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Stress and Weight Gain - 343

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Release Date: 06/06/2024

Vedic Meditation with Jillian Lavender and Michael Miller - 359 show art Vedic Meditation with Jillian Lavender and Michael Miller - 359

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Jillian Lavender and Michael Miller are renowned Vedic Meditation teachers and Co-Founders of the London Meditation Centre and New York Meditation Center. They have been practicing meditation for 30+ years and have taught thousands of people across the globe. Colette chats with Jillian and Michael about the ancient practice of Vedic meditation and they discuss the following: Their individual life journey to discovering meditation. The science behind the ancient practice of Vedic meditation. The process of Vedic meditation training.  How can meditation help us on our journey of...

Plant Consciousness and Vedic Agriculture with Vaidya Jayarajan - 358 show art Plant Consciousness and Vedic Agriculture with Vaidya Jayarajan - 358

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Vaidya Jayarajan Kodikannath is a visionary, a classically trained Ayurveda doctor and an accomplished teacher representing a lineage of Ayurveda Practitioners from Kerala, India. He is the CEO and Academy Director of Kerala Ayurveda (USA) and is the President of NAMA, the National Ayurveda Medical Association in the US. Colette talks with Dr. J about plant consciousness and Vedic agriculture and they discuss the following: Dr. J's early experiences with Vedic farming. Understanding plant consciousness. Vedic farming guidelines in the Ayurvedic texts. Moving forward with technological...

Karen's Life-Changing Ayurvedic Experience - 357 show art Karen's Life-Changing Ayurvedic Experience - 357

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Karen suffered from lifelong allergies and had consulted with many specialists and as a result was supplied with inhalers, nasal cleanses and allergy medication to help relieve her allergy symptoms. She explains how after her first Digestive Reset Cleanse with me in 2023 the root of her allergy symptoms was healed and she no longer needed daily allergy medicine.  In July of this year Karen wanted to support her body in transitioning off birth control and reached out to see what the best course of action would be as she was told by professionals that it would not be an easy transition. I...

Imbalances in the Meda Vaha Srotas (Fat Channel) - 356 show art Imbalances in the Meda Vaha Srotas (Fat Channel) - 356

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Meda dhatu is our fat tissue and meda vaha srotas are the channels carrying nutrients for the fat tissue. Meda vaha srotas is responsible for lubrication, protection, insulation, adding bulk to the body, providing energy and sweating as sweat is a mala or byproduct of meda dhatu or fat tissue. In this episode Colette discusses the following: Signs and symptoms of aggravation in meda vaha srotas. Disorders which can manifest e.g. obesity, emaciation, hypothyroidism and diabetes. Possible causes of aggravation in this channel. Ayurvedic approach to managing meda vaha srotas disorders. * Thanks...

Ayurveda Q&A - Hair Dye, Seasonal Cooking and Changes - 355 show art Ayurveda Q&A - Hair Dye, Seasonal Cooking and Changes - 355

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Colette answers the following questions from the Elements of Ayurveda Podcast Community: Bernadette: I love Summer and always dread the Fall, as soon as September starts my body and mind seem to just break down and it continues for months. I’m determined to not have this experience this year. What can I do to keep my body and mind stable? Susan: I recently had a reaction to hair dye at my hairdressers. My scalp became very irritated and itchy. What could of caused this and what type of hair dye do you recommend? Anita: Do you have any recipes you can share to help with the blah time between...

Imbalances in the Mamsa Vaha Srotas (Muscle Channel) - 354 show art Imbalances in the Mamsa Vaha Srotas (Muscle Channel) - 354

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Mamsa dhatu is our muscle tissue and mamsa vaha srotas are the channels carrying nutrients for the muscle tissue. Mamsa dhatu and mamsa vaha srotas are responsible for: Plastering or covering the body and providing form and strength. Our muscles are responsible for all movement in the body, from moving our joints and bones, to chewing our food and emotional expression. Supporting the skeleton and the heart muscle supports circulation and the intercostal. muscles of the ribcage support respiration. Protection of organs and body cavities. Production of body heat when the muscles are...

Top 10 Elements of Ayurveda Podcast Episodes - 353 show art Top 10 Elements of Ayurveda Podcast Episodes - 353

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

August 17th, 2024 marks the 7th anniversary of this podcast and thank you for listening, supporting and sharing the podcast.  I'm celebrating this occasion by sharing my top 10 episodes to listen to in order to give you a well-rounded insight into the depth of this ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. This is a question I get asked frequently and so I thought this anniversary episode is the perfect opportunity to share what I consider to be the top ten educational episodes and they are: Episode 1 - Introduction to Ayurveda Episode 8 - Ayurveda and the Circadian Rhythm Episode 16 - Ayurvedic...

Imbalances in the Rakta Vaha Srotas (Blood Channel) - 352 show art Imbalances in the Rakta Vaha Srotas (Blood Channel) - 352

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Rakta vaha srotas are the channels involved in the production and transportation of blood. The main functions of the blood channel are transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and the removal of waste including carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes from the body, transporting them to the lungs, kidneys, and skin for excretion. In this episode Colette looks at the imbalances and disorders which can manifest in rakta vaha srotas and she discusses the following: Signs and symptoms of aggravation in rakta vaha srotas. The types of disorders which can manifest in this channel....

Understanding and Managing Edema (Swelling) with Ayurveda - 351 show art Understanding and Managing Edema (Swelling) with Ayurveda - 351

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body’s tissues. Edema can affect any part of the body but it’s most common in the extremities like the ankles, legs, feet, arms and hands. It can occur during hot weather, pregnancy and it's a common sign of imbalance in conditions affecting the plasma channel (rasa vaha srotas) and hydration channel (udaka vaha srotas) in the body. Colette discusses the following in this episode: The difference between edema and common swelling. The causes of edema. Symptoms of this condition. The Ayurvedic perspective on edema. A holistic review to...

Imbalances in the Rasa Vaha Srotas (Plasma Channel) - 350 show art Imbalances in the Rasa Vaha Srotas (Plasma Channel) - 350

Elements of Ayurveda Podcast

Rasa vaha srotas are the channels carrying rasa, which is the first tissue formed after digestion.  Rasa is our plasma, lymph and serum circulating throughout the body and nourishing all the tissues of the body. The health of rasa and the rasa vaha srotas is extremely important as both the tissue and channel are responsible for the nourishment to all the other tissues of the body. Colette discusses the following in this episode: The root, passage and opening of rasa vaha srotas. Functions of this channel. Signs and symptoms of aggravation. Disorders which can manifest in rasa vaha...

More Episodes

In this solo episode Colette covers a subject which comes up a lot in her online consultations and that’s the relationship between stress and weight gain.  When it comes to weight gain we often focus on our food, but stress plays a major role in weight gain also and particularly weight gain around the midsection of the body.

She discusses the following in this episode:

  • The 2 types of stress.
  • What happens in the body/mind when we perceive stress.
  • The connection between the stress hormone Cortisol and weight gain.
  • The effect of intense exercise on elevated cortisol levels.
  • A holistic strategy to manage stress levels.


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