SUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
Not just the 1992 "Is Elvis Alive?" conspiracy theory special The Elvis Conspiracy (a sequel to 1991's The Elvis Files). Not just the specific airing of that special from Channel 7 in Adelaide, South Australia on 26 May 1992. The commercials from that airing. It's as granular as we've ever been, and we're joined by Adelaide's own David M. Green, host of VHS Revue, a show which specialises in commercials from Australian TV found on old VHS tapes. This was originally intended to be a bonus episode for the TCBCast After Dark Patreon-exclusive deep dive into "Is Elvis Alive?"...
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
In 1947, a musical premiered in which a conservative US senator is transformed into a woman by a farming commune of "rainbow people" in order to teach him a lesson. Brimming with queer and trans subtext, Finian's Rainbow is a difficult and exhausting watch today but it remains fascinating as an artefact of proto-feminism and postwar LGBTIQA+ history. Sinatra was originally slated to appear in an animated version in the 1950s and even worked on a soundtrack with Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, but the project never eventuated - though he did go on to record "Old Devil Moon" on Songs for...
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
I love my wife. The "I Love My Wife" timeline: "" (unrelated song from I Do, I Do, 1966) Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice (1969) I Love My Wife (film, unrelated to the musical, 1970) Viens chez moi, j'habite chez une copine (French play, 1975) "I Love My Wife" (Sinatra single release of title song from musical, January 1977) (book of original musical, 1977) I Love My Wife (musical, premieres March 1977) I Love My Wife (original cast recording, 1977) "I Love My Wife" (Bill Evans recording, 1978) (South African cast recording, 1978) Viens chez moi, j'habite chez une...
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
As Los Angeles burns, Henry checks in with the show from a Motel 6 in Palm Springs. websites: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
We're back, ahead of schedule, with an emotional first episode of 2025 after a long and personally very traumatic few months. This week we turn to Sinatra's classic 1956 album Songs for Swingin' Lovers! and explore how the album title inadvertently became a double entendre in the 1960s. Placing this album in the inadvertent context of the "swinging" sexual revolution throws new light on it and snaps the album's "concept" into focus. Mostly, this is just spectacular music and we're back to our roots of appreciating it. In particular, we spotlight the trumpet work of Harry "Sweets" Edison, a...
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
Merry Christmas. I'm back. See you soon. - Rabia suddenlypod at gmail dot com
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
Hi, Rabia here. I have Long COVID and am struggling. I need time to process things and figure out how to best use my energy. Podcasting is good for me but very energy consuming, and I need to work out how I'm going to manage this condition. So Season 3 will end here for now and we will pick back up at some stage in 2025. In the meantime, enjoy this episode of Rocky Fortune. Wear an N95, run an air purifier, avoid crowds, do whatever you can to avoid both contracting and spreading this virus. I dig you the most xx contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
Melbourne's Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) in North Richmond opened in 2018. This was the result of a years-long grassroots campaign led by the local community, fed up with constant overdoses in the streets. The MSIR operates on principles of harm reduction which simply work and urgently need to be applied throughout the world. The stigma around drug use, and the criminalising of drug users, must end - and that begins with us. In 1955, Frank Sinatra made a historically significant contribution to the destigmatisation of drug use on film in Otto Preminger's The Man with the...
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
In the final (?) part of our Wake Up and Live saga, Henry returns to the show to share his thoughts on Walter Winchell's legacy through the lens of the gossip landscape of 2024. Sources for this episode: * John Mosedale - The Men Who Invented Broadway (1981) * Neal Gabler - Winchell: Gossip, Power, and the Culture of Celebrity (1994) * Snopes article on * Better Offline podcast hosted by Ed Zitron, * Rehash podcast, * Sullivan's Travels (1941) * Fresh Air (1999) * The Sweet Smell of Success (1957) * Scandal (1950) * Winchell (1998) * "" Henry Giardina, Hey Alma, 18 August...
info_outlineSUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
For the last few months, Justin and Rabia have been co-hosting TCBCast After Dark, a deep dive into the seamy underbelly of the Elvis conspiracy world available only on the TCBCast Patreon feed. As they approached Part 6 of an exhaustive investigation into the truth behind the grifters who perpetuated the false "Is Elvis Alive?" conspiracy throughout the 1980s, and reached the infamous 1991 Bill Bixby TV special The Elvis Files, they decided to bring in Felix for a fresh perspective on the whole thing. Here, exclusive to SUDDENLY, is a 45-minute introduction in which Felix is caught up...
info_outlineSurprise! We're joined from Los Angeles by the legendary Karina Longworth, renowned film historian, author, critic and host of the iconic podcast You Must Remember This. This week, we're jumping ahead to discuss HIGH SOCIETY (1956). Louis Armstrong definitely deserved better, and we tackle the explicitly racist treatment of his character in the context in which 1950s Australian audiences would have received it. Also, what's with the old-timey trope of old men singing to little girls about how they'll be hot when they grow up? This week, opinions, perspectives and historical insights vary significantly between the four of us, but all come together to form a cohesive picture. As Karina says, "Your mileage may vary."
Deirdre O'Connell's Harlem Nights: The Secret History of Australia's Jazz Age is available from Macquarie University Press.
Dream Empire (2016) is streaming on Vimeo On Demand.
Listen to Henry's new show with W.M. Akers, I'll Watch Anything.
The new season of You Must Remember This - a continuation of the Erotic 90s series - begins on September 5th.
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