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Episode 32: Loss, Change, and Resilience in Communities of Faith - Kelley

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

Release Date: 01/02/2018

Episode 41: Holy Ones, Called to Be Holy - Stegman show art Episode 41: Holy Ones, Called to Be Holy - Stegman

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

Holy Ones, Called to Be Holy: St. Paul and “Life in the Spirit” Thomas D. Stegman, S.J. March 13, 2015 Presenter: Thomas D. Stegman, S.J. Of all the New Testament writers, St. Paul offers the most extensive teaching about the gift and empowerment of God's Spirit.  This workshop sets forth Paul's rich and inspiring portrayal of life in the Spirit. In this presentation, Father Stegman explains St. Paul’s teaching that through the Holy Spirit, the church is transformed into the image of Christ Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry , is STM associate...

Episode 40: Holy Ones, Called to Be Holy - Stegman show art Episode 40: Holy Ones, Called to Be Holy - Stegman

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

Holy Ones, Called to Be Holy: St. Paul and “Life in the Spirit” Thomas D. Stegman, S.J. March 13, 2015 Presenter: Thomas D. Stegman, S.J. Of all the New Testament writers, St. Paul offers the most extensive teaching about the gift and empowerment of God's Spirit.  This workshop sets forth Paul's rich and inspiring portrayal of life in the Spirit. In this presentation, Father Stegman outlines St. Paul’s teaching that holiness in the Church comes from the Holy Spirit, showing the power of the resurrection. Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry , is STM...

Episode 39: Parishes in Transition - Ammerman & Ospino show art Episode 39: Parishes in Transition - Ammerman & Ospino

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

Parishes in Transition: Learning to Live in Tabernacles April 24, 2015 Presenters: Nancy T. Ammerman and Hosffman Ospino Transitions come in all shapes and sizes, and every parish is faced with the necessity of responding to population shifts that are unlikely to stop anytime soon.  Dr. Ammerman explores the ongoing reality of change and the challenges posed by the peculiarly American ways of encouraging people to find the “church of their choice.”  She also looks for the particular habits of mind and skills of leadership that enable religious communities to thrive...

Episode 38: Parishes in Transition - Ammerman & Ospino show art Episode 38: Parishes in Transition - Ammerman & Ospino

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

Parishes in Transition: Learning to Live in Tabernacles April 24, 2015 Presenters: Nancy T. Ammerman and Hosffman Ospino Transitions come in all shapes and sizes, and every parish is faced with the necessity of responding to population shifts that are unlikely to stop anytime soon.  Dr. Ammerman explores the ongoing reality of change and the challenges posed by the peculiarly American ways of encouraging people to find the “church of their choice.”  She also looks for the particular habits of mind and skills of leadership that enable religious communities to thrive...

Episode 37: What the Outsider Sees - Williams show art Episode 37: What the Outsider Sees - Williams

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

What the Outsider Sees: Teresa of Avila and the Contemplative Vision July 11, 2015 Presenter: Rt. Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams St. Teresa’s thoughts on encountering and living with God are much shaped by her position as an outsider to the hierarchical world of her day—a woman, and someone from a Jewish background. With rich references to Teresa's use of Scripture, this lecture reflects on the contemplative as the outsider, and what she brings to prayer and theology.  Cosponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry and the Institute of Carmelite Studies The Right Reverend Dr....

Episode 36: On the Strength of Her Testimony - Hilkert show art Episode 36: On the Strength of Her Testimony - Hilkert

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

July 22, 2015 Presenter: M. Catherine Hilkert, O.P. In Evangelii Gaudium, all members of the Church are called to be missionary disciples.  Yet the testimony of faithful women, including that of Mary Magdalene who bears the title “Apostle of the Apostles,” frequently has been dismissed or relegated to the category of “unofficial” witness.  In her lecture, Sr. Hilkert explores the vocation of women to preach the Gospel with particular attention to the testimony of women in the Gospel of John and the preaching of Catherine of Siena, the only lay woman to have...

Episode 35: Sowing the Seeds of Faith - Groome show art Episode 35: Sowing the Seeds of Faith - Groome

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

FIRST ANNUAL STM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LECTURE October 22, 2015 Presenter: Thomas H. Groome The Church often repeats that the family is the primary religious educator.  Parents can well hear this as a daunting task and the Church does precious little to support them in their evangelizing and catechizing responsibilities—to sow and grow the seeds of faith.  This inaugural annual STM Religious Education presentation will reflect on why the home is so central and will make practical suggestions for how the family can be "the first educator in the ways of faith"...

Episode 34: Sowing the Seeds of Faith - Groome show art Episode 34: Sowing the Seeds of Faith - Groome

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

FIRST ANNUAL STM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LECTURE October 22, 2015 Presenter: Thomas H. Groome The Church often repeats that the family is the primary religious educator.  Parents can well hear this as a daunting task and the Church does precious little to support them in their evangelizing and catechizing responsibilities—to sow and grow the seeds of faith.  This inaugural annual STM Religious Education presentation will reflect on why the home is so central and will make practical suggestions for how the family can be "the first educator in the ways of faith"...

Episode 33: The Francis Effect in the Synods on the Family - Bretzke & Reynolds show art Episode 33: The Francis Effect in the Synods on the Family - Bretzke & Reynolds

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

Rereading the Roman Tea Leaves: The Francis Effect in the Synods on the Family LECTURE November 4, 2015 Presenter: James Bretzke, S.J. Response by: Susan Reynolds “Mercy, and not sacrifice,” are among the chief fundamental values of the Francis Effect in the Church which the pope envisions as a missionary field hospital that re-focuses its attention on responding to the deepest wounds of souls desperately in need of the healing ministrations of the Gospel.  In a real sense the two-part Synod on the Family has functioned as an extended and in-depth clinical trial over...

Episode 32: Loss, Change, and Resilience in Communities of Faith - Kelley show art Episode 32: Loss, Change, and Resilience in Communities of Faith - Kelley

Boston College STM Online: Encore Podcast

Loss, Change, and Resilience in Communities of Faith ANNUAL MINISTRY RENEWAL DAY November 6, 2015 Presenter: Melissa Kelley Loss and change touch every individual, community, and organization.  Responding to loss and change with resilience is a critical challenge for us all.  This day invites participants to reflect on the role of resilience in our personal and communal lives, consider resilience through a theological lens, and suggest strategies to foster and sustain resilience in ourselves and in our communities of faith. Sponsored by the School of Theology...

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Loss, Change, and Resilience in Communities of Faith


November 6, 2015
Presenter: Melissa Kelley

Loss and change touch every individual, community, and organization.  Responding to loss and change with resilience is a critical challenge for us all.  This day invites participants to reflect on the role of resilience in our personal and communal lives, consider resilience through a theological lens, and suggest strategies to foster and sustain resilience in ourselves and in our communities of faith.

Sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry

Melissa Kelley is STM associate professor of pastoral care and counseling and co-director of Contextual Education.