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Episode 94 | Unleashing Growth With Collaboration with Steph Korpal and Christy Pennison

Soul Care for Therapists

Release Date: 08/02/2023

Episode 118: Understanding Attachments and Inner Movements in Soul Care (Discernment Process Part 1) show art Episode 118: Understanding Attachments and Inner Movements in Soul Care (Discernment Process Part 1)

Soul Care for Therapists

Exploring Spiritual Discernment: Understanding Consolation and Desolation   In this solo episode, host Dawn Gabriel delves into the concepts of spiritual direction, formation, and soul care, focusing on discernment, specifically consolation and desolation. Drawing from her two-year course in Ignatian spiritual direction, Dawn provides insights into how these practices can help individuals, particularly therapists, understand their internal spiritual movements. She explains the significance of recognizing attachments and differentiates between healthy and unhealthy ones. The episode also...

Episode 117: In Search of You with Kasey Compton show art Episode 117: In Search of You with Kasey Compton

Soul Care for Therapists

Finding Fulfillment: An Interview with Kasey Compton In this episode of the 'SoulCare for Therapists' podcast, host Dawn Gabriel welcomes author and entrepreneur Kasey Compton. They discuss the launch of Kasey's new book 'In Search of You,' a journey through her personal and professional life, and the struggles of finding fulfillment despite success. Casey vulnerably shares her story of navigating personal turmoil, including a sudden divorce, and her path to self-discovery and therapy. The conversation emphasizes the importance of self-care for therapists and business owners, touching on...

Episode 116: Embracing the Pause: Reflections on a Season of Soul Care show art Episode 116: Embracing the Pause: Reflections on a Season of Soul Care

Soul Care for Therapists

Returning with Reflection: Navigating Challenges and Finding Renewal In this episode of Soulcare for Therapists, host Dawn Gabriel shares her journey through a four-month hiatus, addressing personal challenges, burnout, and the unexpected departure of key therapists from her practice. Despite these trials, she reflects on the growth and insights gained during this period, including the importance of detachment and reevaluation of her attachments, particularly concerning her business and team dynamics. Dawn opens up about the spiritual and emotional processes that aided her through these times,...

Episode 115: My Podcasting Intermission for a Soulful Reset show art Episode 115: My Podcasting Intermission for a Soulful Reset

Soul Care for Therapists

Pausing for Soul Care  In this episode, we explore the story behind the decision to take a break from the Soul Care for Therapists podcast. Dawn Gabriel opens up about the importance of prioritizing self-care and provides insights into her own journey of recognizing signs of burnout and the need for soul care. She emphasizes the significance of setting boundaries and offers support to listeners during her hiatus. The podcast concludes with a reminder to listeners to prioritize self-care and invites them to explore previous podcast episodes and connect with Dawn through various channels. ...

Episode 114:  The Therapeutic Power of Hiking for Therapists with Dr. Dawn Brukenhoefer show art Episode 114: The Therapeutic Power of Hiking for Therapists with Dr. Dawn Brukenhoefer

Soul Care for Therapists

The Therapuetic Power of Hiking with Dr. Dawn Brukenhoefer Dr. Dawn Bronkenhofer joins Dawn Gabriel, host of the Soul Care for Therapists podcast, to discuss the importance of self-care for mental health therapists. Dr. Bronkenhofer owns a group practice and utilizes her counselor education background to design retreats and educational opportunities for therapists. Specializing in hiking retreats, she explores the physical and psychological benefits of overcoming challenges in nature. These retreats pushes therapists to face their fears, helping them build resilience and stamina. The tougher...

Episode 113: God as my business partner series (4 of 4), with Katie Kroening, LCSW, CADC show art Episode 113: God as my business partner series (4 of 4), with Katie Kroening, LCSW, CADC

Soul Care for Therapists

In this podcast episode, host Dawn Gabriel converses with Katie Kroening, a licensed clinical social worker and owner of a faith-based counseling practice. Katie provides insight into her faith's influence on her career, starting with her decision to seek a career in social work and setting up her own counseling practice in 2018. She emphasizes the importance of waiting upon the Lord and aligning one's professional decisions with spiritual convictions. She shares a personal story about the tragedy her husband faced and how the experience reinforced her trust in God. Katie also discusses her...

Episode 112: God as my business partner series (3 of 4) with Nathan Hansen, LPC show art Episode 112: God as my business partner series (3 of 4) with Nathan Hansen, LPC

Soul Care for Therapists

Incorporating Faith into Owning a Private Practice: A Conversation with Nathan Hanson In this podcast, Nathan Hanson is invited to discuss his career as a licensed professional counselor (LPC), husband, father, and owner of a private practice. He takes pride in his role as a business owner and places importance on his personal life as a husband and a father. He emphasizes the importance of a balance between personal and professional life, namely putting family first and work second. Nathan mentions his faith throughout the conversation, expressing how he prays for his clients and his practice...

Episode 111: God as My business partner series (2 of 4), with Lisa Franklin, LCSW show art Episode 111: God as My business partner series (2 of 4), with Lisa Franklin, LCSW

Soul Care for Therapists

Introduction: In this blog post, we will delve into the inspiring journey of Lisa Franklin, a licensed clinical social worker, and her experience of having God as her business partner. Lisa's story showcases her unwavering trust in God's guidance and how it has led her to professional success. We invite you to join us on this journey and explore how faith can play a significant role in our entrepreneurial ventures. Finding Clarity and Making Connections: Lisa shares how she had always felt a deep sense of knowing that she was meant to go into counseling and open a private practice. Even when...

