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Broken Oaths  show art Broken Oaths

Broken Oaths

Philadelphia Detective Jack Weston once believed in justice, in the power of the badge he wore. But years of chasing criminals and witnessing the rot within the city’s system led him to a dangerous crossroads, one where his moral compass shattered. Drawn into the orbit of Lena Rivers—a brilliant and manipulative woman with a taste for control—Jack finds himself crossing lines he swore he'd never approach. Together, they form an unlikely partnership, orchestrating a series of murders disguised as accidents, using their positions of trust to cover their tracks. For eight years, Jack leads...

Chapter 3: The Aftermath show art Chapter 3: The Aftermath

Broken Oaths

The early morning sun crept over South Philadelphia, casting long shadows on cracked sidewalks and silent streets. Jack Weston sat at his small kitchen table, wide awake despite more than twenty-four hours without sleep. His body was tired, but his mind buzzed, still running on the adrenaline of last night’s events. A half-empty bottle of whiskey sat on the table before him, and a cigarette burned low in the ashtray, its smoke twisting lazily toward the ceiling. Jack hadn’t planned on drinking, but after what he’d done, he needed something to settle his nerves. He could feel...

Chapter 2: Revelations and First Kill show art Chapter 2: Revelations and First Kill

Broken Oaths

Lena stood at her apartment window, gazing over the quiet Philadelphia streets. The night was oddly still, missing the usual hum of late-night traffic and the distant wail of sirens. The silence seeped into her mind, stirring a darkness she’d long tried to bury. She took another sip of wine, the warmth creeping down her throat. She’d lost count of the glasses—it didn’t matter. She wasn’t drinking for pleasure but to drown out the restless energy that had been simmering ever since she met Jack Weston. Jack. The way he hadn’t flinched when she hinted at her darker tendencies...

Chapter 1: Crossed Paths show art Chapter 1: Crossed Paths

Broken Oaths

Jack Weston had always found hospitals the least thrilling part of his job. After years on the Philadelphia police force, the routine of bringing in suspects for medical clearance had become a mind-numbing ritual. It lacked the rush of a high-speed chase or the satisfaction of snapping handcuffs onto a suspect. No, hospitals were just another sterile, rule-bound stop in his world. Tonight, however, felt different. It was nearly midnight when Jack pulled up to St. Agnes Medical Center with his latest catch—a low-level gang member named Vinnie “Smalltime” Morales, who’d botched a robbery...

More Episodes

Jack Weston had always found hospitals the least thrilling part of his job. After years on the Philadelphia police force, the routine of bringing in suspects for medical clearance had become a mind-numbing ritual. It lacked the rush of a high-speed chase or the satisfaction of snapping handcuffs onto a suspect. No, hospitals were just another sterile, rule-bound stop in his world.

Tonight, however, felt different.

It was nearly midnight when Jack pulled up to St. Agnes Medical Center with his latest catch—a low-level gang member named Vinnie “Smalltime” Morales, who’d botched a robbery and busted his leg trying to escape over a fence. Jack had nabbed him without much effort, but Vinnie hadn’t stopped mouthing off since. Strapped to a gurney with his leg immobilized, he alternated between grimacing in pain and hurling curses.

“Hey, get me out of these cuffs, you prick,” Vinnie spat, his face contorted in agony as paramedics wheeled him toward the ER entrance.

Jack leaned against his patrol car, watching the scene with detached amusement. Vinnie was no longer a threat, just another punk who’d finally met his match. Jack didn’t waste an ounce of sympathy on him; the kid had it coming.

The ER was alive with the usual late-night chaos: ambulances arriving, nurses darting around, and doctors barking orders over the hum of medical equipment. But tonight, something—or rather, someone—caught Jack’s eye and made him straighten up.

Lena Carter.

She moved through the ER with a calm authority, every step deliberate. Lena was tall, with sharp features and jet-black hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Her piercing green eyes scanned the room with a calculating, almost predatory calm. The standard-issue navy scrubs seemed more like armor on her. There was something about her presence that set her apart from the other frenzied staff.

