from the brink of extinction by a Life magazine cover.