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The relaxation response

Embodied Living

Release Date: 12/30/2011

Diaphragm Engagement Breathing Practice show art Diaphragm Engagement Breathing Practice

Embodied Living

A simple exercise and breathing technique to help engage the diaphragm and begin to strengthen vagal tone. This helps to counter the effects of undischarged trauma and bring us into coherence.

Intermediate Yoga Nidra show art Intermediate Yoga Nidra

Embodied Living

A 30 min yoga nidra practice with guided visualisation storyline. A more advanced practice

Mindfulness of Breath and Body show art Mindfulness of Breath and Body

Embodied Living

A simple 20 min guided meditation inspired by Jon Kabat-Zin. Based on observation of and awareness of breath and body. Great for beginners and advanced meditators to encourage interoception and stillness of mind

Breath awareness meditation show art Breath awareness meditation

Embodied Living

A short 10 min practice of breath awareness. Following the breath navel to throat to increase focus of mind and subtle awareness

Savasana - Short Guided Relaxation show art Savasana - Short Guided Relaxation

Embodied Living

A 17 min simple guided savasana relaxation

Antar Mouna Meditation show art Antar Mouna Meditation

Embodied Living

Antar mouna means inner silence. This 20 min meditation is slightly more advanced practice for those who have already mastered kaya stairyam meditation. The practice withdraws the senses and helps to focus and concentrate the mind and control thoughts and thought processes.

Six Bridges Relaxation show art Six Bridges Relaxation

Embodied Living

A 25 min guided practice systematically taking you through the six bridges of the body. Areas that are highly enernvated and are quick to hold tension and slow to release it. Together with some relaxing music this practice can help you to relax on a deep level

Loving Yourself induction show art Loving Yourself induction

Embodied Living

Hypnotherapy induction 'Loving Yourself' 20 mins

Safe Place Hypnotherapy show art Safe Place Hypnotherapy

Embodied Living

A short hypnotherapy relaxation, based on loving yourself   13.35 min

Diaphragmatic breathing practice (15 min) show art Diaphragmatic breathing practice (15 min)

Embodied Living

A longer guided practice of abdominal breathing. It takes you through extending the breath to a regular count of 4:4 equalising inhalation and exhalation

More Episodes

Our unconscious mind has a blue print of our body in perfect health and in disease. It is this mind that generates patterns and habits of living that often, we are not in control of. Take back control of your health and wellbeing and get the bodymind out of its less-than-helpful patterns of ill-being and replace them with wellbeing. And you will change your system at genetic level.  And reboot your system to restore energy and vital lifeforce.  Approx 20 mins practice - but do it for 21 days consecutively to install a new unconscious pattern.