Your mind either perceives a world of scarcity or a world of abundance. Shifting your paradigm to prosperity consciousness opens new vistas of possibility, feelings of confidence and peace, and actions to create the life you choose to live. Steve D’Annunzio joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX podcast, showing you how to make the shift to a prosperity paradigm that can change everything. Steve D’Annunzio is a life coach and spiritual teacher who helps people access their higher self so they can live more joyful, productive lives. Using prosperity principles, mindfulness...
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You are here in the world today because you contribute and make a difference in the lives of others. Explore how to unleash your own unique brilliance, as Jacquelyn Wieland joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast. Jacquelyn Wieland advises C-suite and senior leaders in the financial sector of Fortune 300 companies. She is a keynote and workshop speaker, as well as the creator of The Congruent Leader, hosted on Leaderpass. Jacquelyn brings expertise in unlocking individuals’ innate leadership styles so that they can connect, engage, and align with their teams, clients,...
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Learn how to conduct a symphony of daily choices into the life of your dreams. Gerald Leonard joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast. Listen as they explore Gerald’s uncanny ability to apply what he learns to advancing the wondrous project of life. Gerald Leonard offers a unique productivity approach to accomplishing more every day. Gerald is the founder of the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute, as well as the CEO of Turnberry Premiere, a strategic project portfolio management and IT governance firm. He is also an author, TEDx speaker, management guru, and,...
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Healing from the wounds of dysfunctional problem-solving gave Millicent St. Claire strength to shift her own life and profoundly impact others seeking change in their lives. Millicent joins host Paul Scheele to explore how her journey through the dark chapters of life were a crucible of personal insight and self-compassion. Millicent St. Claire is a master facilitator and seminar leader, coach, and best-selling author who rocks organizations with positive energy and innovative human development protocols that get results. Her work centers on emotional management and spiritual intelligence...
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Free yourself to realize a life of greater ease, productivity, and happiness. Shelly Lefkoe joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast. They discuss The Lefkoe Method, a radically effective way of changing unwanted or self-limiting beliefs into supportive and life-enhancing new beliefs. Shelly Lefkoe is the co-founder of the Lefkoe Institute, a San Francisco Bay Area firm whose mission is “to significantly improve the quality of life on the planet.” She has helped thousands of clients worldwide recreate their lives by ridding themselves of problems and eliminating...
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Explore the four stages of awakening to the magnificence of your life. Learn how to break through limits of the past and discover the miracle of this moment. Pause to witness the divine nature unfolding, and gratefully receive your highest good. Joe Vitale joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Joe Vitale is the author of many books, from “Zero Limits” to “The Miracle.” He is also a singer/songwriter with 15 albums recorded and has been in 17 movies, including “The Secret.” Joe is known as a spiritual teacher, hypnotic writer, and creator of Miracles...
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Wherever you are in your financial journey, you can start now to create a life of wealth and freedom. In this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast, Vallo Arumäe joins host Paul Scheele, sharing a proven roadmap of five stages to lasting wealth creation. Discover opportunities for greater income and asset creation, and gain mindsets and skills you can implement today. Vallo Arumäe co-founded Starfish Academy to guide individuals toward financial independence. His teachings focus on practical finance and business strategies, aiming to foster a global community of practice for independent business...
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Strengthening your desire for what you choose to create puts you in touch with the essential universal principles that will help you succeed. Like dialing in a combination lock, aligning the tumblers in the right sequence is essential. In this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast, host Paul Scheele is joined by Christy Whitman. They discuss the seven principles to unlock your desires and bring them into reality. Christy Whitman is the messenger of light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy and The Council help clients feel more aligned with...
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Three simple questions can lead you to bring forth heaven on earth. On this episode of the MINDTRX podcast, host Paul Scheele is joined by Martin Rutte. They discuss how a worldwide movement of people becoming fully human and discovering who we are as humanity has begun changing the story of our world. Martin Rutte is an international speaker and consultant committed to reconnecting people and businesses with their natural source of creativity, innovation, and genius. He is president of Livelihood, a management consulting firm, and has worked with many of America’s leading corporations to...
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Your thoughts and words have the power to create reality. Debra Poneman joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. They discuss how meditation easily calms the mind, while optimism and positive thinking shape your future. Learn how you can live with ageless health and success and enjoy new levels of joy starting now. Debra Poneman is a bestselling author, award-winning speaker, and founder of Yes to Success and Ageless Seminars. Her programs have been used by hundreds of thousands of people to live not only with success and abundance, but also deep happiness, profound...
info_outlineLife gives us experiences revealing the innate gifts we are meant to use. In this episode of the MINDTRX podcast with Paul Scheele, Michelle Mras shares how to overcome setbacks and traumas that feel like stories of limitation. Learn how to live on purpose and let your true self shine.
Michelle Mras is an international speaker, communication coach, and podcaster. She inspires her clients to rise above negative self-talk and reclaim their inner strength. Michelle is committed to helping others realize a more balanced life that frees them to build healthy beliefs in themselves. She is the author of multiple books, including “Eat, Drink, and Be Mary: A Glimpse into a Life Well Lived” and “It’s Not Luck: Overcoming You.”
Learn more and connect with Michelle at www.MichelleMras.com, www.Facebook.com/MrasMichelle, www.Twitter.com/MrasMichelle, www.YouTube.com/MichelleMras, and www.LinkedIn.com/in/MichelleMras.
Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at www.LearningStrategies.com, www.MINDTRX.com, www.YouTube.com/LearningStrategies, and www.Facebook.com/LearningStrategies.
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