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A Friend in Jesus: Tamea Wickware

Faith Move Podcast

Release Date: 07/31/2024

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Faith Move Podcast

When your obedience leads to abundance! Quote- "Faith is not believing that God can, but knowing that He will." – Unknown Ruth 1-4 Ruth showed extraordinary faith in her relationship with her mother-in-law Naomi.  After Naomi's son (Mahlon) passed away, she encouraged her beloved daughter-in-law to return to her family but Ruth insisted on staying with Naomi.  She chose to embark on a future of uncertainty and the outcome made history!   Is your disobedience keeping you from living the ABUNDANT life that Christ died for you to experience? Guest:  Renada Harris Youtube:...

A Friend in Jesus:  Tamea Wickware show art A Friend in Jesus: Tamea Wickware

Faith Move Podcast

What a friend we have in Jesus! Our beautiful guest Tamea Wickware shares with us her journey of faith and how therapy has helped her with the "rule of 10."  Biblical person she identifies with most is the woman with the issue of blood.   Scripture/Quote: Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." To contact Tamea: IG: 2freshprints (T-shirt business)                                ...

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What a friend we have in Jesus!

Our beautiful guest Tamea Wickware shares with us her journey of faith and how therapy has helped her with the "rule of 10."  Biblical person she identifies with most is the woman with the issue of blood.  

Scripture/Quote: Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

To contact Tamea:

IG: 2freshprints (T-shirt business)                                                                                                       FB:  Tamea Wickware                                                                                                                        Travel Business: [email protected]                                                                              317-332-1326

Dope Faith:

Shout out to Sherita of Come Proper Fitness Studios (Indianapolis, IN).  Check her out on IG:  @comeproperfitness or FB: Charita Murphy

Do you have a show idea?

Do you have a person who exhibits "Dope Faith"? 

Please SHARE!

Email:  [email protected]

FB: @faithmovepodcast

IG: @faithmovepodcast


Disclaimer:  The views expressed here are those of the hosts and guests, not necessarily reflective of all listeners or the broader faith community. Our content is for informational and entertainment purposes only, so please verify independently, especially regarding matters of faith.