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(Bonus) A Spider Saves David from Shaul; David spares Shaul (TSOD 11)

Tanach & Tea

Release Date: 11/14/2024

Purim vs Yom Kippur: A Mermaid War show art Purim vs Yom Kippur: A Mermaid War

Tanach & Tea

Tanach & Tea is back! Tune in for a special Episode that will prepare you for Purim. Also, we have video now! You can catch the full Episode with video on our Youtube and reels on our Instagram.  This week, we dive into Purim’s wild ride: Which holidays match the days of the week? Why does Purim stick around post-Mashiach when others don’t? We unpack its history, face off Purim vs. Yom Kippur, and explore its atonement edge. Life’s a mermaid war—relentless and chaotic—but Yom Kippur and Purim offer rest. Except - is Purim a fake rest day? Roadmap to a killer Purim: Skip...

(Bonus) The Art of Exile: David's Political Chess; Shaul's Descent into Desperation show art (Bonus) The Art of Exile: David's Political Chess; Shaul's Descent into Desperation

Tanach & Tea

Bonus Recording of the Live Tanach & Tea: The Story of David Hamelech We delve into the intense narrative of David's strategic escape to Philistine territory and King Shaul's desperate decline. We explore how David, fearing for his life, seeks refuge with the Philistine king Achish, cunningly navigating his dual identity to survive. David deceived Achish by reporting that his raids were against Judah and other southern areas of Israel, making him appear as a traitor to his own people in Achish's eyes. This deception was crucial to keep Achish believing that David was no longer a threat to...

Shabbat: A Day of Rest? (11) show art Shabbat: A Day of Rest? (11)

Tanach & Tea

In Episode 11 of Tanach & Tea, we discuss everything Shabbat. Is it really a day of rest? Does Hashem need rest? Tanach Barbershop Talk - Ranking the 7 days of Yom Tov Also discussed - Kiddush, The Testimony that is Shabbat, Is Shabbat really a day of rest from speech?, Talking in Shul, Why the world was created in 6 days and the prophecies hidden within that, Are we in the messianic era?, The Sfirot of the 7 days, Hashem lowkey worked on Shabbat?, How to properly prepare for Shabbat, How sins are like stains + more! This Episode is sponsored by my father, Rabbi Mark Rosenberg, as a...

(Bonus) Spear of Mercy: David Spares Shaul Again show art (Bonus) Spear of Mercy: David Spares Shaul Again

Tanach & Tea

Bonus Recording of the Live Tanach & Tea: The Story of David Hamelech (Episode 15) In Perek 26 of Shmuel Aleph, David faces a familiar foe: King Shaul. Despite having the perfect opportunity to take Shaul’s life when he sneaks into Shaul’s camp while everyone is fast asleep, David chooses mercy over vengeance. Meanwhile, Avner, Shaul’s loyal commander, fails to protect his king, and David takes him to task for it. Join us as we explore this event where David's actions reveal the depth of his character and faith. This is the 15th Episode (Check our Youtube Page for the first 10...

Villain Ushpizin & The Very Good Evil Urge with Shlomo Simpser (10) show art Villain Ushpizin & The Very Good Evil Urge with Shlomo Simpser (10)

Tanach & Tea

In Episode 10 of Tanach & Tea, we discuss many aspects of the Yetzer Hara & the mysteries of heaven via Kabalah with guest Shlomo Simpser! Tanach Barbershop Talk - Top 7 Villains in Tanach Also discussed - 100 Brachot in a day, Shovavim, The exception in every day of creation, Why Friday is VERY good, Yetzer Hara vs Yetzer Tov, how the Evil Urge roots for us & we owe him an apology, Yosef vs Mrs. Potiphar,  The bath of hell, Why humans are not good, Shlomo Hamlech & his birds + much more! This Episode is sponsored by National Realty Brokerage: Call 954-347-6780 for...

