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Norma and The Forgotten Lines

Dreamstalk Podcast

Release Date: 02/12/2020

Minisode - Quarantine Dreams show art Minisode - Quarantine Dreams

Dreamstalk Podcast

Introducing a new addition to Dreamstalk Podcast is the minisode! Shorter episodes featuring compilations of dream readings by me and some of my guests.

Lazarus and The Winged Woman of the Underworld show art Lazarus and The Winged Woman of the Underworld

Dreamstalk Podcast

Lazarus has experienced vivid dreams for as long as they can remember. As they've grown and matured into a young adult, they've explored their spirituality and connection to the underworld as a way to understand their purpose in this lifetime. They also continue discovering the lessons that have crossed over from previous lifetimes. We discuss synchronicities we've found in friendships and patterns of dreaming as they relate to the human experience and storytelling.

Ben and The Parade of A Thousand Women show art Ben and The Parade of A Thousand Women

Dreamstalk Podcast

For most of us, dreams take us away off on another adventure until we wake up. But for others, it's not enough to let the story happen to them, they want to take matters into their own hands. Ben is one of those dreamers. While not the most active lucid dreamer anymore, he has experience with some of the practices that lucid dreamers use to control their dreams. We discuss what it means for someone to want that kind of control over the deepest corners of their psyche.

Norma and The Forgotten Lines show art Norma and The Forgotten Lines

Dreamstalk Podcast

Norma regularly dreams, probably, but she doesn't remember most of them anymore. The ones she does remember involve solving problems from her daily life. Even though her dream stock has faded from memory, we talk about what life was like for her growing up on a farm in rural Illinois. That sock dream she had, mentioned in episode one, didn't come from a mundane place at all, but rather a serious socio-economic situation. 

Spirit Seeker and The Ganesha Formula show art Spirit Seeker and The Ganesha Formula

Dreamstalk Podcast

Spirit Seeker's pseudonym reveals a lot about how she dreams and engages with the world. Themes of exploration, traveling outside of her body, premonitions of things to come, and visitations from loved ones often leave her exhausted when she wakes up. Most of us spend a lot of time exploring who we are in life and what our purpose is, but for Spirit Seeker, this is an even deeper question because part of her past has yet to be revealed, and may never be. 

Evan and His Fish Sister and The Call To Violence show art Evan and His Fish Sister and The Call To Violence

Dreamstalk Podcast

For most of his life, Evan consistently dreamed about houses without windows, invasive shadowy figures, and domed silver platters that reveal something shocking. It wasn't until later in his life that he was finally able to come to terms with a big part of his identity that those dreams eventually resolved. We discuss how nightmares, while uncomfortable, serve a vital purpose for our human survival. 

Dream Miner and the Flaming Woolly Mammoth show art Dream Miner and the Flaming Woolly Mammoth

Dreamstalk Podcast

Dream Miner has some of the most vivid and disturbing nightmares that keep her awake at night. We talk about what they mean to her, where they come from, and what she does with them. 

More Episodes

Norma regularly dreams, probably, but she doesn't remember most of them anymore. The ones she does remember involve solving problems from her daily life. Even though her dream stock has faded from memory, we talk about what life was like for her growing up on a farm in rural Illinois. That sock dream she had, mentioned in episode one, didn't come from a mundane place at all, but rather a serious socio-economic situation.