AR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Pro Youth and Families' CEO Staci Anderson shares with Al Rogers how she and her team have spent more than two decades supporting youth. She and her team focus on providing mental wellness, cultivating the Youth Voice, and leading multiple agencies for collective impact on persistant youth issues.
info_outline Superintendent Dave Gordon shares with Al Rogers 10 Leadership Principles that have impacted millions over decades.AR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
In this episode of ARLP's News You Can Use to Make the World a Better Place Al Rogers interviews Superintendent Dave Gordon. Superintendent Dave Gordon has dedicated his life to the service of young people. His leadership journey has been exciting, challenging, and rewarding; it has changed the trajectory of a generation of people in California. From humble beginnings as a child adopted by a loving family in New York, Dave understood the importance of kindness, intentional compassion, being respectful, mentoring, and a focus on service to others.
info_outline ARLP with Dr. Steve WinlockAR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Al Rogers interviews Dr. Steve Winlock on his life of service and leadership paradigm. Learn how Family, Inclusivity, Connection, and Safety can support leadership that makes a difference.
info_outline Pt. 2 of 2: ARLP's Rebekah Rogers Interviews Dr. Pia Lindquist WongAR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Dr. Pia Lindquist Wong’s career illuminates the opportunities to harness personal experiences and values to fuel lifelong personal development, scholarship, and community transformation.
info_outline Part 1 of 2: Rebekah Rogers interviews Dr. Pia Lindquist Wong on How Personal Values, Life-long Learning, and Scholarship Can Cultivate Authentic DemocracyAR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Part 1 of 2: ARLP's Rebekah Rogers interviews Dr. Pia Lindquist Wong’s career illuminates the opportunities to harness personal experiences and values to fuel lifelong personal development, scholarship, and community transformation.
info_outline What do you do when your employees hate your customers?AR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
This month Al and Rebekah explore the dynamics behind the phenomenon of employees hating your customers. What's up with that and what do you do about it? Spoiler alert, it has everything to do with your team's sense of psychological safety, and your practices as leader of the organization. Check it out and send us your thoughts at: or email us: [email protected].
info_outline What's ahead for ARLP in 2024AR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Al Rogers and Rebekah Rogers discuss ARLP's work from 2023 and project priorities for 2024
info_outline AR Leadership Partners Interviews Superintendent of School Lois Yount of the Galt Joint Union Elementary School DistrictAR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Al Rogers interviews Superintendent Lois Yount of the Galt Joint Union Elementary School District. Superintendent Yount has led the community through a series of challenges to unprecedented levels of success. Superintendent Yount shares leadership lessons born of tragedy from her childhood and how she has harnessed those experiences to engage in compassionate and effective leadership.
info_outline AR Leadership Partners with Improve Your Tomorrow CEO Michael Lynch; Making a difference for YMOCAR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Al Rogers interviews Improve Your Tomorrow (IYT) CEO Michael Lynch to learn about how school districts and communities can be game-changers for young men of color AND the entire community.
info_outline ARLP in 2023!AR Leadership Partners' News You Can Use
Al Rogers discusses with AR Leadership Partners President Rebekah Rogers what to look forward to from ARLP in 2023.
info_outlineAl Rogers and Rebekah Rogers discuss ARLP's work from 2023 and project priorities for 2024