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Episode 102: Balancing The Beautiful Mess with Michelle Leyman

Soul Care for Therapists

Release Date: 10/11/2023

Episode 118: Understanding Attachments and Inner Movements in Soul Care (Discernment Process Part 1) show art Episode 118: Understanding Attachments and Inner Movements in Soul Care (Discernment Process Part 1)

Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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Soul Care for Therapists

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More Episodes

In today’s episode, Dawn Gabriel talks about how important it is for therapists to take care of their hearts and minds. She believes in building a real community and using special practices to stay healthy. On this show, she chats with Michelle Leyman. 

Guest Introduction:

Michelle is not just a therapist but also runs her own place called "My Therapy Connection" in New Jersey. She's a mom of three kids and even has a grandson!

The Beautiful Mess of Balancing Spirituality, Motherhood, and Business Ownership:

Michelle thinks that to balance work, family, and faith, you need a good plan. She says it's a good idea to "sit down with a journal" and think about what matters most. In the end, both Dawn and Michelle believe that being a therapist, a business owner, and a mom can be tough. But with self-care, mindfulness, and clear goals, it can be a rewarding journey.

Tips for Balancing the Beautiful Mess

  • Determine Your Priorities:

    • Michelle emphasizes the importance of knowing one's priorities. For her, the order is God, family, friends, and then work. This order helps her make decisions, especially when conflicts arise between personal and professional commitments.

  • Develop Systems in Business:

    • Having systems in place can help streamline tasks and responsibilities. Michelle mentions reading various business books that emphasize the importance of systems, which can help in managing the demands of business ownership more efficiently.

  • Establish a Morning Routine:

    • Michelle discusses the significance of a morning routine, referencing a book she read called "The Morning Miracle" by Hal Elrod. She wakes up early for quiet time, prayer, and exercise, ensuring she starts her day on a positive note.

  • Allocate Time for Self-Care:

    • Self-care is crucial. Michelle mentions taking time for herself, spending time with girlfriends, and getting monthly massages. Dawn Gabriel also resonates with the importance of a morning routine and the challenges of maintaining it during different seasons.

  • Plan and Schedule:

    • Michelle emphasizes the importance of scheduling and planning. She suggests sitting down with a journal to determine what's most important and how to allocate time accordingly.

  • Be Authentic and Genuine:

    • As a group practice owner, setting the tone by being genuine in your life and struggles can serve as a model for others. This authenticity can help in creating a supportive work environment.

  • Listen to Your Body:

    • Recognizing when you need rest or a break is essential. Both Michelle and Dawn discuss the importance of mindfulness and tuning into one's needs, whether it's rest, relaxation, or recreation.

  • Create a Supportive Work Environment:

    • Michelle mentions the importance of creating a space where staff can support each other, fostering a team culture where they can lean on one another.

  • Lead with Openness:

    • Being open about challenges and seeking support when needed can create a space for others to do the same. Michelle mentions being open about her challenges to create a supportive environment for her staff.

  • Remember the Infinite Game:

    • Dawn mentions the concept of the "infinite game," emphasizing that there's no finish line in entrepreneurship. It's essential to remember this and learn to be okay with not having everything done all the time.

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Podcast Production and Show Notes by Course Creation Studio