Let's Talk Family Enterprise
Host Steve Legler speaks with Dr. Jeffrey Foote, one of the authors of Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change. Together, they discuss how family members and FEAs can become important catalysts in helping people with addiction issues overcome them, for the benefit of the entire family. Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the individuals...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
Regular hosts Steve Legler and Aileen Miziolek discuss some of their favourite guests and insights from the 2024 episodes of the Let's Talk Family Enterprise podcast. Hear them share their greatest takeaways to bring back good memories and encourage listeners to subscribe for more! Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
Join Aileen Miziolek as she sits down with Sandy Pollack, author of Don’t Leave a Mess and expert in values-based legacy planning, and Annie Stoneburgh, Death Doula and geriatric care specialist, to discuss the intersection of estate planning, family business transitions and end-of-life care. Discover how open, meaningful conversations can help families navigate these sensitive topics and create a lasting legacy. Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients....
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of . In our latest episode, Host Steve Legler speaks with recently arrived CEO of Family Enterprise Canada, Steve Beauchesne, to discuss the organization's evolution through the merger, COVID and what's ahead for our community. Guest bio Steve Beauchesne Steve is no stranger to...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
Host Steve Legler speaks with Cathy Carroll, author of Hug of War: How to Lead a Family Business with Both Love and Logic. Together, they take a deep look at using the lens of Polarity Thinking to help family businesses work through many of the challenges they face, as well as how FEAs can use this tool to become better resources to their client families. Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
In this episode, Aileen Miziolek talks with bestselling author and award-winning speaker, Dr. Thomas Deans, about the impact of mental health on intergenerational wealth transfers and how it led him to write his new book, The Happy Inheritor: How Successful Families Prepare Heirs and Transfer Wealth. Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
Host Steve Legler speaks with Professor Pramodita Sharma about sustainability and how family enterprises are uniquely placed to take advantage of business trends in this area. Pramodita shares inspiring stories based on her research, and points family businesses and their advisors into some promising directions. Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
In this episode, host Steve Legler speaks with Professor Peter Vogel of IMD Business School to discuss Vogel's recent book, Family Office Navigator. Together, they highlight the critical role advisors can play when business families consider setting up a family office or want to take a fresh look at what they currently have in place. Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
Ambreen Bhaloo, Family Enterprise Advisor, guest hosts this episode and welcomes Francesco Barbera, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at The Ted Rogers School of Management for an in-depth discussion on the issue of homogeneity (all family firms are the same) vs. heterogeneity (all family firms are unique). In what ways does family governance lead to greater firm performance? Listen to this episode to find out! Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting...
info_outlineLet's Talk Family Enterprise
In this episode, Host and Family Enterprise Advisor, Aileen Miziolek, talks with Purpose & Identity Coach Perry Gladstone about how family businesses benefit from NextGen innovation and creativity while sharing solutions that allow all parties involved to find the agency and support they need to make it happen. Welcome to Let’s Talk Family Enterprise, a podcast that explores the ideas, concepts, and models that best serve Family Enterprise Advisors in supporting their clients. All views, information, and opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the...
info_outlineDans cet épisode spécial, l'animatrice invitée Lianne Ulin s'entretient avec Olivier de Richoufftz, secrétaire général de la Fondation des familles entrepreneuriales, du dernier rapport de recherche sur la continuité par Fondation des familles entrepreneuriales, Préparer la prochaine génération : feuille de route pour les entreprises familiales, disponible en anglais et en français.
Lianne Ulin a rejoint le groupe M Bacal en 1998 car elle voulait apprendre l'entreprise familiale. Lianne possède les connaissances et l'expérience qui assureront la continuité des principales valeurs de M Bacal à l'avenir. En tant que vice-présidente des finances et de l'administration, Lianne gère le bureau et nos clients en sont venus à la considérer comme la personne à contacter pour tous leurs besoins en matière de service à la clientèle. Elle est spécialiste certifiée des prestations du vivant (CHS) et FEA (Family Enterprise Advisor).
Pour plus d’informations au sujet de Lianne Ulin visitez le site web de M Bacal et LinkedIn.
Olivier de Richoufftz compte plus d'une décennie d’expérience auprès d’organisations soutenant les familles d’affaires ainsi que dans la croissance et la consolidation de leurs réseaux. Sa connaissance des enjeux importants auxquels les familles d’affaires sont confrontées de génération en génération se combine à un MBA d’HEC Paris et à sa vaste expérience en marketing, vente et développement. Il a travaillé pour des organisations telles qu’Euro Disney Resort et France Tourisme, et ainsi apporte une perspective stratégique et innovante à la Fondation des Familles Entrepreneuriales.
Pour plus d’informations au sujet d’Olivier de Richoufftz, visitez le site web de la Fondation des Familles Entrepreneuriales et LinkedIn.
[0:29] Lianne Ulin est vôtre hôte pour cet épisode spécial, elle reçoit Olivier de Richoufftz pour discuter des résultats de la plus récente étude menée par Family Enterprise Canada.
[1:59] Olivier explique quelles différences existent entre l’éducation formelle, les groupes de pairs et le mentorat pour préarer la relève à intégrer une entreprise familiale ainsi qu’à quel moment cette éducation devrait débuter.
[5:21] Planifier ‘avec’ ou planifier ‘pour’, Olivier met en lumière l’importance de mitiger nos biais et d’éviter la transactionalité dans l’intégration de la prochaine génération à l’entreprise familiale.
[7:38] Le futur appartient aux prochaines générations, et les technologies qui en sont issues aussi. Olivier partage l’importance des questionnements éthiques dans l’éducation de la relève en ce qui à trait aux technologies.
[11:40] Sans vouloir conseiller des généralités, Olivier offre qu’il existe des constantes pour communiquer plus efficacement avec les générations à venir.
[13:28] Olivier explique ce qu’il entend par ‘le futur se rétrécit’ pour la génération montante, il offre aussi ce que la génération actuelle aime entendre d’eux.
[16:00] Lianne remercie Olivier d’avoir accordé son temps et ses connaissances pour cette discussion.
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Mentionné durant l’épisode
Le balado Let’s Talk Family Enterprise est présenté par Family Enterprise Canada.
Fondation des familles entrepreneuriales
KPMG Bureau de gestion familiale
Ready, Willing and Interested — Or Not?
Who are the Guardians of Family Legacy?
Family Enterprise Canada