Episode 110: God as my Business Partner Series (1 of 4), with Cindy Isaac, LPC show art Episode 110: God as my Business Partner Series (1 of 4), with Cindy Isaac, LPC

Soul Care for Therapists

In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, finding a sense of purpose and meaning in our work can be a challenge. Many business owners strive to build successful ventures while navigating the pressures and uncertainties that come with entrepreneurship. However, some entrepreneurs have discovered a unique approach to a therapy business—one that involves seeing God as their business partner. In this blog post, we explore the concept of God as a business partner and how it can transform both personal and professional aspects of our lives. Meeting Cindy Isaac, LPC In a recent podcast...

Episode 109: The Spirituality of Hiking with Jenna Quinn Lancor, LCSW show art Episode 109: The Spirituality of Hiking with Jenna Quinn Lancor, LCSW

Soul Care for Therapists

Being in nature is often thought of as a form of therapy itself. The serenity and calmness it imparts, and the tranquility one feels when surrounded by nature, is unparalleled. Dawn Gabriel sat down with the founder and CEO of Head First Health, Jenna Quinn Lancor, to discuss the spiritual side of hiking.  Meeting Jenna Quinn Lancor With a notable presence in the field of therapy, Jenna Quinn Lancor chatted brilliantly about the connections between spirituality and nature. Through her virtual group practice, Head First Health, her team specializes in treating millennial women dealing with...

More Episodes

In this episode, Dawn Gabriel, Steph Korpal, and Christy Pennison come together to discuss the power of collaboration and its potential to fuel growth for group practice owners. They share personal experiences of finding support and connection within a community of like-minded professionals.

Stephanie Korpal and Christy Pennison are both group practice owners with multiple locations. Both women are passionate about their group practices, teams, and communities they serve--Stephanie in St. Louis and Chicago, Christy in central Louisiana (Alexandria and Natchichoes to be exact). That passion also extends to fellow group practice owners, a role they both know takes so much! Together, they have founded and launched a unique, special place for group practice bosses to connect, collaborate, and crush it. Their business, The Practice Collab, is designed to help practice owners work less, make more, and live most.

The Problem with Group Practice Ownership

Group practice owners often face unexpected challenges and feelings of loneliness in their decision-making processes. They may feel overwhelmed and second-guess their choices. The weight of responsibilities can lead to burnout, but finding a supportive community can be the key to preventing that.

Steph Korpal: "Group practice ownership is one of those things that you can prepare all day long for, but you're never gonna be fully prepared for everything that's going to come at you... It can also feel really lonely because you're having to make decisions oftentimes... by yourself."

Christy Pennison: "Group practice owners often don't give themselves enough credit for what they are actually doing, and so they often feel overwhelmed or they're worrying about... did I make the right choice?"

The Power of Collaboration

Collaboration allows group practice owners to bounce ideas off one another, find clarity, and make effective decisions. Working together in a supportive environment gives them the freedom of time and space to work on tasks that can transform their practices.

Dawn Gabriel: "Collaboration is so important... Sometimes it's just getting that space... to really clearly define where you wanna go and then get the help of a supportive community to be able to move the needle forward."

The Birth of "The Practice Collab"

Steph and Christy describe their vision for "The Practice Collab," a membership community designed for group practice owners to co-work weekly, hold brainstorming sessions, and gain accountability. They believe in creating a safe and nurturing space for practice owners to grow, connect, and succeed together.

Steph Korpal: "We are building a membership community that isn't another membership. What we are building is a collaboration, so a cohort of people, group practice owners, to work together weekly for six months... to collaborate and crush it."

Soul Care Through Collaboration

The power of collaboration extends beyond business goals; it also addresses the soul care of group practice owners. The sense of community, validation, and support helps individuals find peace, clarity, and a sense of purpose in their lives and businesses.

Dawn Gabriel: "I would say that's spiritual and it's where, to me, I feel God in that place. It's a piece of God in my life. Like it's a spiritual place for me."

The Invitation to World Changers

Group practice owners play a vital role in the mental health of their clients and, in turn, the well-being of the world. "The Practice Collab" is an invitation to world changers to receive the support they need to continue their impactful work.

Christy Pennison: "Group practice owners are like the world changers, but world changers need support... and a supportive community to be able to move the needle forward."

Reasons Why Practice Owners Face Burnout and Need a Supportive Community

  • Isolation and Loneliness: Both therapists and group practice owners often experience feelings of isolation and loneliness due to the nature of their work. Therapists spend much of their day behind closed doors with clients, while group practice owners may find themselves making difficult decisions alone even with a leadership team in place.

  • Overwhelm and Burnout: Group practice owners can feel overwhelmed by the unexpected challenges that come with running a practice. The constant need to put out fires and handle day-to-day operations can lead to burnout and exhaustion.

  • Lack of Support: Group practice owners may not always have access to a supportive community that understands the unique challenges they face. This lack of support can make decision-making and problem-solving even more difficult.

  • Time Constraints: The busy schedule of therapists and group practice owners often makes it challenging to find dedicated time to work on important tasks, such as implementing systems or developing new initiatives.

  • Comparisons and Competition: Group practice owners may fall into the comparison trap, comparing their progress or success to that of other practice owners. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or pressure to keep up with others in the field.

  • Lack of Clarity and Direction: Without a space for brainstorming and collaborating, practice owners may struggle to find clarity on their goals and the next steps for their practice. This lack of direction can hinder growth and progress.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed with Multiple Roles: Group practice owners wear multiple hats, juggling their roles as therapists, business owners, and leaders. This can create a sense of being pulled in many directions and lead to stress.

  • Lack of Time for Self-Care: As they focus on the needs of their clients and practice, therapists and group practice owners may neglect their own self-care, leading to potential burnout and decreased well-being

Resources and Links


Podcast Production and Show Notes by James Marland