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Govinda Tidball: Health Sovereignty, Medical Privacy & Web5 Technology

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

Release Date: 07/04/2024

Chef James Barry: Why Eating at Fancy Restaurants is Terrible for Your Health show art Chef James Barry: Why Eating at Fancy Restaurants is Terrible for Your Health

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

Why do fancy restaurants fill their meals with junk oils, sugars, chemical preservatives, and worse? With rampant food inflation and razor thin margins, even the fanciest, most exclusive and expensive restaurants can’t resist the tendency to cut corners on ingredient quality. That means that no matter how much you spend on eating out - with few exceptions - you’re still getting shockingly low-quality food.  So how do high profile celebrities and the rich and famous achieve such dramatic transformations?  And are regular joes and janes like us actually better off without private...

Matt Beaudreau: How to Nurture Genius and Courage in a Habitually Compliant Population show art Matt Beaudreau: How to Nurture Genius and Courage in a Habitually Compliant Population

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

What’s the difference between education and indoctrination? Is our education system broken, or is it operating as intended? The public school conveyor belt is a relic of the Prussian military model, designed to produce compliant workers for factories rather than sovereign thinkers with upward mobility. We’re left with a blindly obedient population that’s smart enough to follow orders, but not smart or courageous enough to question the status quo.   The masses are conditioned to become habitually compliant conformists forever reliant on external authority. As Seth Godin writes,...

Paul Millerd: Why He Blew Up His Life (and You Should, Too) show art Paul Millerd: Why He Blew Up His Life (and You Should, Too)

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

Is your work aligned with your true calling in life? Or are you being paid to overlook your overwhelming disinterest in the work? Is your work-life driven by an illusion where the trivial is disguised as important? Tragically, this week’s guest admits, “I spent 10 years doing an enormous amount of work but feeling as if I created nothing of substance.” Most of us know the feeling, but it doesn’t have to be this way. In other words, work doesn’t have to suck. Today, I'm thrilled to have my good friend and fellow Austinite, Paul Millerd joining us on the show. Paul is a fellow former...

Mark Divine: Master Your Mind’s Energy to Become Uncommon show art Mark Divine: Master Your Mind’s Energy to Become Uncommon

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

What does the concept of longevity mean to you? Does it mean pumping your body full of exogenous hormones, peptides, stem cells, brain implants, and gradually replacing your organs with lab-grown pig parts? Perhaps some of us will sign up to be a brain in a jar? Or can we cruise into our second century by living a simple life of self-reflection, meditating deep in the mountains? Afterall, in remote corners of the world, there are legends of yogis and spiritual masters living so long that their true age is forgotten to time. Indeed, there are many paths on the road to a long life. In the years...

Adam Gilbert: Overcome Self-Sabotage and Unlock Your Full Potential show art Adam Gilbert: Overcome Self-Sabotage and Unlock Your Full Potential

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

When you know what you’re supposed to do, what keeps you from actually doing it? We’re all guilty at times of procrastination, pleasure-seeking, indulging in distraction and escapism, and even self-sabotage. Perhaps it’s all part of the human condition. But since knowing what to do is different from actually doing it, it’s essential to set up systems in our lives to make healthy choices the default option. And sometimes we need a little help getting out of our own way. By helping you work through the subconscious emotional blocks that prevent you from taking positive action, finding...

Gabrielle Lyon: Why Meat-Eating and Strength Training are Key to Longevity  show art Gabrielle Lyon: Why Meat-Eating and Strength Training are Key to Longevity 

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

Have you heard that eating animal protein causes cancer? Or that you’ll save the world if you only give up hamburgers forever?  Despite dutifully reducing our consumption of animal protein for decades, rates of obesity and chronic disease have skyrocketed.   In the face of relentless anti-meat propaganda, what if the blanket advice to follow strict plant-based diets is actually accelerating rates of obesity and disease?  When I gave up meat as a young athlete for the sake of health and the environment, my results were abysmal. I lost muscle, gained fat, lacked energy,...

Loretta Breuning: Why You’re Not Happy (and What to Do About It) show art Loretta Breuning: Why You’re Not Happy (and What to Do About It)

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

If you’re not happy all the time, do you feel like you have a problem? No matter how much you achieve, does it feel like it’s never quite enough?  This is totally normal.  There’s nothing inherently wrong with the pursuit of happiness, but it’s critical to understand that even in the best case scenario, happiness is fleeting. It’s not something we ever get to keep.  We’re conditioned to think that if we don’t feel happy, we’re failing at life. The traditional approach to addressing unhappiness is flawed, however, as it assumes we’re meant to live in some...

