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Build Your Ideal Day - EP05

Build Your Ideal Day

Release Date: 10/20/2019

Understanding stress and how to enhance your recovery everyday. show art Understanding stress and how to enhance your recovery everyday.

Build Your Ideal Day

Tina Hoffman is an exercise physiologist at global wellbeing business Firstbeat. She has an elite sports background in cross-country skiing as an athlete and as a coach. She is an expert in understanding stress and recovery through the measurement of heart rate variability which helps people see the direct relationship between what they do and their body's response to various activities. Having worked with thousands of people on their stress and recovery Tiina's insights are invaluable for helping us all live our best lives.

Future of work. How the pandemic changed our relationship with work. show art Future of work. How the pandemic changed our relationship with work.

Build Your Ideal Day

The future of work. How the pandemic changed our relationship with work. Aaron McEwan, VP, Research and Advisory for Gartner Australia HR Practice and was recently names in the top 100 global HR influencers. He provides strategic advice to world leading companies and helps leaders manage their most critical relationships across C-suites and business more broadly. He shares his insights on the future of knowledge work, it's complexity and the why wellbeing is key if we want to do the important work of the future. The podcast also explores: The psychological contract between employer...

Social Biome - How socially fit are you right now? show art Social Biome - How socially fit are you right now?

Build Your Ideal Day

Social Biome – how you shape your daily relationships and interactions can enhance your wellbeing and help build social fitness. We have all heard about ‘gut biomes’ and eating a wide range of foods but have you considered your social biome may be similar? A daily dose of alone time, communication types and relationships can help us thrive and flourish. Joining us on the podcast is Jeffrey Hall who is a Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas and a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. He is an...

Transforming Sydney's Coastline: The Living Seawalls Project show art Transforming Sydney's Coastline: The Living Seawalls Project

Build Your Ideal Day

An inspirational story about community and scientists working together to enhance marine ecosystems. Living seawalls have been recognised in the Prince of Wales Earth Shot awards with a runners-up award. The project had its humble start in Sydney Harbour but now has a global reach and operates across three continents. 

Project Crayweed - Rewilding Cabbage Tree Bay show art Project Crayweed - Rewilding Cabbage Tree Bay

Build Your Ideal Day

An incredible story of ocean restoration at Cabbage Tree Bay, Australia, one of the most marine biodiverse places on the planet, but this has only sometimes been the case. During the 60s and 70s, pollution and runoff destroyed much of Sydney's underwater crayweed forests and the vital marine habitat. The podcast explores how a dedicated group of locals lobbied the government to create a marine sanctuary, collaborated with  scientists from Sydney Marine Institute and engaged the local community to restore one of Sydney's most famous beaches to its original glory. It's a great story of hope...

Wellbeing at work - The one simple thing that helps employees thrive. show art Wellbeing at work - The one simple thing that helps employees thrive.

Build Your Ideal Day

Interview with Camilla Frumar, Senior consultant at Gallup. As Gallup’s research shows, to truly thrive, we need to find a balance between those five universal wellbeing elements seen worldwide. Wellbeing is all about a healthy combination of loving what we do daily, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and how we contribute to our community.  And when it comes to the workplace, the best managers will lead with a holistic approach that focuses on the interconnectedness between engagement and wellbeing, and have a core...

Reconnect and build communities where people thrive. show art Reconnect and build communities where people thrive.

Build Your Ideal Day

How can we reconnect and build the kind of thriving communities were we want to live? An interview with Andrew Leigh: parliamentarian, academic, author, podcaster and marathon runner about creating a connected and thriving Australia. His book 'Reconnected' is a community builders handbook and offers practical insights to help us all build a stronger society together

Stand up everybody and start moving! Why we all need to sit less and make constant movement part of everyday. show art Stand up everybody and start moving! Why we all need to sit less and make constant movement part of everyday.

Build Your Ideal Day

We all need to start moving more. Modern technology and changed working patterns have lead to an increase in inactivity and sitting. Research shows our sedentary patterns and high amounts of sitting are associated with an increased risk of early death but also an increased risk of a number of the major chronic diseases.  Professor David Dunstan is the head of the Baker-Deakin Department of Lifestyle and Diabetes within the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition and talks with us about the health hazards associated with sitting and what we need to cancel out the risk. Maybe we need...

How to live heart-smart and prevent out of the blue heart attacks. show art How to live heart-smart and prevent out of the blue heart attacks.

Build Your Ideal Day

Can you prevent a heart attack? – One man’s mission to remove, stop and prevent out-of-the-blue heart attacks. An interview with Dr Warrick Bishop. A Tasmanian cariologist whose goal is to help prevent heart attacks and the diseases that cause them. Educating and supporting people to understand the importance of heart health. Challenging them to live heart-smart so they can stay alive to be their best possible selves. 

Could job crafting help bring more enjoyment to your work? show art Could job crafting help bring more enjoyment to your work?

Build Your Ideal Day

How might we shape work in small ways to align our passion, strengths and interests? By applying job crafting principles, we can make your current job a better fit for you and lift your enjoyment of work every day - interview with Rob Baker, chief positive deviant at workplace consultancy Tailored Thinking.

More Episodes

This episode of the Build Your Ideal Day series explores that we are living in a world of constant distraction and stimuli. Attention is a muscle that needs to be developed and the ability to focus and work deeply is becoming more valuable at the exact time that it’s becoming increasingly rare.