Project Crayweed - Rewilding Cabbage Tree Bay
Project Crayweed - Rewilding Cabbage Tree Bay
An incredible story of ocean restoration at Cabbage Tree Bay, Australia, one of the most marine biodiverse places on the planet, but this has only sometimes been the case. During the 60s and 70s, pollution and runoff destroyed much of Sydney's underwater crayweed forests and the vital marine habitat. The podcast explores how a dedicated group of locals lobbied the government to create a marine sanctuary, collaborated with scientists from Sydney Marine Institute and engaged the local community to restore one of Sydney's most famous beaches to its original glory. It's a great story of hope and perseverance in restoring the ocean environment and provides a blueprint for others to do the same. #suttonlim, #cabbagetreebay, #sydneyinstitiuteofmarinescience, #sims, #manly, #projectcrayweed, #projectrestore, #boldand beautifulswimgroup, #630drinksexpress, #dorsetsutton, #adrianaverges, #melaniebishop, #buildyouridealday