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Conversation with Julie Jancius: The Angel Medium

Exploring the Seasons of Life

Release Date: 10/10/2023

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

“There is a voice inside that does not use words. Listen.” ~ Rumi Guest Introduction:  Welcome to Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast. I’m your host . I have conversations with coaches, spiritual explorers and thought leaders from all walks of life about beginnings, endings, and the messy bits in-between. Self-love, well-being, and mindset are at the heart of our conversations because once you change the inside, the outside will begin to change as well.  In this episode, I’m thrilled to dive into the work of , whose exploration into alternative and traditional healing...

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit.  The realization that everything we do, think, feel and believe has an effect on our wellbeing” ~ Greg Anderson Guest Introduction:  Welcome to the Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! I'm your host, Cindy MacMillan and I'm thrilled to have you here. Today, we're diving into the extraordinary world of holistic living in our new series, Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life. Holistic living, it's not some fancy buzzword. It's like coming home to yourself – body, mind, heart, and soul....

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

Guest Introduction:   Hello and a warm welcome, friends, to another episode of Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! I'm your host, Cindy MacMillan, and I hope you're finding inspiration and connection in our new podcast series – Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life. And if you happen to be joining us for the first time, a heartfelt welcome to you, new friends. Throughout this series, I've had the privilege of chatting with some incredible healers and experts in various modalities. From the transformative power of sound baths to the profound wisdom of yoga, the...

Conversation with Yoga and Reiki Teacher Jerry Mikutis show art Conversation with Yoga and Reiki Teacher Jerry Mikutis

Exploring the Seasons of Life

"Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Guest Introduction:  This podcast is for women with a big heart on a spiritual journey who are ready to lead healthier and happier lives and improve their emotional well-being. I interview coaches, spiritual explorers and thought leaders from all walks of life about beginnings, endings, and the messy bits in-between. Self-love, well-being, and mindset are at the heart of our conversations because once you change the inside, the outside will begin to change as well.  Welcome back to Exploring the Seasons of Life...

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop”. ~ Rumi Guest Introduction:  Hello and a warm welcome, friends, to another episode of Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! I'm your host, Cindy MacMillan, and I hope you're finding inspiration and connection in our new podcast series – Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life. And if you happen to be joining us for the first time, a heartfelt welcome to you, new friends. Holistic living—it's not just a fancy buzzword. Think of it as returning to the very essence of yourself – your body, mind, heart,...

Conversation with Julie Jancius: The Angel Medium show art Conversation with Julie Jancius: The Angel Medium

Exploring the Seasons of Life

"Your intuition will tell you where you need to go; it will connect you with people you should meet; it will guide you toward work that is meaningful for you – work that brings you joy, work that feels right for you." – Shakti Gawain Guest Introduction:  I'm your host and you are listening to Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! We're currently immersed in a fantastic series called Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life. Holistic living, it's not some fancy buzzword. It's like coming home to yourself – body, mind, heart, and soul. Imagine showing up for yourself in...

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

“The condition of women’s wombs also directly reflects the condition of women’s minds, spirits, and actions. The womb is a storehouse of all our emotions.” ~ Queen Afua, Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit Guest Introduction:   Hello and a warm welcome, friends, to another episode of Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! I'm your host , and I hope you are enjoying the new podcast series – Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life.  If you are new to the podcast, welcome new friends. Holistic living, it's not some fancy...

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

“Growth and comfort do not coexist.” ― Ginni Rometty Guest Introduction:   Welcome to the Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! I'm your host, , Life + Well-Being Coach for Women, and I'm thrilled to have you here. Today, we're diving into our new series, Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life. Holistic living, it's not some fancy buzzword. It's like coming home to yourself – body, mind, heart, and soul. Imagine showing up for yourself in every way possible, like you're your own best friend, therapist, chef, and personal cheerleader. It's about...

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

“I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.” ~ Joan Didion Guest Introduction:  Welcome, welcome, friends, to a brand-new episode of Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! I'm your host , and I'm happy to be back after a refreshing summer break, and super excited to introduce a new podcast series – Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life. Holistic living, it's not some fancy buzzword. It's like coming home to yourself – body, mind, heart, and soul. Imagine showing up for yourself...

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Exploring the Seasons of Life

“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are."  ~ Rachel Naomi Remen Guest Introduction:   Welcome, welcome, friends, to a brand-new episode of Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! I'm your host , and I'm happy to be back after a refreshing summer break, and super excited to introduce a new podcast series – Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life. Holistic living, it's not some fancy buzzword. It's like coming home to yourself...

More Episodes

"Your intuition will tell you where you need to go; it will connect you with people you should meet; it will guide you toward work that is meaningful for you – work that brings you joy, work that feels right for you." – Shakti Gawain

Guest Introduction: 

I'm your host Cindy MacMillan and you are listening to Exploring the Seasons of Life podcast! We're currently immersed in a fantastic series called Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life.

Holistic living, it's not some fancy buzzword. It's like coming home to yourself – body, mind, heart, and soul. Imagine showing up for yourself in every way possible, like you're your own best friend, therapist, chef, and personal cheerleader. It's about nurturing all those parts of you that make you, well, you.

Now, wholeness – that's where the magic sparkles. It's embracing your stories, your scars, your stumbles, and your soaring moments, and realizing they're all essential brushstrokes that create your masterpiece. You're not a puzzle with pieces missing; you're a tapestry woven from the threads of your experiences.

Holistic living isn't about adding more to your plate; it's about savoring every bite, every breath, every precious moment.

Julie Jancius is The Angel Medium™ and host of the #5 spiritual podcast, Angels and Awakening, which receives over 2 million downloads a year in 80+ countries around the world. Julie is a world renowned angel expert on a mission to teach you how to connect with your angels and loved ones on the Other Side in order to make living “Heaven on Earth.”

Get ready to open your heart and mind to a world of love, connection, and spiritual wisdom. Let's dive in!

Here’s a glimpse of our conversation:

Welcome, Julie!

Julie: “I think it's really, really fascinating that throughout time we have all fought and throughout history on so many different points when it comes to religions, but angels are this fundamental piece and thread, that is woven in between all religions and all religions seem to remain consistent on there are divine helpers, right? God, Universe, Source did not set us up to fail.”

Julie: “Archangel Michael is here as a strength that when we're really having to have courage and resilience and be courageous; we're able to step into that and let our self-doubt and our fears go.”

Julie: “When you're working with somebody who you resonate with on all levels, your heart chakra is just completely open, your energy, your consciousness, your mind. You're completely open to that teacher and because you're more in that state of being, you're absorbing more of what they're trying to say instead of you being in a state of where you're like filtering what they're saying.”

Julie: “I started writing for the third largest newspaper in Illinois when I was 14 years old, and I loved journalism even back then because every day was going to be different. I didn't know what stories were going to pop up that week, who I was going to get to interview or talk to and I still love that today. I don't want to know what the rest of my life is going to be like, I enjoy, the magic.”

You can find Julie Jancius at:

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Holistic Living: Embracing Wholeness In Everyday Life Series

The Healing Power of Sound Baths with Stephanie Weber

Trust in Your Soul with Sonee Singh

Empowering Your Inner Wellness Warrior: Insights from Joyce Jimenez

Journey of Healing with Alana Keddie