Dr. John Gray: How to Overcome Tech Addiction, Optimize Hormones, and Reignite Romance show art Dr. John Gray: How to Overcome Tech Addiction, Optimize Hormones, and Reignite Romance

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

Do you feel like you’re addicted to screens? Technology was supposed to improve our quality of life, but instead it’s fueled a war on our attention, happiness, and sanity. Some of the most intelligent brain scientists in the world are paid ungodly sums to make sure you’re as addicted as possible, hijacking your reward pathways so they can mine your time, manipulate your thought processes, and sell your data to the highest bidder. The endless pursuit of corporate profits has created an algorithmic race to the bottom. Constant digital stimulation rewires our brains, upsets hormonal...

Dr. Cate Shanahan: How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health (and What to Eat Instead) show art Dr. Cate Shanahan: How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health (and What to Eat Instead)

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

Are we blaming red meat and butter for the problems vegetable oil caused?  Contrary to popular belief, there is no correlation between either saturated fat or animal fat consumption and heart attacks.  Despite that fact, doctors learn that there is.  So why does the American Heart Association lie to doctors and the public about the true cause of heart disease?  All the way back in the 1950’s, Ancel Keys manipulated and falsified data to blame butter, red meat, and saturated fats for heart disease.  The American Heart Association has been misleading us about the cause...

Govinda Tidball: Health Sovereignty, Medical Privacy & Web5 Technology show art Govinda Tidball: Health Sovereignty, Medical Privacy & Web5 Technology

Abel James Show (aka Fat-Burning Man)

What do you think of censorship?  It's a bizarre and uncomfortable feeling when some unelected, self-appointed anonymous party behind the curtain decides what you're not allowed to say or learn.  We live in a world where little people like us are legally responsible for every word we put online. But when our overlords in Big Tech censor potentially life-saving information, should they be held to the same standard? And who exactly decides what's true and what's not?  After I was censored and shadowbanned by multiple platforms during the pandemic, a wise friend reminded me that...

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What do you think of censorship? 

It's a bizarre and uncomfortable feeling when some unelected, self-appointed anonymous party behind the curtain decides what you're not allowed to say or learn. 

We live in a world where little people like us are legally responsible for every word we put online. But when our overlords in Big Tech censor potentially life-saving information, should they be held to the same standard?

And who exactly decides what's true and what's not? 

After I was censored and shadowbanned by multiple platforms during the pandemic, a wise friend reminded me that the closer you are to the truth, the more likely you are to be censored.” 

When incentives are upside down, big tech and the government don't censor lies, they censor the truth… and attack the reputation and livelihoods of those who dare speak it. 

So if we’re responsible for every word we say online, Big Tech should be held legally accountable for every word they’ve ever censored. Especially when it’s clear that they have been intentionally suppressing honest conversations and critical, true, and timely information that could save lives.

The downfalls of our current system are becoming obvious to even those with the most stubborn case of Stockholm Syndrome. 

So who will hold the big tech censors, medical tyrants, half-alive politicians, and pot-bellied, turtlenecked billionaires accountable? 

And how can we take back responsibility for our own health, well-being and survival? 

The truth is that it’s on us to build parallel systems as the current medical-industrial complex based on profit, exploitation and upside-down incentives falls apart.

There are many reasons to be optimistic for the future. Our guest this week is a visionary building solutions to help reclaim our digital lives from the grip of Big Tech, prioritizing sovereignty, privacy, and freedom for individuals.

Today we’re here with Govinda Tidball, a former United Nations Senior Advisor with the World Food Programme and Director of the Ministry of Health in America, an organization committed to re-establishing individual health sovereignty. Govinda served as a team member of the Disrupt Hunger Global Challenge in Germany, he co-founded Sri Lanka’s national Emergency Medical Service and call center, and has been involved in global counter human trafficking efforts for over fifteen years. 

A man of many talents, Govinda is also a former world-class athlete, television host, radio personality, public speaker, and was even involved in the fashion industry for a time.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • Why America's medical system is an underperforming outlier with poor outcomes and low life expectancy despite astronomical costs

  • The promise of Web5 technology, which incorporates decentralization and privacy to combat top-down control, censorship and weaponized algorithms

  • How to incentivize actual health, rather than the current system of running bodies through the medical system for profit

  • Simple steps to plan ahead for economic and environmental disasters

  • How to take back responsibility for our own health and well-being, instead of blindly following authority figures

  • And much more…

Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/govinda-tidball-health-sovereignty-medical-privacy-web5-technology/ 

Go to DetoxAmerica.us for more from Govinda Tidball and to claim your free complimentary membership.

Come join the Abel James Substack channel and leave a quick comment so that we can connect: https://abeljames.substack.com/ 

Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fatburningman 

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Click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus

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