Life of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In this episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole challenges the conventional definitions of success by inviting us to rethink what it means to have a great or awesome day. Many of us, especially CISOs, fall into the trap of setting unrealistic standards—reserving happiness for rare moments of significant achievement like a promotion or major milestone. This mindset results in spending most days frustrated and dissatisfied. Dr. Cole shares practical strategies, like redefining a good day as simply being productive with tasks like clearing emails and setting achievable goals. By managing...
info_outline Why I Am Here?Life of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In the latest episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole explores the transformative power of asking the right questions and embracing self-awareness as a cornerstone of success for any Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). He begins by emphasizing the difference between being smart and being brilliant—where brilliance lies in the ability to question, reflect, and adapt. Dr. Cole highlights the critical need for CISOs to regularly assess their strategies and habits, acknowledging that what worked yesterday may not be sufficient for tomorrow. By stepping back from the daily grind and...
info_outline CISO Year End Review Part 2Life of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In the latest episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole reflects on the importance of understanding the “season” you’re in, both in life and in your cybersecurity career. Using vivid analogies, Dr. Cole explains how rushing processes or forcing outcomes in the wrong timing can lead to unnecessary struggles. Just like planting seeds in winter won’t yield results, trying to force growth when conditions aren’t right in your personal or professional life can waste energy and resources. Dr. Cole also discusses the need to redefine the role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). He...
info_outline CISO Year End ReviewLife of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In this special year-in-review episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole dives deep into the importance of regular self-assessment and the pitfalls of waiting for a single moment—like New Year’s resolutions—to address critical issues. Highlighting the flawed mindset behind delayed action, Dr. Cole emphasizes that if a problem takes 12 months to identify, it might already be beyond repair, requiring a complete overhaul rather than a quick fix. He challenges both individuals and organizations to adopt a continuous improvement mindset, focusing on consistent, actionable changes instead of...
info_outline Being a Balanced CISO Part 2Life of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In the second part of The Balanced CISO series, Dr. Eric Cole emphasizes the importance of emotional control and mindset in a CISO's journey. He explores how seemingly small triggers, like an unpleasant email, can snowball into larger issues, affecting productivity and emotional well-being. Dr. Cole advises CISOs to adopt "pattern interrupts"—simple, sometimes silly actions like dancing or stepping away briefly—to reset their mindset and prevent negativity from escalating. He stresses that this self-awareness and proactive approach are essential for maintaining balance and showing up as an...
info_outline Being a Balanced CISOLife of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In this episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole invites listeners on a journey to rediscover balance—both in life and in the role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Starting with the idea that humans are natural problem-solvers, he emphasizes the importance of managing life's pendulum: addressing issues before they reach a critical tipping point, while maintaining momentum without overexertion. Dr. Cole uses this metaphor to highlight the significance of finding equilibrium in personal and professional realms. For CISOs, balance means navigating the dual responsibilities of...
info_outline EvangelistLife of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In this engaging episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole challenges listeners to rethink their relationship with cybersecurity. Whether you’re a seasoned Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), aspiring to the role, or simply working in cybersecurity, the question is: do you like it, love it, or can’t live without it? Dr. Cole emphasizes that treating cybersecurity as just a job might pay the bills, but to achieve greatness, it must become a mission. Drawing from personal experiences, including a close call with cybercriminals targeting his family, Dr. Cole underscores the importance...
info_outline Being a CISO Is More Than a JobLife of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In this new episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole dives into the critical importance of finding alignment in your career as a CISO—seeing it as not just a job but as a true mission. Through insightful reflections, he emphasizes the mental shifts needed to thrive in cybersecurity leadership by letting go of unnecessary thoughts and focusing on purposeful action. Dr. Cole introduces the power of morning and evening journaling to release thoughts that weigh us down, allowing us to start each day clear-headed and productive. He reminds listeners of the essential habit of giving oneself...
info_outline Cyber and LawLife of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In this episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole dives into a crucial, often-overlooked issue in cybersecurity: the complex, murky legal landscape of the internet. Unlike physical laws that have adapted over centuries to govern behaviors and boundaries within countries, laws governing cyberspace remain scattered, outdated, or even non-existent. Dr. Cole highlights how traditional legal systems, rooted in territorial boundaries, are poorly equipped to manage the global, boundaryless nature of the internet, where individuals and businesses can interact across continents within seconds. This...
info_outline Security PostureLife of a CISO with Dr. Eric Cole
In the latest episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole emphasizes the importance of continually evolving cybersecurity practices and re-examining fundamental principles. Unlike static industries like accounting or legal, cybersecurity is in constant flux, requiring companies to stay vigilant and adaptive. Dr. Cole draws parallels between cybersecurity and basketball, explaining how focusing on the basics is critical for success. He stresses the need for organizations to reassess their security postures regularly and ask tough questions about whether current strategies are truly effective. Dr....
info_outlineIn this new episode of Life of a CISO, Dr. Eric Cole dives into the critical importance of finding alignment in your career as a CISO—seeing it as not just a job but as a true mission. Through insightful reflections, he emphasizes the mental shifts needed to thrive in cybersecurity leadership by letting go of unnecessary thoughts and focusing on purposeful action. Dr. Cole introduces the power of morning and evening journaling to release thoughts that weigh us down, allowing us to start each day clear-headed and productive. He reminds listeners of the essential habit of giving oneself permission—not only to show up as an empowered CISO but also to find balance and fulfillment in all areas of life.
Join Dr. Cole as he encourages listeners to unlock their full potential by redefining their role and purpose, aligning work with life goals, and creating a path to lasting success. Whether you're a seasoned CISO or aspiring to step into the role, this episode is packed with transformative strategies to help you lead with intention and impact.