Draft Brothers
In the inaugural episode of a new Draft Brothers series, our hosts go deep on a lesser known pop culture gem as they discuss Stephen King's The Long Walk. One of the "Bachman books," first credited to King's psuedonym Richard Bachman, The Long Walk may not be the first Stephen King novel to find its way into the casual reader's library. How will this deep cut hold up to Steven and Kenneth's scrutiny?
info_outline Guilty Pleasure Movies!Draft Brothers
Steven, Kenneth, and honorary guest Draft Brother Dave, draft their favorite guilty pleasure movies. A little bit of laughter, a lot of cringe!
info_outline The Worst Movies We've Ever Seen!Draft Brothers
Come along as Steven, Russell, and Kenneth draft the worst movies they have ever seen. Humor, and deep deep regret follow :)
info_outline Favorite AlbumsDraft Brothers
Steven, Russell, Kenneth, and Court draft and discuss their favorite albums! Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and The Beatles were off-limits, leading to a diverse lineup and lively conversation!
info_outline The Led Zeppelin DraftDraft Brothers
In this super-sized episode, brothers Steven, Russell, Kenneth, and Court, along with a guest-star Josh, draft and discuss their favorite Led Zeppelin Songs!
info_outline The Musicals DraftDraft Brothers
Kenneth, Court, and Steven take part in the great musical draft, choosing and discussing the best musical theater, and musical films, of all time.
info_outline The Video Game DraftDraft Brothers
Come along for a trip down memory lane as Court, Kenneth, and Steven draft and discuss their favorite video games from the past!
info_outline The Horror Movie DraftDraft Brothers
Steven, Russell, and Kenneth draft their favorite horror movies to make a dream team of terror—with lots of fun discussion along the way.
info_outline The Pink Floyd DraftDraft Brothers
Brothers Kenneth, Russell, and Steven, have a sports-style draft of their favorite Pink Floyd songs. Which classic tunes will make the final cut?
info_outlineKenneth, Court, and Steven take part in the great musical draft, choosing and discussing the best musical theater, and musical films, of all time.