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Episode 99: Julia Nepini - Balancing Business, Motherhood, and Spirituality

Soul Care for Therapists

Release Date: 09/13/2023

Episode 122: Soaking Prayer for Therapists show art Episode 122: Soaking Prayer for Therapists

Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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More Episodes

In this episode of Soul Care for Therapists, host Dawn Gabriel welcomes Julia Nepini, a clinical and forensic social worker, group practice owner, consultant, and podcast host. Julia's counseling practice in southeastern Massachusetts boasts 16 clinicians serving the whole family and running numerous groups. She's also a devoted mom to a 10-year-old daughter and two bonus boys.

Finding Balance Amidst Multiple Roles

Julia shares her journey of transitioning from a hospital job to building her own group practice. With a focus on her values, she emphasizes the importance of staying grounded and true to oneself while juggling the responsibilities of motherhood and entrepreneurship. She admits the challenge of maintaining a sense of control and acknowledges the tendency to overwork, but she's found solace in writing, meditating, and staying aligned with her core values.

"What I'll say is it is not easy... It has the potential to bring out all of your stuff... So I think a lot of it is awareness, and I think it's clarity on the things that truly matter."

Prioritizing Family Time

Julia delves into the challenge of prioritizing family time, especially during the summer months when school is out. As a mom in a split schedule arrangement, she makes a conscious effort to dedicate Mondays and Tuesdays to quality time with her daughter, acknowledging that while she can't be completely off the grid, finding a balance between work and family is crucial. She emphasizes the importance of being present with her children and setting an example for them.

"But it's hard looking back on the summer. I would say 80% of those days, she is my focus, but we can't be completely out of the loop and people do still need things. I've got a great team... but I'm gonna say 80 20 was a win this summer."

Integrating Spirituality and Business

Julia discusses how spirituality plays a significant role in her life and business. She likens her relationship with God to that of a business partner and speaks of finding guidance and reassurance through her spiritual beliefs. She reflects on her journey of integrating spirituality with her work and highlights the importance of community in fostering a deeper connection with one's faith.

"So I've been fortunate enough to have some really good foundation, but I've struggled to find community, and I love this notion of being able to incorporate that in your practice."

The Compassionate Climb Podcast

Julia's podcast, The Compassionate Climb, provides a platform for discussing the intersection of success in business with maintaining integrity and core values. With a focus on sharing the stories of how individuals reached their current positions, the podcast also offers expert advice from professionals in fields like law and finance. Julia emphasizes the value of community and the positive impact it can have on personal and professional growth.

Tips for Balancing Business, Motherhood, and Faith

Julia offers a final piece of advice for therapists and business owners striving to find equilibrium between their roles. She encourages self-compassion, reminding listeners that they are likely doing better than they realize. She stresses the importance of going back to basics, staying aligned with one's purpose and values, and finding a supportive community that shares similar goals. As you juggle your important roles be encouraged and inspired by these tips:

  • Staying Grounded in Values: Julia emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's core values while juggling various roles. Being self-aware and aligned with your values can prevent burnout and provide a solid foundation for your actions.

  • Prioritizing Family Time: Balancing work and family can be challenging, especially during school breaks. Dedicate specific days or times for quality family interactions. While complete detachment from work might not always be possible, finding a balance that allows focused family time is essential.

  • Setting Boundaries: Establish boundaries between work and family life. Utilize tools like the "Do Not Disturb" feature on your phone to ensure uninterrupted family moments and time for self-care.

  • Being Present: When spending time with family, make a conscious effort to be fully present. Limit distractions and engage in meaningful interactions that nurture relationships.

  • Using Writing and Meditation: Incorporate practices like writing and meditation to help you reflect, stay mindful, and manage stress. These practices can help you gain clarity and maintain a sense of calm amidst busy schedules.

  • Accepting Imperfection: Understand that perfection is unattainable, and it's okay to have days when you don't get everything done. Acknowledge that you're doing your best and extend self-compassion when things don't go as planned.

  • Inviting Spirituality into Business: Integrate spirituality into your business by viewing your spiritual beliefs as a guiding force. Embrace your relationship with a higher power and approach challenges with a sense of partnership.

  • Finding Community: Seek out like-minded individuals who share your faith and values. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can provide encouragement, understanding, and a sense of belonging.

  • Alignment with Purpose: Continuously remind yourself of your purpose and mission. Regularly check in with your values and ask if your actions are aligned with your greater goals.

  • Recognizing Success: Acknowledge your accomplishments and growth. Celebrate the progress you've made in both your personal and professional life.

  • Embracing Change: Be open to change and adapt as needed. Recognize that the journey of balancing different roles is fluid and requires flexibility.

  • Seeking Guidance: Engage in practices that help you seek guidance and clarity, such as prayer or meditation. Create space to connect with your spiritual beliefs for direction and comfort.

  • Integrating Spirituality in Practice: Don't shy away from integrating spirituality in your therapeutic practice. Recognize that discussing spirituality can provide deeper connections and healing for your clients.

  • Learning from Others: Embrace the experiences and stories of others who have navigated similar challenges. Learn from their insights, mistakes, and successes to find your own path.

  • Practicing Self-Compassion: Extend kindness and understanding to yourself. Remember that you are doing important work, and it's okay to ask for help or seek support when needed.


"All of you out there are doing better than you think you are... Give yourself some grace. And the majority of the time when we might be stumbling a little bit, the majority of the time it comes from the best possible place."


In this enlightening episode, Julia Nepini shares her journey of successfully balancing her roles as a mother, business owner, and individual of faith. Her insights offer valuable guidance to therapists seeking to integrate spirituality into their practices while finding harmony in their personal and professional lives.

Links and Resources

Podcast Production and Show Notes by Course Creation Studio