(Bonus) David & Avigail: A Love Story show art (Bonus) David & Avigail: A Love Story

Tanach & Tea

Bonus Recording of the Live Tanach & Tea: The Story of David Hamelech (Episode 14) This is the 14th Episode (Check our Youtube Page for the first 10 Episodes of The Story of David Hamelech from last year) & this is the 4th Epsiode of this years live Tanach & Tea Tanach & Tea: TSOD is every other Wednesday featuring Sushi, Cookies, & Tea. Join the whatsapp group for more details -  If you are looking for the Tanach & Tea podcast, look for Episodes with the opposite artwork on it (and not titled bonus) Recorded: 12/18/2024

Pru Urvu; Top Couples in Tanach; What's Our Purpose? with Elan Teichman (9) show art Pru Urvu; Top Couples in Tanach; What's Our Purpose? with Elan Teichman (9)

Tanach & Tea

In Episode 9 of Tanach & Tea, we discuss Pru Urvu, the commandment to create, our purpose in life & many more philsophical discussions with guest Elan Teichman! Tanach Barbershop Talk - Top 7 couples in Tanach Also discussed - Why Shabbat might actually be a day of super creation, The commandment to listen to Tanach & Tea, Hashem wants us to develop & create, Does a convert need to redo Pru Urvu?, Why we thrive under pressure, Lessons from Rambam & Yosef Hatzadik, Moshiach, Society being numb, Washing our hands, the story of the Tziztit & the prostitute + much...

Chanukah Is A Trap show art Chanukah Is A Trap

Tanach & Tea

We were recording our next Episode with guest Elan Teichman but we could not help ourselves & started talking about Chanukah even though this Episode will be released after Chanukah. Therefore, I pulled the snippet of our discussion so you can hear it on Chanukah. The full Episode with Elan will be released Jan 6 Bezrat Hashem.    Want to sponsor the next Episode? Email: [email protected]

The Incredible Creation of Humans; Body vs Soul; Demons (8) show art The Incredible Creation of Humans; Body vs Soul; Demons (8)

Tanach & Tea

In Episode 8 of Tanach & Tea, we dicuss the creation of humankind & how amazing it truly is! Tanach Barbershop Talk - If you had a time machine, what would be the top 7 moments you would visit in Tanach?  Also discussed - Positve mitzvot vs negative mitzvot, Computers vs humans, Body vs soul, What if man had 2 mouths, The 10 things Hashem created at the twilight of creation, Asher Yatzar, Demons, & Why humans were created on Day 6 just before shabbat Thank you to our anonymous sponsor in merit of a Refuah Shilema for Adam Uriel ben Aviva   Want to sponsor the next...

(Bonus) Avigail vs David: Avigail's Prophecy show art (Bonus) Avigail vs David: Avigail's Prophecy

Tanach & Tea

Bonus Recording of the Live Tanach & Tea: The Story of David Hamelech (Episode 13) This is the 13th Episode (Check our Youtube Page for the first 10 Episodes of The Story of David Hamelech from last year) & this is the 3rd Epsiode of this years live Tanach & Tea Tanach & Tea: TSOD is every other Wednesday featuring Sushi, Cookies, & Tea. Join the whatsapp group for more details -  If you are looking for the Tanach & Tea podcast, look for Episodes with the opposite artwork on it (and not titled bonus) Sponsored anonymously for a Refuah Shilema for Adam Uriel ben...

More Episodes

Bonus Recording of the Live Tanach & Tea: The Story of David Hamelech 

This is the 11th Episode (Check our Youtube Page for the first 10 Episodes of The Story of David Hamelech from last year) & this is the 1st Epsiode of this years live Tanach & Tea

Tanach & Tea: TSOD is every other Wednesday featuring Sushi, Cookies, & Tea. Join the whatsapp group for more details - https://linktr.ee/tanachandtea

Recorded: 11/06/2024

Email: [email protected]