Leadership Breakdown
Conscious Leadership and Conscious Living in Action podcast
Release Date: 11/25/2020
Conscious Leadership and Conscious Living in Action podcast
Living Consciously in Midlife and Beyond is based on the conscious Living Wheel introduced in the book Midlife, New Life written by Eileen Caroscio, Sandy Demarest, and Paul Ward. The purpose of this podcast is to advance conscious living and conscious leadership for the greater good of humanity. Betsy Pickren uses the Midlife, New Life book as a foundation for her Wisdom Impact Groups. In our conversation, Betsy shares her own journey of transitions through midlife and explains how she helps women repurpose their wisdom for good in her wisdom groups. To listen to the video podcast go to my...
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Most of us think about being contagious in terms of a virus or ill health, especially at this time as the coronavirus is spreading rapidly around the world, but emotions and attitudes are also contagious. During my Conscious Leadership in Action conversation with Anese Cavanaugh, author of the book, Contagious You, we talked about how we as leaders are contagious. We also talked about intentional energetic presence (IEP), and being conscious and intentional about everything we do.
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In my Conscious Leadership in Action conversation with guest Eric Kaufmann we talked about his new book, Leadership Breakdown: How to break the vicious cycle, release the struggle, and succeed with conscious leadership. Eric describes his book as a journey through the applications of conscious leadership. The podcast includes Eric being exceptionally vulnerable in sharing his own leadership awakening along with a beautiful meditation.
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Transformational coach and spiritual mentor, Gema Ramirez, explores how leaders can cultivate conscious leadership. Gema’s vision is to change the world to see everyone becoming a conscious leader, inspiring others, and coming together with our own unique versions of conscious leadership. During our conversation, Gema describes nine qualities of a conscious leader: authenticity, collaboration, inspiration, oneness, presence, equanimity, trust, inclusion, and greatness.
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Karen Wilhelm Buckley explores how leaders cultivate commitment with wise leadership. it's constantly an inner journey, and then it's constantly an outer journey as well. The capacity to integrate our experience and our knowledge with our conscious awareness is really key to the capacity to be consciously a leader and to be conscious in our leadership. We cultivate commitment from the inside out. Yet commitment in itself is not enough. We have bring in wisdom before we take action.
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Josh Perry talks about three principles he has learned on his journey from Pro BMX athlete to multiple brain tumor survivor and inspirational speaker. Josh almost died because doctors thought his headaches were quite normal and it wasn’t until a routine brain scan following a training accident that two massive brain tumors were revealed. His three principles are: Perspective is Essential to Life, Health is Internal, and Our Reality is a Manifestation of our Choices.
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Susan Wehrley is the author of recently published Yogi Executive, 7 Principles to Improve Your Gut Intelligence and Become a More Clear, Calm and Confident Leader. During our conscious leadership conversation, Susan talks about the yogi executive as somebody who's practicing groundedness and awareness. Being a yogi executive doesn't mean you have to be an executive in a company, but it's using that executive functioning part of your brain. So everybody's a yoga executive when they're doing that.
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Leaders as Elders, Stewards, and Tuning Forks. In Jeffrey Deckman’s award winning book, Developing the Conscious Leadership Mindset for the 21st Century, Jeffery writes, “elders are not in pursuit of leadership roles they’re in pursuit of consciousness.” When trying to figure out how to begin to take steps on the journey to conscious leadership, just think about the image you have of an elder and think about what they do and why they’re respected, and that will get you headed in the right directio
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Different states of awareness or levels of consciousness exist in our universe. In this Conscious Leadership in Action conversation, Charlie Efford relates these levels of consciousness to octaves on a musical scale, each having a number of notes within it. Higher octaves mean higher levels of consciousness. He also talked about the color coded spirals described by Frederic Laloux in Reinventing Organizations and Don Beck and Christopher Cowan in Spiral Dynamics.
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Start with your people. All business issues are people issues, and those people issues often relate to the false ego, the unconscious part of ourselves. So if we can break through those issues, and help them get into their own true essence and their own true selves, and tap into their own higher intelligences, they’ll come up with their own solutions. And then, my job is to help them figure their strategy for implementing and hold them accountable. That's my role as a conscious leaders coach.
info_outlineIn my Conscious Leadership in Action conversation with guest Eric Kaufmann we talked about his new book, Leadership Breakdown: How to break the vicious cycle, release the struggle, and succeed with conscious leadership.
Eric has made awakening and expanding the consciousness of leaders his mission in life. Eric says that what makes a conscious leader is not just waking up, opening your eyes and saying I am, but seeing the interconnectedness of all things, and holding all those variables in heart and mind as you make choices. That means extending beyond my ego, my sense of separate self and folding into it my co-workers, vendors, supply chain, my customers, my shareholders, my family, the family of my employees. What makes a person a conscious leader is the ability to expand that sense of self beyond the protection, beyond the greed, beyond the fear and to really include as much of life possible while making choices. A conscious being at choice, taking responsible action.
Eric describes his book as a journey through the applications of conscious leadership. He first addresses the question about why we need conscious leadership now, including the role that companies and businesses play in society, which is to say they've eclipsed religion and government as the shapers of human society. It is a mantle of responsibility cast upon leaders that they didn't expect. Conscious leadership is then deconstructed into its elemental vectors or main parts followed by chapters describing how we apply various lessons and insights to soften the ego’s grip and be able to be more conscious.
The Conscious Leadership in Action conversation also includes Eric being exceptionally vulnerable in sharing his own leadership awakening and a beautiful meditation. To listen to the video podcast go to my You Tube channel and to preorder Eric’s new book, Leadership Breakdown, visit Eric's Bookstore.
Podcast first released in February 2020.