Jack couldn’t recall seeing her before, but as soon as his eyes landed on her, he felt a tug deep within him. It wasn’t just attraction—it was something darker. Perhaps it was the way she carried herself, with a control that hinted at secrets, or the cold intensity in her gaze.

He watched as Lena reviewed a patient’s chart on the far side of the room, barely flinching as doctors shouted around her. Unlike the other nurses, she was steady—cold, almost. Just as he was about to look away, she turned, their eyes meeting across the crowded ER. Jack felt his breath hitch. She held his gaze, unwavering, as if assessing whether he was worth her time.

Jack shot her a slow, cocky smile, the kind that usually led to trouble. He expected her to roll her eyes and walk away, but she didn’t. Instead, a smirk danced at the corner of her lips, and she inclined her head slightly, acknowledging the unspoken challenge.

She began walking toward him.

Jack’s pulse quickened. Women like Lena didn’t play along with his usual charm. She had an edge, and danger was something Jack knew too well.

Lena stopped in front of him, her eyes flicking to Vinnie on the gurney. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a live one,” she said, her voice smooth, tinged with sarcasm, but sharper, almost mocking.

“Yeah, he’s a real prize,” Jack replied, standing up straight and sizing her up. There was something in her expression that drew him in. “Thought he’d be more of a runner. Didn’t get far.”

Lena looked down at Vinnie, who let out a louder groan, as if hoping for sympathy. She barely blinked. “Now you’re stuck babysitting.”

Jack shrugged. “It’s part of the job.” He couldn’t look away from her. Most nurses would’ve fussed over the injured, but Lena was different. “You get a lot of guys like this?”

“All the time.” Her tone was casual, but there was an undercurrent of something darker. “They come in, we patch them up, they go back to their messes. Most of them aren’t worth the stitches.”

Jack raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her bluntness. “Bet you’ve got some stories.”

She glanced at him, her gaze intense. “I could tell you some things,” she replied, her voice lowering. “But you might not want to hear them.”

Jack’s grin widened. “Try me.”

For a moment, she held his gaze, her expression unreadable. Then, with practiced ease, she took control of the gurney and started wheeling Vinnie toward the ER doors. Jack watched her, drawn to the confidence in her stride.

Just before disappearing into the trauma bay, Lena turned back, catching Jack’s eye once more. Her lips curled into a sly smile. “You coming, Officer? Or are you just going to stand there all night?”

Jack pushed off the car and followed her inside, his curiosity overpowering his usual detachment. The ER buzzed with activity, but his focus was solely on Lena, who parked the gurney and began checking Vinnie’s vitals with a brisk, detached efficiency.

“You’re pretty calm under pressure,” Jack said, his voice edged with curiosity.

Lena didn’t look up. “It’s part of the job,” she replied, adjusting the IV with steady hands. “You learn to handle it. I imagine you’re the same.”

“True,” Jack said, watching her work. “But I’ve never seen anyone handle it quite like you.”

She glanced up, her eyes dark, hinting at something dangerous. “Maybe you’re not looking close enough.”

Jack smirked. “I’m paying attention now.”

Lena paused, stepping back from the gurney. “Most people don’t see what really goes on in here. They’re in and out, no deeper than the surface. But you and me? We know the other side of things. The ugly side.”

A shiver ran through him—not fear, but something thrilling. “You like the ugly side?”

A wicked smile played on her lips, her eyes glinting with a predatory gleam. “I don’t mind it.”

Jack stepped closer, lowering his voice. “Neither do I.”

For a beat, they stood in charged silence, the chaos of the ER fading to the background. This was different from his usual banter—there was something in Lena that mirrored the part of himself he usually kept hidden.

Lena tilted her head, studying him. Then, without a word, she turned and walked away, leaving him with his heart pounding.

He watched her go, knowing this wasn’t the last he’d see of Lena Carter. And something told him that whatever happened next would change everything.