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You Can't Always Be On A Diet|236

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Release Date: 02/01/2024

Unlocking the Secrets of PCOS with Dr. Herman Weiss| 261 show art Unlocking the Secrets of PCOS with Dr. Herman Weiss| 261

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Get ready to dive into PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) like never before with the amazing Dr. Herman Weiss. This episode is all about giving you the power moves to manage PCOS and live your best life. PCOS can feel like a mystery wrapped in a riddle, leading to misdiagnoses, leaving you frustrated with your body and unsure of where to turn. Insulin spikes, mood swings, and gut health issues can make it seem impossible to get control. But here’s the kicker—quick fixes and fad diets aren’t the answer. The constant cycle of frustration and ineffective solutions can make you feel like...

Three Steps to Shift Your Mindset and Lose Belly Fat|260 show art Three Steps to Shift Your Mindset and Lose Belly Fat|260

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

In this Fit Girl Magic podcast episode, I go  into mindset. Recently I was introduced to what is known as the drama triangle. In this show I share with you what the Drama Triangle, and how these roles  may be throwing a wrench in your fitness progress. I breakdown client stories that will help you to see how these roles play out and how you can  spot them in your life. This show is not just about pointing out  your mistakes, I walk you though how to go from victim triangle to winner triangle.     Have a listen to how to escape the Drama Triangle and build a...

3 Ways To Lose Belly Fat Part 3 |259 show art 3 Ways To Lose Belly Fat Part 3 |259

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Hey there, Magic Makers! 🎉 Today I’m wrapping up the Belly Fat Code series. Today, I’m diving into the secret sauce of fitness success: Consistency!   I share my Fit Girl Magic Formula. I’m talking about turning good habits into rock-solid routines that get you the results you crave. With my years of coaching thousands of fabulous women since 2008, I’ve got some juicy insights from my Belly Fat Code program to spill.   Ever felt like you’re stuck on a yo-yo diet rollercoaster? Sick of those crazy strict rules? Wondering why the scale is moving slower than a sloth trying...

3 Ways to Lose the Belly Fat: Part 2|258 show art 3 Ways to Lose the Belly Fat: Part 2|258

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Welcome back to Part 2 of our game-changing series on the Belly Fat Code. If you’re drowning in rigid fitness rules and never-ending to-do lists, this episode is your life raft. Feel like you’re stuck in a loop of self-imposed rules and sky-high expectations? Trust me, you’re not alone. I and many women have been there—pushing ourselves to the brink with strict diets and workout plans that leave zero room for actual living. In this Fit Girl Magic episode, we’ll tackle how these unrealistic standards can lead to epic fails and burnout. Have you set goals that feel as impossible as...

3 Ways to Lose the Belly Fat: Part 1|257 show art 3 Ways to Lose the Belly Fat: Part 1|257

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Hey, Magic Makers! Ready to tackle stubborn belly fat? Today, I kick off our three-week series on the hidden reasons behind belly fat, starting with the everyday choices you make. What's inside: Nutrition Myths Busted: Learn how to balance your plate for optimal health. Exercise Essentials: Discover the perfect mix of cardio, HIIT, and strength training. Sleep Secrets: Find out how to sleep like a queen and why it matters. Stress Hacks: Get my top tips for managing stress and anxiety. Grab your headphones if you are ready to take control of your belly fat and overall health with easy to...

7 Days Sail Through Summer Day 7 Review show art 7 Days Sail Through Summer Day 7 Review

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

  Hey ladies! 🎉 Congrats on crushing this week 7 Days To Sail Through Summer Challenge! Now, it's time for a quick assessment. This isn’t about beating yourself up—it’s about understanding what worked, what didn’t, and those OMG moments. Let’s celebrate your wins and figure out what’s up. The goal? Nailing those fat loss fundamentals over 40—the big rocks that make the biggest difference. Tune in, assess, and let’s keep moving forward together!   Facebook group Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1 Website: ...

7 Days Sail Through Summer -- Stress and Sleep show art 7 Days Sail Through Summer -- Stress and Sleep

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that impacts every aspect of our health: the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and managing stress effectively. Here’s why you should focus on both to feel your best. If you want to feel your best, make sleep and stress management top priorities. They are the foundation of your overall health and well-being. When you sleep well and manage stress, you’re setting yourself up for success in every area of your life. Want the action guide https://www.fitgirlmagic.com/7-days-sail-through-summer

Sail Through Summer| The Power of Movement show art Sail Through Summer| The Power of Movement

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Want to know the secret to a lasting metabolism boost? It's all about smart movement! 🌟 In our latest episode, you'll discover: The magic of NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) and how everyday activities can turbocharge your metabolism. The game-changing power of strength training to burn more calories at rest and improve your overall health. How short, sweet HIIT workouts can transform your body without stressing you out.

Overcoming Diet Plateaus: Insights from My 20-Week Fitness Journey|256 show art Overcoming Diet Plateaus: Insights from My 20-Week Fitness Journey|256

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

In today's episode of Fit Girl Magic, I'm pulling back the curtain on my personal 20-week journey towards achieving true maintenance in my health and fitness goals. This episode is tailor-made for those over 40 who are chronic dieters, feeling stuck in perpetual plateaus despite countless attempts at different diets and workout routines. I share my struggles with weight gain during perimenopause, the exhausting loop of unsuccessful diets, and my recent realization that sustainable change requires a fundamentally new approach. Key Topics Covered: Personal Journey: My 20-week transformation and...

Sail Through Summer Day 4 -- Gut Health show art Sail Through Summer Day 4 -- Gut Health

Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Ready to dive into the world of gut health? Trust me, it's a game-changer! Your gut is like a bustling city of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, all working together to keep you feeling fabulous. From digestion to immune support and even your mood, a healthy gut is your best ally. Want the companion workbook Facebook group Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1 Website:  http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com 

More Episodes

Are you exhausted by the relentless dieting cycle that promises quick results but crumbles when faced with the realities of everyday life? In this Fit Girl Magic podcast episode, I dive deep into the endless dieting carousel that keeps women trapped in this frustrating cycle.

You're probably familiar with the routine: you start a new diet, witness rapid changes, and then watch it all crumble when life life’s. You may feel like it leaves you with two options: either find an even stricter diet or throwing your hands up in frustration.

Sound like your story?

If you've ever walked this path, you can empathize for you need to double down on discipline, feel the need to meticulously count every calorie while resisting ALL tempting treats. But what happens once the diet ends? You may have reached your goal weight, but you find yourself lost because you lack the structure of the diet, bringing you back to what feels like square one. Yes, it's a draining, mentally exhausting, and unsustainable cycle.

In this episode, I'm here to change the game. Join me as I introduce you to the concept of maintenance. It's not about going to extremes; it's about learning to nourish yourself in a sustainable fashion day in and day out. I don’t know who needs to hear this but it's time to say goodbye to yo-yo dieting and learn how live a lifestyle where you can enjoy your meals and maintain a weight that keeps you feeling fantastic year-round.

Join me in this Fit Girl Magic podcast episode as I work to help shift the focus towards true health and hoping to help you discover joy in your fitness journey. It's time to break free from the dieting carousel and step onto a path of lasting well-being.

Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitgirlmagic

Free Resources: https://kimbarnesjefferson.lpages.co/freeresources_v1

Website:  http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com 

Belly Fat Code waitlist https://www.fitgirlmagic.com/bfc_march2023waitlist