The Drunk Mormon Podcast
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We knew if we were gone long enough, we'd have to come back with something special, and... does a paranormal investigation in the oldest house in Manhattan fit the bill? Welcome to The Morris-Jumel Mansion, former residence of folks like George Washington, Aaron Burr, Eliza Jumel, and current residence of a handful of ghosts. At least, that's what we were told, so we strapped on microphones and decided to find out for ourselves. Our full Scooby-Doo gang included: DJB, Lauren, and Ashley, plus our favorite witch Miranda, new friend (and reluctant medium) Angie, and Broadway...
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Poof! Just when you thought we were gone forever, we've reappeared! And this time we're talking about occult magic in early Mormonism (and the aspects of magic that continue to today!). Follow us @DrunkMormonPod
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The podcast is slowing down, but we love Halloween! This year we got together to swap more spooky Mormon tales (and nurse a hangover or two). DM us your scary Mormon stories at @DrunkMormonPod
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Hey there, kiddo. Your mom and I are making some changes to the way we get drunk with our friends and talk about Mormons. Follow us @DrunkMormonPod (for all future updates!) (Everything must go!) (with a few noted changes)
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Mormons are named after a SPECIFIC PERSON?? Color us intrigued, let's learn more! Follow us @DrunkMormonPod Visit our . Find us on .
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We finally release (part of) the FIRST EVER RECORDED EPISODE of Lauren's Mormon Education Journey, as we remind her the lessons she learned in 2018 about three Nephites who never died... and still roam the Earth today.... Follow us @DrunkMormonPod Visit our Find us on
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It's a gift to be simple, it's a gift to be free. It's a gift to drink with friends like you and me! Follow us @DrunkMormonPod Visit our Find us on
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We aren't the only drunk podcast out there, and like any 2 hot messes at a frat party, we have a way of finding each other! We're joined this week by Mike, Nate, and Jimmy of The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast who willingly choose to crack open a copy of Chris Heimerdinger's "Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites". Some of us LOVED the book, and some of us DID NOT. Can you guess who was who? For more drunk book reports, or to hear all the jokes that DJB cut out of our edit, check out . Follow us @DrunkMormonPod Visit our . Find us on .
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We pick up our tale of pirate ghosts and folk magic right where we left off, right in the middle of the "nobody learned any of this in Mormon Sunday School" chapter. Cheers to a new season of episodes! You can find Mark's graphic novels about Joseph Smith's magical treasure hunting days at . Follow us @DrunkMormonPod
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We're back! And after a long hiatus we're tackling a long-overdue topic: Joseph Smith's treasure digging history. Featuring Mark Elwood, author and illustrator of "The Glass Looker: Collected Tales of Joseph Smith:" To see more of Mark's work and order his graphic novels, head to ! Follow us @DrunkMormonPod
info_outlineMormons are named after a SPECIFIC PERSON?? Color us intrigued, let's learn more!
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