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Who Is The True Enemy Of Our Country?

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

Release Date: 07/17/2023

The Green New Deception show art The Green New Deception

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have touted the “Green New Deal” as something which will save our planet. This is actually a total deception, and is fully intended by those who actually control these useful idiots to control the population and destroy the U.S. economy. Join us in this interview with political activist Ben Deniston, who has been studying and lecturing on viable energy sources and solutions for many years, as he presents us with facts, figures and graphs regarding our present day energy situation, the Green New Deception and solutions that actually work!

Making America Great Again One District At A Time! show art Making America Great Again One District At A Time!

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

Come explore how this 50 year economics trained political activist is not only going to make her district great again, but is setting a precedent so others can make their political districts great again too, which adds up to an expanding, productive, greater America! MENTIONED LINKS: You can check Mindy Pechenuk out, as well as communicate to her at . And as always I'm at and feel free to email me at !

Who Wants To Take Out Trump And Why? show art Who Wants To Take Out Trump And Why?

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

Who wants to take out Donald Trump?  An evil entity exists who is willing to cause any amount of deaths, as they have no regard for human life, as they constantly demonstrate by creating wars which kill millions, and have been responsible for assassinating several of our presidents, including Lincoln, McKinley, JFK, and anyone who gets in their way. A man named Donald Trump who stood against them on our behalf, during his first term as president, is still doing so and wants another term so he can really put the final nail in this evil empire’s coffin, and these bad guys know it and...

The Truth Behind the Russo-Ukraine War show art The Truth Behind the Russo-Ukraine War

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

Hear the other side of the story regarding the war in Ukraine, which you unfortunately are not hearing in the mainstream media, or even on your favorite conservative news channel! In this interview our guest, Mr. Jim Duree, names names you all know very well, from our own U.S. government, who were in on the coup d etat in Ukraine back in 2014, and what led up to present day Russo-Ukraine war, and why they want this war and continue to manipulate our populations to support it. Mr. Duree will also go into the solutions to this and who we must support to end to this war, prevent WW III and return...

Protect Your Health Freedom & Your Life! show art Protect Your Health Freedom & Your Life!

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

We are in a war of good versus evil, and evil is rearing its ugly head in the medical world as well as the political world, and they all go hand in hand when it comes to taking away your freedom and liberty. Listen to these two very special guests who are totally dedicated to helping you take control of your liberty in the form of your health freedom! If you follow what they tell you, you can prevent a violation of your health rights as well save your life or the life of someone you love. Many of you are probably aware of the fact that most hospitals these days are more concerned about profit...

Who Is The True Enemy Of Our Country? show art Who Is The True Enemy Of Our Country?

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

Listen as today’s guest, political activist Tony Papert, shares his 50 plus years experience, regarding who the true enemy of our country actually is! Tony is a leader of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, author of many articles and host of numerous YouTube presentations.  Today Tony imparts his knowledge regarding our actual enemy, and by “enemy” I mean the enemy of our country, our constitution, free speech, and the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness our constitution was created to ensure. And I’ll tell you something, it’s not Russia, China, Biden, the...

Get the Unaltered Truth from January 6 Defendant Jenny Cudd! show art Get the Unaltered Truth from January 6 Defendant Jenny Cudd!

Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

In this episode Scott Tregurtha interviews January 6th defendant Jenny Cudd.  Listen as Jenny lays out her journey from flower shop owner to being arrested under the order of our soviet style IN-justice system for merely showing up at the January 6th protest, peacefully protesting and exercising her First Amendment rights. Why did she have to plea bargain and cop to something she didn't do just to stay out of jail? What did she trade so she could remain free and help her fellow J6 defendants? What were the magic words she used to get her fined $4,000.00 more because as the judge...

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Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

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Listen as today’s guest, political activist Tony Papert, shares his 50 plus years experience, regarding who the true enemy of our country actually is!

Tony is a leader of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, author of many articles and host of numerous YouTube presentations.  Today Tony imparts his knowledge regarding our actual enemy, and by “enemy” I mean the enemy of our country, our constitution, free speech, and the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness our constitution was created to ensure.

And I’ll tell you something, it’s not Russia, China, Biden, the democrats, the liberals, or any of the useful idiots this enemy uses to control us.  But what we’re talking about today are  those antisocial personalities who are behind these useful idiots and directing them, and Tony is going to go into their history, how they came to be and what to do about them.

And 2 final points regarding this enemy:

  1. What this enemy is doing is absolutely intentional.
  2. If we don’t change the path we’re on, we’re in for a very feudalistic future where they will be the royals and lords and we will be their serfs!