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Small and Significant: The Enduring Dog Breeds of the Toy Group

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

Release Date: 03/15/2023

Ask Bud: Dog Facts, Fiction, and Fun show art Ask Bud: Dog Facts, Fiction, and Fun

Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, Bud Boccone separates fact from fiction as he answers questions about the Titanic, allergy season, studbooks, and all kinds of other dog-related trivia. However many thousands of years we spend getting to know dogs, it seems there is always something new to learn. From their origins to survival stories, dogs lead fascinating lives. For humans, observing, collecting, and contemplating canine histories moves us closer to understanding ourselves.   Bonafide Bits: There is no dog breed (or mix of dog breeds) that is truly hypoallergenic. Only three dogs survived the sinking...

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In this podcast episode, we explore the greatest sniffing machines in the world of dogdom: the tireless, gentle, and beloved Bloodhounds. The Bloodhound’s exceptional scenting ability has been a cornerstone of modern crime fighting and search and rescue efforts for generations. There is no equal to this dog’s olfactory talent for picking up a scent and following its trail. Bloodhounds are tenacious scent-tracking powerhouses that require only food, companionship, and plenty of walks (so they can check their pee-mail, as they say).   Bonafide Bits: Bloodhounds are estimated to have...

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we explain how the Non-Sporting group came to be, and why the breeds that comprise the group don’t have much more than their shared group designation in common! The twenty-one different breeds currently recognized in this group range in size and stature, and some of them are downright, well, sporty. But what they do share often comes down to their original purpose and how the modern world has moved on, while these breeds stayed constant and ever-loyal like any good dog.   Bonafide Bits: Dalmatians are the only dogs bred specifically to accompany carriages. Fearless...

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we explore beloved canine breeds whose modern names may have gotten a little bit lost in translation over time. Just as humans have migrated all over the earth, so have their loyal, hardworking companions. War, wealth, and trade have all distributed dogs over diverse geographic areas (or in some cases, jobs) that may or may not match up with their monikers. Only true dog enthusiasts could win trivia night at the local tavern if the topic were the origins of dog breed names (you can thank us later).    Bonafide Bits: Great Danes are originally from Germany....

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

In this episode, we explore dogs with divine connections and how, for thousands of years, many disparate cultures, in different places and different eras, all chose to infuse canines into their spiritual lives and folklore. Wherever there have been humans, there have been dogs. Not just in the places we occupy, but in our traditions, folklore, and faith stories. Dogs, who want nothing more than to live with us, share our food, protect us, and help us hunt sometimes seem like they’re too good to not be a bit of a miracle.   Bonafide Bits: In Ojibwe folklore, a giant’s dog bested a...

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

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Down and Back: AKC Dog Podcast

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More Episodes

In this pick-me-up episode, we introduce you to the characters, companions, clowns, and survivors that are the dogs of the Toy group.

Once seen as symbols of royalty and aristocracy, dogs of the Toy group were often the coveted spoils of revolutions, war, and palace coups. The refined elegance and charm of these compact dogs assisted in their survival and solidified their place in many decidedly non-royal homes of today. Join us as we look at how favorite breeds of kings, queens, monarchs, and fashionistas both plummeted and soared in popularity.


Bonafide Bits:

  • Chihuahuas, originally named Techichis, were kept by the Toltecs to guide their human companions into the afterlife.
  • Both Pekingese and Maltese are referred to as “lion dogs.”
  • Aristotle called the elegant Maltese perfectly proportioned.
  • In 1926, Roswell Eldridge Esquire offered a hefty purse to breeders who could replicate toy Spaniels of King Charles’ time.
  • In the 1500s, Dutch traders smuggled Pugs out of China where they would become mascots in Holland’s House of Orange.


Featured Breeds:


Pekingese are compact, stocky toy dogs weighing up to 14 pounds. The coat is longest at the neck and shoulders, giving Pekes their famous “lion’s mane.” Coats come in various reds, from golden red to darker shades. The large, short-muzzled head is a wider-than-long, envelope-shaped rectangle, and the eyes are large, dark, and sparkly. A unique feature of Pekes is their effortless “rolling” gait. Pekes are charming, confident companions who develop a tight bond with their favorite human. Bred to live in palaces, they can be as serenely independent as the emperors who owned them. (They’re “opinionated,” Peke people say.) Ever alert, they make good watchdogs. Pekes will tolerate kids but won’t stand for a lot of roughhousing. Discover more about Pekingese at AKC’s Pekingese Breed Biography.



The Chihuahua is a balanced, graceful dog of terrier-like demeanor, weighing no more than six pounds. The rounded “apple” head is a breed hallmark. The erect ears and full, luminous eyes are acutely expressive. Coats come in many colors and patterns and can be long or short. The varieties are identical except for the coat. Chihuahuas possess loyalty, charm, and a big-dog attitude. Even tiny dogs require training, and without it, this clever scamp will rule your household like a little Napoleon. Compact and confident, Chihuahuas are ideal city pets. They are too small for roughhousing with kids, and special care must be taken in cold weather, but Chihuahuas are adaptable as long as they get lots of quality time in their preferred lap. Discover more about Chihuahuas at AKC’s Chihuahua Breed Biography.



The tiny Maltese, “Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta,” has been sitting in the lap of luxury since the Bible was a work in progress. Famous for their show-stopping, floor-length coat, Maltese are playful, charming, and adaptable toy companions. Discover more about Malteses at AKC’s Maltese Breed Biography.



