(Bonus) The Art of Exile: David's Political Chess; Shaul's Descent into Desperation
(Bonus) The Art of Exile: David's Political Chess; Shaul's Descent into Desperation
Bonus Recording of the Live Tanach & Tea: The Story of David Hamelech We delve into the intense narrative of David's strategic escape to Philistine territory and King Shaul's desperate decline. We explore how David, fearing for his life, seeks refuge with the Philistine king Achish, cunningly navigating his dual identity to survive. David deceived Achish by reporting that his raids were against Judah and other southern areas of Israel, making him appear as a traitor to his own people in Achish's eyes. This deception was crucial to keep Achish believing that David was no longer a threat to Philistine interests. Meanwhile, Shaul, gripped by fear at the sight of the amassed Philistine army, resorts to the forbidden arts of necromancy in a desperate bid to connect with the divine when all other avenues fail. We also talk about Avner's role & how to talk to Hashem via dreams. This is the 16th Episode of TSOD (Check our Youtube Page for the first 10 Episodes of The Story of David Hamelech) Tanach & Tea: TSOD is every other Wednesday featuring Sushi, Cookies, & Tea. Join the whatsapp group for more details - If you are looking for the Tanach & Tea podcast, look for Episodes with the opposite artwork on it (and not titled bonus) Recorded: 1/29/2025