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79: Iridology, Sclerology, & Holistic Health With Nichole Hosein

Drew and You Podcast

Release Date: 04/10/2023

83:  11 Simple Ways To Form Rock Solid Habits And Transform Your Life show art 83: 11 Simple Ways To Form Rock Solid Habits And Transform Your Life

Drew and You Podcast

In today's podcast, Drew Canole shares 11 profound ways to form rock solid habits and transform your life into anything you want it to be. 1.  Start small: When forming new habits, it's important to start with small, manageable steps. For example, if you're trying to improve your physical health, starting with just a few steps or walking a short distance each day can be a great way to build momentum and stay motivated. The same can be applied to other areas of life, such as drinking more water or practicing gratitude. By starting with small steps, you can build up to bigger changes over...

82:  Discover Your Inner Artist: 10 Easy Techniques to Unlock Your Creative Side show art 82: Discover Your Inner Artist: 10 Easy Techniques to Unlock Your Creative Side

Drew and You Podcast

In today's show, Drew Canole discusses how to increase creativity and connect with oneself and a higher power, leading to relaxation, motivation, and healing. He emphasizes the importance of reframing situations to put oneself in a state of elation and encourages seeing the world through the eyes of wonder to feel more connected, make wiser decisions, and experience more joy. Drew provides ten ways to achieve this state of wonder and awe. First, he suggests waking up and appreciating the world around youself, seeing with "wow" goggles, and meditating or praying all day long.  Second, he...

81:  The Secret Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise & The Power Of Visualization show art 81: The Secret Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise & The Power Of Visualization

Drew and You Podcast

In today's podcast, Drew emphasizes the importance of exercise for mental health, and how physical activity can help regulate mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Drew explains that exercising releases serotonin and dopamine, two essential neurochemicals that help regulate mood, and that a simple 30-minute exercise routine can boost serotonin levels by up to 80%. He recommends low-intensity cardio in Zone 2, which is an inclined walking pace that maintains an average heart rate of 115 beats per minute. Drew suggests that this form of exercise is excellent for mental health...

80:  The Power Of Merciful Forgiveness, & 6 Ways To Stimulate The Parasympathetic Nervous System show art 80: The Power Of Merciful Forgiveness, & 6 Ways To Stimulate The Parasympathetic Nervous System

Drew and You Podcast

This episode is about forgiveness and the amazing gifts that open up to us when we "let go and let God."  Drew shares his story of overcoming a traumatic childhood filled with abuse, drugs, and violence.  Drews tells of his heartbreaking experience when his father burned him with cigarettes for not putting his shoes on fast enough, left him outside to sleep in the rain, and stabbed his sister in the eye with a fork.  Despite the challenges he faced at such a young age, Drew managed to turn forgiveness into a superpower that has helped him heal and transform his life. Drew begins...

79: Iridology, Sclerology, & Holistic Health With Nichole Hosein show art 79: Iridology, Sclerology, & Holistic Health With Nichole Hosein

Drew and You Podcast

 0:55 "I've always loved eyes.  Looking at people's eyes it's just, amazing.  So adding iridology where you can look at the iris and the sclerology being able to tell a lot about people's health, it was really eye opening for me."  11:07 "We grow a lot of our own food, we source it locally from organic farmers. What you eat is 80% of your healing.  You're investing in your health or taking away from it." 20:38 "My dad always had brown eyes... and then he had a heart attack and started juicing.  He has green eyes now.  When you start juicing you start pulling...

78:  Healing Journeys & The Truth About Main Stream Psychedelic Journeys show art 78: Healing Journeys & The Truth About Main Stream Psychedelic Journeys

Drew and You Podcast

8:10 "It was almost like I couldn't be silent anymore.  I couldn't NOT speak.  There was a day when I just reached my tipping point." 18:20 "I think for each of us it's different.  I just happen to be like, I'm someone who's always had a strong constitution.  I want to know the truth, I want to know the reality, even if it's uncomfortable, even if it's really heavy or difficult." 33:45 "When I feel LIFE on something, that is an indication for me to take a step in that direction." 54:11 "Everybody likes to talk about the great reset, and then there's the great awakening....

77:  Raw Communication and Honesty With Chase Ramey show art 77: Raw Communication and Honesty With Chase Ramey

Drew and You Podcast

1:27 "Right now i have a pre-breakfast breath practice, where i'm taking ten inhalations, as deep as i can, two thirds through the belly, one third through the chest." 8:54 "It's the difference between the teacher and the mentor.  The mentor is somebody who's lived it.  They've experienced it.  They probably have both left brain and right brain wisdom and knowledge, but they're not just a default to what code and curriculum would suggest. " 16:12 "I knew in her eyes that it was over.  So I didn't try to salvage.  So I said fine, I'm out of here."   23:28 "I'm a...

76:  NAET Allergy Elimination & Chinese Medicine With Valerie Jakobsen show art 76: NAET Allergy Elimination & Chinese Medicine With Valerie Jakobsen

Drew and You Podcast

5:10 "I guess I've never used the word healer at the beginning to think of myself.  However, I was certainly on a healing journey."   14:00 "If you really come to the truth of the reality that you are loved and that your boundaries are in tact, you don't need to outsource your power..." 24:10 "Suffering is the disconnection and the disallowance of what is here on this plane, what we signed up for. It can be navigated very wisely when we have that connection.  The right resources will show up." 36:15 "We believe very strongly in deep, deep levels of intimacy.  Which is why...

75:  Introduction To New German Medicine With Melissa Sell & Steven Ravnstag show art 75: Introduction To New German Medicine With Melissa Sell & Steven Ravnstag

Drew and You Podcast

Melissa and Steve join Drew to talk about German New Medicine, also known as Germanic Healing Knowledge, which was started by Dr. Hamer.  Dr. Hamer noticed a pattern that a specific conflict preceded the development of specific types of cancer. He also discovered five biological laws of nature after reviewing 10,000 patient cases.  A conflict shock is something that catches an individual off guard, and the body always does something that is sensible and meaningful in response. The body's adaptation can be traced back to a conflict shock if the response occurred absent an injury,...

74:  Staying Healthy & Free As The Global Powers Close In With Kyle Kingsbury show art 74: Staying Healthy & Free As The Global Powers Close In With Kyle Kingsbury

Drew and You Podcast

We'll resume after the holidays on January 3rd everyone!     2:25 "Anything that could harmonize my body, which is the tuning fork, would allow me to soften and accept what's going on in the world." 4:26 "Corporations run this country. " 8:27 "It's not so you can download a movie in 3 seconds. It's so they can monitor you."   12:14 "That was conspired by the deep state..."   17:31 "My path is one that marries the old indigenous way of living with the modern."   27:17 "Your spine is what holds everything together, and if I'm not holding myself together mentally,...

More Episodes

 0:55 "I've always loved eyes.  Looking at people's eyes it's just, amazing.  So adding iridology where you can look at the iris and the sclerology being able to tell a lot about people's health, it was really eye opening for me."

 11:07 "We grow a lot of our own food, we source it locally from organic farmers. What you eat is 80% of your healing.  You're investing in your health or taking away from it."

20:38 "My dad always had brown eyes... and then he had a heart attack and started juicing.  He has green eyes now.  When you start juicing you start pulling toxins out."

32:11 "I'm a holistic practitioner, so I don't just look at eyes.  I've been very blessed that I can consider nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle."



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