The quick, curious Papillon is a toy dog of singular beauty and upbeat athleticism. Despite his refined appearance, the Pap is truly a “doggy dog” blessed with a hardy constitution. Papillon fanciers describe their breed as happy, alert, and friendly. A tiny dog, measuring 8 to 11 inches at the shoulder, you can still spot a Papillon a block away thanks to the large, wing-shaped ears that give the breed its name (“papillon” is French for “butterfly”). Some Paps have erect ears; in others, known as the Phalene type, the ears are down. Paps are dainty and elegant, with a plumed tail, and a long, silky coat of several color combinations, the base color being white. More robust than they look, Paps are little dogs for all seasons and reasons. They thrive in warm or cool climates, in town or country, and are eager to join the family fun. They are excellent agility dogs and are consistent winners at the sport’s highest levels; less ambitious owners can train them to do all kinds of tricks. Discover more about Papillons at AKC’s Papillon Breed Biography.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel wears his connection to British history in his breed’s name. Cavaliers are the best of two worlds, combining the gentle attentiveness of a toy breed with the verve and athleticism of a sporting spaniel. Discover more about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels at AKC’s King Charles Spaniel Breed Biography.


English Toy Spaniel

The ETS is a square, snub-nosed toy weighing no more than 14 pounds. The large domed head with its long and lush ears, dark melting eyes, and chubby cheeks is a famous breed trait. The profuse coat comes in four varieties, each with its own proper name: red and white (Blenheim); black and tan (King Charles); white, black, and tan (Prince Charles); and a solid red (Ruby). Blenheims often have a red mark, the 'Blenheim Spot,' on top of the head. The ETS, like many toy breeds kept by royals, came to assume the personalities of their aristocratic owners. They can be proud and willful, and extremely discriminating in their choice of friends. With their favored humans, they are affectionate at home and exuberant and curious at play. Discover more about English Toy Spaniels at AKC’s English Toy Spaniel Breed Biography.



Once the mischievous companion of Chinese emperors, and later the mascot of Holland's royal House of Orange, the small but solid Pug is today adored by his millions of fans around the world. Pugs live to love and to be loved in return. The Pug's motto is the Latin phrase “multum in parvo” (a lot in a little), an apt description of this small but muscular breed. They come in three colors: silver or apricot-fawn with a black face mask, or all black. The large round head, the big, sparkling eyes, and the wrinkled brow give Pugs a range of human-like expressions, such as surprise, happiness, and curiosity that have delighted owners for centuries. Pug owners say their breed is the ideal house dog. Pugs are happy in the city or country, with kids or old folks, as an only pet, or in a pack. They enjoy their food, and care must be taken to keep them trim. They do best in moderate climates “not too hot, not too cold” but, with proper care, Pugs can be their adorable selves anywhere. Discover more about Pugs at AKC’s Pug Breed Biography.


Italian Greyhound

A true Greyhound in miniature, the elegant Italian Greyhound is an alert, playful, and highly affectionate toy companion. IGs make decorative couch dogs, but at heart, they are flash-and-dash coursing hounds with an instinct for pursuit. Discover more about Italian Greyhounds at AKC’s Italian Greyhound Breed Biography.


Silky Terrier

Small but not fragile, feisty but not yappy, pretty but not sculpted, Silkys are 10-inch-tall dynamos animated by curiosity and high spirits. The glorious blue-and-tan coat is straight and glossy, and it feels and behaves much like human hair. The wedge-shaped head is topped by profuse hair parted down the middle, and erect V-shaped ears draw attention to the keen, piercing expression of the almond-shaped eyes. Silky Terriers are more refined than typical ratting terriers, but they should still look and behave like a true earth dog. Discover more about Silky Terriers at AKC’s Silky Terrier Breed Biography.


Yorkshire Terrier

Beneath the dainty, glossy, floor-length coat of a Yorkshire Terrier beats the heart of a feisty, old-time terrier. Yorkies earned their living as ratters in mines and mills long before they became the beribboned lapdogs of Victorian ladies. The Yorkshire Terrier is a compact, toy-size terrier of no more than seven pounds whose crowning glory is a floor-length, silky coat of steel blue and a rich golden tan. Don’t let the Yorkie’s daintiness fool you. Tenacious, feisty, brave, and sometimes bossy, the Yorkie exhibits all the traits of a true terrier. Often named the most popular dog breed in various American cities, Yorkies pack lots of big-town attitude into a small but self-important package. They are favorites of urbanites the world over. Yorkies are long-lived and hypoallergenic (the coat is more like human hair than animal fur), and they make fine little watchdogs. This is a true “personality breed,” providing years of laughs, love, and close companionship. Discover more about Yorkshire Terriers at AKC’s Yorkshire Terrier Breed Biography.



The tiny Pomeranian, long a favorite of royals and commoners alike, has been called the ideal companion. The glorious coat, smiling, foxy face, and vivacious personality have helped make the Pom one of the world's most popular toy breeds. Discover more about Pomeranians at AKC’s Pomeranian Breed Biography.


For more information about a specific breed visit the breed’s parent club or AKC.org.



  • If you see a pack of Pugs, you have seen a grumble.
  • During a storm at sea, King James II of England requested his Spaniels be saved before adding that the rescuers should also save his son.
  • As a symbol of affluence in ancient Rome, upper-crust Patrician women flaunted Maltese as fashion accessories.