Deborah Carver: Connecting Literature, Composition, Content, and SEO
Release Date: 04/25/2024
Content Strategy Insights
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info_outline Joe Gollner: A Multi-layered Definition of "Content"Content Strategy Insights
As recently as 40 years ago, we didn't have much need for the word "content." But as soon as we started delivering the same information via multiple channels, we needed a way to identify the essential elements of content assemblies and to work with them independent of their various manifestations in information products. So the concept of "content" was born. Joe Gollner has worked with content from its earliest days and has crafted a multi-layered definition to account for its many aspects.
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info_outline Colleen Jones: AI and The Content AdvantageContent Strategy Insights
Now in its third edition, Colleen Jones's book "The Content Advantage" has become a classic in the content-profession literature. The new edition of the book continues to highlight content intelligence and content effectiveness and adds a new focus on the impact and use of AI in content programs. It also takes a fresh look at the enduring concepts of digital disruption and digital transformation, both of which have been accelerated by the arrival of new AI technology.
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info_outline Fran Alexander: Democratizing Taxonomy PracticeContent Strategy Insights
There is always more taxonomy work to be done than there are practitioners to do it. Fran Alexander's solution to this imbalance is to democratize taxonomy practice. Fran's work actually spans the full range of semantic practices, from simple term lists to taxonomies, thesauruses, and ontologies and knowledge graphs. Wherever she's working in this span of activities, she's always happy to bring other practitioners along with her.
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Where web accessibility, digital sustainability, content management, open-source software, and web standards intersect, you'll find Mike Gifford. Mike is the open standards and practices lead at Civic Actions, a company that helps governments deliver better digital services. Through his practice, Mike ensures that the content systems they deliver are built as sustainably as possible, deliver accessible experiences to citizens, and work well for authors and others who use the system.
info_outline Michele Ann Jenkins: Taxonomy as the Foundation of Semantic ArchitectureContent Strategy Insights
Through her taxonomy and other information architecture work, Michele Ann Jenkins helps people across the organizations she works with align their mental models and terminology usage. This alignment of concerns and language forms the foundation of the semantic architecture that is so crucial to modern content systems.
info_outline Ilse Jonker and Joyce van Aalten: Content Structure and MeaningContent Strategy Insights
Modern content projects get the best results when content strategy and conceptual meaning are considered together, and the results can really shine when long-time collaborators do the work. Ilse Jonker and Joyce van Aalten are independent consultants who have teamed up on many content projects over the past dozen years. Ilse focuses on content strategy and structure, and Joyce focuses on taxonomy and semantics. Together they build the scaffolding the supports their clients' content operations.
info_outlineDeborah Carver sees direct connections between her academic study of literature and composition and her work as a content strategist, content marketer, and SEO.
She also sees similarities between AI engineers and content professionals, both of whom endeavor to create meaning with language.