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Divided We Stand

Earl Creps' Podcast

Release Date: 11/23/2016

Why Return to Higher Education? show art Why Return to Higher Education?

Earl Creps' Podcast

A radio interview deals with the influence of my personal spiritual journey on the professional journey that has brought me back into higher education for the third time as Director of Northwest University's Center for Leadership Studies.

A Season of Dreams show art A Season of Dreams

Earl Creps' Podcast

Based on the 5 dream sequences in Matthew 2, this talk describes the role and function of dreaming in the Bible and asks, "what is your dream?"

Gratitude: 21st Century Super Power show art Gratitude: 21st Century Super Power

Earl Creps' Podcast

This talk lays out the biblical lifestyle of gratitude and offers guidance on owning this super power in our lives.

Divided We Stand show art Divided We Stand

Earl Creps' Podcast

In the aftermath of the 2016 election this talk asks what the election says about us as a nation and how we navigate our new political terrain form a biblical perspective.

Am I the Trailer or the Movie? show art Am I the Trailer or the Movie?

Earl Creps' Podcast

This talk explores the way the small story of our lives (trailer) can lead people to the large story of the Gospel (the movie). 

I Want to Know What Love Is show art I Want to Know What Love Is

Earl Creps' Podcast

Everybody wants love, but no one seems to know exactly what it is. Drawn from 1 John, this talk presents a biblical definition of love and delves into why that matters.

What Are You Building? show art What Are You Building?

Earl Creps' Podcast

Based on the Tower of Babel story in Genesis, this talk challenges us to consider what we are building and why.

Who Is My Neighbor? show art Who Is My Neighbor?

Earl Creps' Podcast

Drawn from Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, this talk focuses on the way faith can grow out of questions and then be made practical in love.

Humility show art Humility

Earl Creps' Podcast

Jesus' parable of the wedding feast teaches humility, not as a personality or an attitude, but as a radical choice.

How to Judge People show art How to Judge People

Earl Creps' Podcast

Drawn from Jesus' teaching on judgment, this talk suggests a new "algorithm" for knowing how and when judgment is called for.

More Episodes

In the aftermath of the 2016 election this talk asks what the election says about us as a nation and how we navigate our new political terrain form a biblical perspective.